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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. I third the request for a picture in regular lighting. We just want to enjoy this build in even more ways!
  2. I think this is incredible. You have put so much thought into this. Great job!
  3. Oh. Wow. I wish I had that many white plates. White is definitely not my strong point when it comes to Lego variety.
  4. Thank you, even if your praise is given begrudgingly. The cheese slopes just kept coming and coming it's true. It seemed like there just weren't enough until the product was finished . I'm glad you like the engine block, that's my favorite part too. Wow, sounds like an engineering nightmare with Lego pieces. I have no plans to execute that idea, but I'm curious if anyone has any suggestions about how to make it possible with existing Lego pieces?
  5. Here it is, let me know what you think! "Rough Edges"
  6. OoC: See the rest of the story: First They Came For the Qwohogs A Brother's Work Is Never Done A Night At Hao's The Breakout Commandeered Escape A Rebel Leaving Corellia "In The Shadows To The Left" Imperial Troops Have Entered the Base! Sand Crab Attack! "Rough Edges" There's No Place Like Hoth For the Holidays On Tatooine After I drove off the giant sand crab and got a distress signal out it was still hours before I was rescued. A moisture farmer came by in a landspeeder right before sunset. "My name's Zak Darklighter," the driver said. "We've been picking up survivors all, seems like there are more than normal this sandstorm. Lots of Imperials too. Can't say I like 'em much, the Imps that is, but they pay well for search and rescue. Seeing as my nephew was part of the Rebels awhile back before he died in a skirmish with the Empire you'd think I wouldn't like 'em at all, but we all gotta make a living somehow right? Say, what's your name by the way?" Seeing as this guy liked to talk more than was good for him I figured I shouldn't give out too much info. "I'm Dath." I decided on. "What brings you out this way Dath?" Zak asked. "I was hired to deliver some parts to Mos Eisley. It's only my second time making the trip and the sandstorm caught me by surprise." I lied. "Delivery job huh? That reminds me of..." Zak didn't stop his story until we got to Mos Eisley. He dropped me off at the spaceport and continued on his way through town, still laughing at his own reminiscing. I ducked into a dark corner and checked my communicator. I had a missed message from Yeoman: "Meeting me at docking bay 96." When I got there I was surprised to see Yeoman standing next to a ship. "You'll have to tell me your side of the story later Yeoman, right now I think we should get off this rock. A farmer I met said there are a lot of Imperials in town right now." "No need to worry my friend. I've already been in contact with HQ and procured this vessel from some Mandalorians I met." Yeoman replied. "Mandalorians? Are you sure the ship is safe? There aren't any secret compartments of explosives forgotten to tell us about?" I asked. "I checked the ship over thoroughly before accepting the deal, there is no need to worry." Yeoman reassured me. With my doubts only partially relieved we took off in our new ship (well, technically it's Yeoman's since he bought it) the Rough Edges. OoC: Comments and feedback welcome!
  7. Love your sig-fig! Nice use of the old torso coupled with the newer helmet. Also, Quin-Gon's head fits quiet well here.
  8. Thanks! I'm glad you like the story, it's been fun to work on. The pipes are not all that original. They've been recommend to me by MstrOfPppts over and over again. I was finally able to loot a few from my family's old collection this past Christmas. As for the difference in the two sides, it's supposed to be two different types of rooms (one a hallway and one a control room) that's why the floors are different. I guess a picture of the door might help to distinguish the two. @MstrOfPppts: Yes, I suppose some clutter could add to the build, but my intention was for the snow and the pipes to be the "clutter" in the scene. Here is a picture of the door. Don't know how I forgot to include it originally
  9. Just posted my Ep3 entry: There's No Place Like Hoth for the Holidays
  10. OoC: See the rest of the story: First They Came For the Qwohogs A Brother's Work Is Never Done A Night At Hao's The Breakout Commandeered Escape A Rebel Leaving Corellia "In The Shadows To The Left" Imperial Troops Have Entered the Base! Sand Crab Attack! What the Alliance was thinking when they decided they needed data retrieved on a Galactic holiday was beyond me. But it explained what Yeoman and myself were doing on Hoth stripping data cores from one of the secondary control rooms. Some of the Alliance leaders had been monitoring Hoth after they fled and noticed that there were still some power signatures from this secondary control center. They figured the Empire must have missed it when they first invaded. They didn't want the Empire to ever get a chance to fix that mistake so they sent us to retrieve anything useful we could find. We had just finished loading wrapped packages of data into the "sleigh" (Yeoman's name for the hover-sled) when we heard the unmistakable noise of an R2 unit. Since we thought we were the only living sentients on Hoth we both jumped at the sound. We rushed for the other exit and tried to close the blast doors behind us. They froze an inch from being completely closed but by then the other door had opened. A stormtrooper and an R2 unit moved into the room and started working on the main terminal. The stormtrooper was muttering something under his helmet. He was probably just as upset as I was about being here on a holiday. Since we had just stripped that terminal of its the data the R2 unit chirped negatively at the stormtrooper. He kicked it in return and took off his helmet. I couldn't believe it. It was my brother Nathan! Who would have imagined that we'd both end up on Hoth for the holidays? Part of me wanted open the blast doors, re-unite with my brother, and roasy marshmallows over the thermal heating unit. But I knew that we were on different sides of a war now and that wasn't possible anymore. I didn't know if Nathan had back-up so I motioned to Yeoman that we should start heading down the tunnel and back to our ship.
  11. I can't believe this is a LDD build. Great rendering!
  12. I love the stalagmites, computers, and the floodlights. Great details. It almost feels too cluttered though. I'm all for using exposed studs, but there are just sooo many that it might be detracting from the overall build. Maybe add some white tiles as snow drifts?
  13. So much I love about this build! I love the vast amount of Star Wars creatures/peoples you've included. I would've maybe switched some of the torsos up so the minifig didn't first jump out as: "Plo Koon! Oh wait, he died, must just be one of his species." I love "Sebulba" with the Twi'lek. I love the shadowy booths, though I would like a close up of Flaren. Lastly, your SNOT work is spectacular. I still cannot figure out how you did the front end of the bar. What's the secret?
  14. *Tear You're song almost makes me want to join the Empire. Amazing work.
  15. Good job on the front angles. Looks perfect on this mod'ed sandcrawler.
  16. Kind feels like Twilight from the Clone Wars cartoons. I'll be submitting my own Mandalorian ship soon. Just finished it today but I still have to take pictures. I guess there's something in the water causing multiple people to build similar things! For you pictures I would suggest a little less direct light. It would improve the photos greatly.
  17. I've been think this same thought for the past couple of weeks. Thank you for posting about it. If there is anything the admins can do about it it would be greatly appreciated.
  18. I love how you are tying all your builds together with your on-going story. It really keeps people (like me!) coming back for more. And as always, your integration of old parts and new is flawless. I wish my Forestmen torsos were in as good a condition as yours are. After 10 years in a box full of Legos they have quiet a bit of wear and tear.
  19. I really like the yellow arms. Fits really well in your build and in Mitgardia. Great start!
  20. Thank you. That will be most appreciated.
  21. I was going to say I Gandolf's hair was my favorite NPU, but then I saw the pitchfork and the PoTC head and had to add them to the list. Amazing usage of sooo many different parts!
  22. This is one of my favorite builds to date! You have a knack for combining old lego pieces with newer building styles. It's incredible! I wouldn't change a thing, everything is perfect!
  23. I almost expected to see Bowser at the end of the build. Great job.
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