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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. Love the bowler! I think TLG should use that idea some day...
  2. I really like your Islander!
  3. It depends on which part of the forum you're on. I've seen a lot of adults who are post college here, but I've also seen a lot who are still students. Here and in the GoH forum I feel like we have a mix of about 50/50.
  4. Sorry, I didn't mean to rumble anything! I know you didn't intend to mix yellows and fleshies, but I still get that feeling when I look at the dwarf.
  5. Thanks legoloco! I'm glad you like my civilian figs! I'm glad you guys like the figs, especially the music box man! Yes, the axe is a little impractical, but after seeing Ecc's Minotaur's axe I didn't think it was too far fetched for GoH
  6. Thanks guys! Glad you like the speeder! Thank you as always for your feedback and input BEAVeR! I won't take time to respond to all of your comments but I will pick a couple to reply to. for the windows, I think you've mentioned the "use no clear pieces and leave it empty and open" idea before. I'm just not fond of that idea. However, I'll keep trying to improve on my windows and get them to a point where everyone likes them! As for the clutter in the shop, I wanted it to feel more like an empty warehouse than a cluttered shop. Anywhere there should be more clutter (such as where my character has been bunking out) can be excused as being outside the shot of the build Finally, as for the allegiance of my character, it has yet to be seen what will finally happen to him!
  7. It actually has been kinda quiet for an episode. I think it's due to a lot of players being students also and having class work right now plus the fact that we have had Thanksgiving and Christmas to worry about here in the States!
  8. I've added you to the roster floed! Also, I've updated everyone else's stats. I started counting everyone's xp from scratch and I found a few discrepancies. A couple people's XP actually went down (don't worry too much, it was only a few XP points for those who did suffer this malady and I was one of them!) If you all can look at your character's stats and let me know if something is wrong with it and let me know that'd be great!
  9. I'm loving your design!
  10. I won! So cool! Thanks CopMike!
  11. Great entry! I really like your Exile and Demon.
  12. As there is a lot of discussion regarding the effect Ep7 will have on Lego sets already going on here I took the liberty of merging your topic with this one.
  13. Amazing! I would have to say the best fleshie set out there so far! I love the Clan Cheiftain, Bannerman, Tomb King, and Nomad Raid. What you did with the Nomad using pieces with dark flesh tones to match his skin color is pure awesomeness! I do have a complaint about the Dwarf though. I think the yellow torso stands out to starkly. I know it's supposed to look like a shirt, but I can't help feeling like someone mixed fleshies and yellows by accident everytime I look at him. I'm also not a fan of the wizard beard used with the dwarf helmets. It leaves the sides of the neck too exposed But overall I would still say you have some of the best fig combos! It comes in that brown color for the Neimodian soldier in one of the Clone Wars sets.
  14. I merged your topic here as it has to do with 2015 sets. Even if it is rumor/wish list
  15. Thanks for sharing your love of all things Lego here on Eurobricks! I've moved your topic to the brickflicks section as it fits better here and you're more likely to get better feedback. Welcome!
  16. I'm loving your Sightless! Great idea there!
  17. It's cool to see you reaching into other themes this year!
  18. I've been looking forward to these!
  19. I share some of your frustration. I live in Chicago and have joined ChiLUG, but there are not very many members and I can tell that it is way more limited than some of the LUGs. If you want the info on the ChiLUG PM me and I'll send you the leader's email address.
  20. There are some great combos here! I really like your Herbalist, Sanguinist and Magister.
  21. MKJoshA


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