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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. You've made random parts look really good as a Tatoine hut. Definitely my favorite part. Just incredible!
  2. Yeah, MstrOfPppts is right. I'm really going to miss all the extra minifigs you have in the scene. They really make the story work. Good luck in modifying it!
  3. I really like the hut you built. And as always, your placement really makes the scene look good. I think the front of the freighter looks a little too blunt. I know it's supposed to be boxy, but it just doesn't feel quite right to me. Also, I think you need to add a list of extra parts. I know those plant pieces and bucket weren't part of the allowed sets :)
  4. I think that's a really good goal with this contest and it's one I may need to follow more closely myself. I may have to readjust the way I build to match OT cannon, but I think you are on the right track.
  5. I think the EU, Clone Wars cartoon, the future Episodes 7, 8, and 9, and the future Rebels cartoons have taught us that there is a lot to the Star Wars universe that has never been shown before and there is a lot of variety that has yet to be shown. That being said, I think this speeder could definitely fit within the SW universe.
  6. I agree! Great build! @Fjotten, that baseplate is from the Old West sets.
  7. Nice build. You're tree is simple but works really well. I like the 1x1 round plates you use around the tree and for the path, but it makes the rest of the ground look bare. I would suggest adding something else to the ground to make it less sparse. Also, in your 2nd picture you have some SNOT rock work with a couple bare 2x3 spots towards the lower left corner. I think it'd look better to cover that spot up.
  8. That's a really good point about the top edge of the wall. If I get a chance before this is judged I'll post an additional picture with tiles added. Unless everyone can just imagine it... ok maybe not. I'm pretty busy these days so we'll see if I get it done in time. As for the staircase. I've modified it from what it used to look like to accommodate minfigures. They can actually fit on any step now. I really like it and am proud of the design since I haven't seen it used elsewhere. It's staying, so there!
  9. I really like the way you designed the vehicles. Definitely different from anything else created so far. Score one more for the Rebel Alliance! I thought 1 extra minifigure counted as 1 extra part?
  10. I really like the way you built the swamp/sewer. Elevating baseplates over the plants was a great idea. Great story too. I really like the reversal of the Ep.1 Toydarian encounter.
  11. That'd be me :) Still trying to decide what I'm going to build for it.
  12. I've posted the final entry. Thank you everyone for all your comments. Let me know what you think of the finished product.
  13. I remember reading that if my character doesn't fit in with the team I've been given then I can create a different character for this challenge. Does it have to be a character from Nocturnus or can it be someone from a different guild who happens to be fighting (in this case) for Black Spire?
  14. Welcome Gendo! We can always use more former bounty hunters!
  15. I really like your forced perspective Sandcrawler and the way you used the Sarlacc cockpits as sanddunes. Did you use LDD for this?
  16. I saw this on flickr a couple days ago and had no idea it was for this contest! Incredible job turning a random pile of bricks into this cool ship! I really like the way you put the base together. Those TIE parts make a perfect stand.
  17. I like that your minifig is working under the speeder. You also have a good description of the speeder. However, I think the build is small overall. I think it would benefit from more wreckage or something else added to it to make it really stand out.
  18. I've got my Ep. II entry up! http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=88008&hl=
  19. Thank you! Hopefully the praise isn't coming because I'm only the 2nd person to post an entry ;) I'm anxious to see the competition from the Imperial side! I agree. I've experimented with brick-built creatures in the past and have never been fully satisfied by them. However, when I was playing with these pieces the crab just seemed to fall into place. I couldn't pass up using something that practically built itself! Sorry to hear you won't be able to build this time around! Thanks for the props though! Thank you! Thank you, that means a lot coming from one of the best builders on our team :) Thanks! That's the look I was going for, glad it worked! I counted the pieces I used for a baseplate as some of the 20 because they aren't specifically a Lego "baseplate." I have plenty of my 20 extra pieces to spare so I don't mind using them for a "baseplate."
  20. Ok, in case you can't tell by the picture Hao's is undergoing some construction. Tell me what you think about the walls and whether it gets rid of the "too much black" problem.
  21. I don't know what the Rebel leaders were thinking this time, I thought as I worked on the sensor dish. I had stumbled across it after a sandstorm separated me from the rest of the strike force designated to take out Black Sun. It fact, the sandstorm and separated a lot of things. Like the crashed ship near by or the casing and power core to this sensor dish. I don't know who this belongs to, but I doubt they'd mind me making it work again.My idea was to piggyback a distress call out with a standard transmission with my new codes the Rebel Alliance gave me after they promoted me from "Trooper" to "Support Services." One thing that didn't make sense was all the Stormtrooper armor. Sandstorms didn't normally cause bite marks on armor, right? I had just finished patching the power core when I heard a chittering noise behind me. I turned around fast holding the make-shift club I had pieced together after I found out the sand had clogged my blaster. Looking right at me and looking hungry was a giant sand crab. That explains the bite marks, I decided. Now I had two problems. How to convince this crab I wasn't dessert and how to get off this rock before the Imperials or Black Sun found me. OoC: The only extra parts I used were the gray wing pieces and the Storm Trooper armor. I used 4 wing pieces to create the base plate. Four more pieces for the Stormtrooper armor. Everything else is from the parts list.
  22. I'm in the same boat. Since there is no postal delivery here on Sundays I know I have to wait at least 2 more days. As Indigo once said, "I hate waiting."
  23. Ooooo. Sounds like a really good idea. I hope it get's approved and I hope to see some fantastic results!
  24. I'm a purist so 3rd party products don't help me. I'm glad they exist and that other enjoy their products but they just aren't for me. Also, grey does represent older people well, but I don't think that's a good enough excuse for Lego to only have created 3 normal people hairstyles in white.
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