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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. Amazing details! I'm going to have to steal some techniques I think.
  2. I'm sure everything good has already been said about this, but I just have to add that this is fantastic.
  3. The rules below are the reason we've decided to disqualify this entry: I'm glad you're a part of SoNE and I hope to see more builds from you in the future! This disqualification was not personal and you were not the only person disqualified. Keep up the good building and I'll hope to see some freebuilds in the coming weeks!
  4. The contest is over. Good job to all the participants! Stats on the contest, points, and the winners will be posted sometime in (hopefully) the near future. One stat I know right now is that the Empire was the only team to re-take a planet with their troops. Good job! There were 2 entries that were disqualified. I'm sorry we had to do that, but it was because of the rules of the contest and not because of an member's comments. Thank you all for having fun with this contest. As this was my first one I was pretty happy to see so many people participating and having fun.
  5. We have decided that 1) since this entry was posted before you had the points enough to legally due so we are going to have to disqualify it and 2) unfortunately we weren't able to get enough judges together to judge your freebuilds anyway. I'm really glad you still entered this though, it's a good build!
  6. Due to the fact that this build has drastically changed from when it was first entered to now as well as it not really falling within the Rebel factions goals we have decided to disqualify this entry. I'm sorry Dapper-D2. I appreciate all the work you've made in changing this build, but for this contest we are going to have to say "no go."
  7. The planet stats have been updated. Bothawui and Ord Mantell changed hands giving 5 more xp to each side.There's still time to take them back folks! Also, there are 2 entries that are being deliberated over. They have not been added to the stats yet. I've also updated the official tag: This sweet beauty will be given to the winning side. You all have a few more hours. Keep up the good work!
  8. Simple build, but absolutely stunning minifig posing!
  9. I like all the angles your junk has!
  10. A more fearsome swamp than we've seen for most of the Felucia builds. I like it. And great torso for your fig!
  11. Wow. What generous troopers the Empire has acquired!
  12. I'm glad someone built farms for Bothawui. However, I feel like your base could use some improvement. It's plain and has a lot of gaps.
  13. We will be checking all of that after today to make sure that each person only submitted the allowed amount of entries. I've been keeping a very detailed Excel report!
  14. Wow, I feel honored to play such a large part in your build It doesn't quite fit in with my own story's timeline, but that's ok. I'm sure there are plenty of explanations that would take care of that problem I really like your different ships. You show great potential!
  15. Aland, how many points do you currently have?
  16. I can't argue against the facts! You have me convinced!
  17. Sorry I missed this one earlier! I really like your speeder! Though, I'm curious. Is the reason you don't attack the landscapes together a lack of pieces or an artistic choice?
  18. It looks great now! Will you be adding a story?
  19. Disco, I hope you'll give those of us running the contest a little time to try to come to some resolution about the issues you've addressed before leaving SoNE. Competition can get the best of some of us sometimes. I can guarantee that we will try to resolving everything in a fair manner.
  20. It's really cool that you teamed up with Goatman to do this contest. That by itself adds a whole new level of detail to all your builds. I love the story here. It's a good end/continuation of your story so far. Do you have intentions of showing your sigfig actually finding Boba at some point in the future? Your build is also stunning. I'm going to have to spend more time looking at all the details later because they are amazing just at a surface look. And the contrast between color and grey-scale is amazing!
  21. I love that table and the pile of credits! However, this club seems like it would be better suited on a wealthier planet than Ord Mantell.
  22. Yes, this will not count towards the Rebels score until there is an actual build here.
  23. Wow! Very cool take on this planet!
  24. Which one of your freebuilds is not judged yet? If you can include a link that'd be helpful. If you only have 1 other freebuild left after that and you want to post 2 freebuilds, you can. But the 5th one won't count towards XP for you.
  25. Yes, you have until the next episode to get your freebuilds in.
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