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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. What head is that you are using for Frodo?
  2. Thank you all for your input and ideas about how to make this work! If it is true that this wouldn't count without Bilbo, then I hope adding Bilbo in bed, dreaming this scene, will be acceptable. I'll wait and see what Ecc says. I sure hope so! Thanks! Thanks for your feedback. Any suggestions as to how to make the icicles look less patterned?
  3. I love this adaptation of Tolkien's work! Your minifig posing is perfect and that club the goblin has is ingenious!
  4. I asked about that and I was told that it just has to be something that Bilbo would write about. So, according to that concept, this fits.
  5. I moved this from the SW forum to the Brick Flick one since it better fits here. I really like your Star Wars video. It's a great start at stop motion. Keep it up!
  6. I just posted my entry. Would someone mind looking at it and seeing if the overhang is ok?
  7. MEC Category C: The Ring Goes South
  8. This is my entry for the Middle Earth Contest, Category C. The Ring Goes South Bilbo had been taking his mid-morning nap when he woke with a start from a dream he had been having. It involved the nine members of the fellowship that had set out from Rivendell some weeks ago. His nephew being among the travelers and the nature of their quest, he was naturally concerned for them. His dream had been so vivid that he had to write it down. After he had written about Frodo and the other travelers fighting their way through the heavy snows of Caradhras, he lay back down for his early afternoon nap. OoC: Since there is no gray version of Bilbo's hair, I've used the original hair colored piece. Take it as elves practicing dying techniques on Bilbo's hair. I added Bilbo to get this build within the criteria necessary to enter it in category C. I first entered it with the understanding that it was allowed to build anything from Lord of the Rings. I'm not trying to squeeze it through just to see how far I can push the rules. I really just don't want this dis-qualified simply because I misunderstood what was said. I'm not trying to win anything, I just want this build to be enjoyed.
  9. We don't claim land here in the north, but we do like to have our major cities recognized.
  10. Wow. Wow. Wow. I'm going to comment on both builds here. Your story is great. You must have real experience with battlezones, or have read a lot of books, or have played a lot of video games, or some combination of all 3 I love your Bothawui buildings. You've captured the feel very well. And that gunship... Amazing! Great work!
  11. Sorry for the delay in judging. We are still recovering from Ep6. I love your story. Great end to this chapter in your characters history.
  12. Sorry for the delay in scoring, but we are still recovering from Ep6. I like your build and the way you introduce so many characters so smoothly. My only critique would be that there are too many officers who haven't shaved. I guess their admiral is setting the bad example
  13. I'm sorry for the delay in judging. The scores are coming. If this were based on word content along I'd rank you the highest possible. The build is simple, but the dialogue is extremely well thought out and well put, great job!
  14. I know about a dozen people have offered to work on the map in the past couple months. We just haven't gotten past that point. If Ecc is open to it, I think starting a new topic and having people show their handiwork at modifying the map so a new map-maker can be chosen would be a good idea.
  15. I am glad to have known you and traded Lego heads with you. You will be missed. Best of luck to you and may you go in grace.
  16. I love your minifigs! You always come up with great combos. The build is icing on the cake!
  17. You have great details all through the build. I really like the white and tan walls. Great texture you've acheived there! The most amazing part to me is that this feels like a much bigger build, but you've managed it with 16x16! Great work!
  18. Thank you for the further clarification
  19. Title changed. I like this as a first attempt. I've found the best way to try a new technique is just to jump in and get your feet wet. Something kabel has said (though maybe not in the tutorial) that I've found helping in my attempts at snot rocks is to trying vary each layer by only 1 or 2 plates at a time. I see that you vary by a full brick length for each layer. Something to try for next time And great job with your base!
  20. Without the figs I think this build is instantly recognizable!
  21. I'm glad you've finally posted this on EB! You've done a great job coming up with a Lego look for the cloning chamber. Great job!
  22. You have re-created the feel of the Redemption perfectly! I love how many members you've included and as icing on the cake, you've given us a spoiler for your next set of builds!
  23. Great way to display your clone collection But seriously, this is a great diorama.
  24. I need a bucket for my drool because it's getting all over my work desk.. Seriously, someone bring me a bucket. I am a HUGE fan of the EU and the Thrawn trilogy especially. You have done an amazing, incredible, awesome job with this scene! Words cannot describe how much I love this build.
  25. I haven't seen the show yet, but this MOC looks fantastic! I love the scale you've chosen. You got the angles just right!
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