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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. Fantastic work making this build-in-progress!
  2. I am in love with this build! I love Thrawn and your builds capture the books perfectly! I love that you have different art set-ups. Great work!
  3. Thank you all for your positive feedback! He was my favorite from the series, so I've been anxiously awaiting a good opportunity to use him. And I'll squeeze him in again somewhere later if I'm able!
  4. Thank you all for your positive feedback! I really didn't expect this to get that much attention Yes, thanks to the new Elves sets, I have a ton of new Dark Red pieces. Those sets are fantastic parts packs. Anybody want to buy 3 Faran mini-dolls from me?
  5. I'm glad the blue and tan is being so well received! Thanks for all your nice comments. That was very important to me as I made it! Thanks? The men in the horse are soldiers. You can read about them in this topic. Yes, no Monty Python action here
  6. The Desert King has riches for all who ask, just not for thieves I did not have the printed bricks that Bregir had, so my counter lacks that part. I tried to make up for it with my story and beastie (as you all have so appropriately called it) That's right! The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy, or something like that Thank you! I tried to match everything as closely as possible. Nothing against those who have chosen to counter otherwise, but I feel that the intent behind countering is to match the original build and then improve on it. I'm glad someone noticed the detail put into the figs!
  7. I'm glad you all like it! I was pleased myself with how it turned out. I've never tried a base like this before, but I was inspired by Adair's builds. Yes! I got the desired reaction with my dark red profile bricks!
  8. Curse you Ska for making such an incredible contest that fills my waking moments with building plans for the next WZ! How I find time to sleep is beyond me.
  9. My counter to Bregir.
  10. Oh no! My poor monkey! I was really hoping he wouldn't end up dead But I suppose that's what I get for sending him into battle
  11. Whoops, my mistake Can someone fix it please?
  12. Wow! This is gorgeous! It's like you combined the Arkham Asylum set with GoH and this is what happened. I love it!
  13. MY mistake! Can someone change that for me please?
  14. My entry, regardless of which square it ends up on:
  15. The Salamanders of Ulandus were putting up a bold defense. The men of Budd-apest thought of a creative way to sneak into the city to take down the invaders. On a patrol some of the guards found a strange object in a field. They pulled it back to the city gate to bring it inside the city as a war trophy...
  16. Guerrilla build against Ulandus on J11:
  17. Many people within the territory held by Ulandus enjoy a little entertainment every now and then. The Monkey Grinder was one such entertainer. He would turn his music box while his trained monkey danced around the courtyard. What the Ulandars didn't know was that the Monkey Grinder was a trained agent of the Desert King. While the people were distracted his monkey would steal coins from those most loyal to Ulandus. OoC: The 2nd to last picture with the monkey balanced on the pillar used no tricks. The monkey is actually balancing like that.
  18. CG against Bregir:
  19. This is the counter against Bregir's guerrilla build. When the dwarves started pulling treasure from the tomb, what they didn't realize was that the hieroglyphics lining the courtyard held a curse for robbers such as them. With a rush, the hieroglyphics started moving and moved inwards towards the tomb entrance. Then the darkness came. An incarnation of Apep emerged from tomb, consuming the robbers.
  20. When the Lonely Mountain erupted it left behind much carnage. Many building had been overtaken by the lava. The Mummy Captain found himself fighting in one such building. There were little battles taking place all over the city right now thanks to this hair-brained idea of Lord Abrim Kar'dani. The Captain had been walking through the archways of what had once been windows of a residence, but now acted as lonely sentinels of the former beauty that was now mostly hardened lava. A masked Ulandar leaped up to challenge him. A swift kick from the Captain and a fast slash of his sword and the fight was over faster than it took to begin.
  21. All through the forests of the Nestlands there are shrines and monuments dotting the landscape. The natives know how to navigate through the forest as if it were a talent they were born with. Visitors to the Nestlands though, found these monunments very helpful in finding their way through the bamboo forests. The Ulandus troops wandered the paths through the forest on regular patrols, watching for insurgents. The Desert King's men heard the call of the Nestlands clans and came to their defense. The Masketeers and the mummy guard learned the Ulandus patrol times and set up an ambush to take out the foreign invaders.
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