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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. MKJoshA

    20150531 104728

    From the album: Other

  2. MKJoshA

    Battle Of Umbara

    From the album: Other

  3. All right everyone, just in case you needed more incentive, the prizes have been posted in the main post now! First place in Cat. A will win 75052 Mos Eisley Cantina First place in Cat. B will win 76032 The Avengers Quinjet City Chase
  4. Prize info has been added!
  5. At this point I would say just go for it. Even if it's not directly in the line of beacons already lit, it will still fit story-wise.
  6. Great beginning to a story and good build!
  7. Thank you all for your kind comments! I've had an ending in mind for the story, and some key pieces along the way. But a lot of the details are made up from build to build. The AoM challenge has certainly extended the story a lot. I had planned on building this particular build a year ago, but then I got into adding AoM builds into the story, as well as the Frozen Beyond addition, and now here we are! I do have some plans for the future of Wyndor, but nothing near as intensive as these last two chapters
  8. Oh the irony! But yes, it does have to be good vs. bad.
  9. Just so you all have a heads up, the background judging has begun for all the contest entries! Soon we will have the public voting up.
  10. Digital entries are allowed!
  11. A Moderator has to give you tags if you are eligible for them. I'm guessing that as soon as Bob sees this he'll give you the Sebulba one.
  12. Most definitely! I'm personally really hoping for a good K-wing entry or two. That was a brilliant ship design in the EU.
  13. Yes, as long as the emphasis is on teamwork, and not on a giant fig army collection, then it will be accepted.
  14. And Congratulations to Dragonfire! (sorry that I missed that!)
  15. As long as the emphasis of the build is on the Gaurdians and the bounty hunters working together then that's fine!
  16. Thank you for understanding! The reason for that restriction is so that this contest doesn't become a fig army display rather than a contest of skill.
  17. That's starting to abuse the rules. I think that would make a very cool MOC, but it would have to be for something besides this contest.
  18. Done! Welcome aboard! You've been added to the index. One thing you should note is that your SoNE player name needs to match your EB username. So you should update your signature to say "Lego Fett" instead of Hanus Kraal.
  19. The Player Index has been updated! Special congratulations to Kodan Black, Jannik, and Graham Gidman for rising in rank! I believe all the pictures have been updated that were requested. If you have other requests, please let me know!
  20. MKJoshA


    From the album: SoNE Profile Pics

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