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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. That bird is very unique. Is it based on a SW species or is it an original idea?
  2. Love that yellow holopad for the Chiss. Such a simple part usage, but so effective! We also had the same idea for using Benny's legs on the blue uniform
  3. Gotta say, this made me smile. Though it's the bare minimum to meet the LTC requirements
  4. I know you asked about Bib's headtails for female Twi'leks. I still think they could work, but maybe not for a high society Twi'lek. Maybe more of a rough and tumble, freedom fighter Twi'lek? I love your use of Cyborg arms on the Jedi Warrior though.
  5. These are all really good. But I especially love your use of Wyldstyle parts for Cadin. The First Order torso also works really well for the Chiss Officer.
  6. Either that TIC Intelligence Officer is really tall, or that Death Trooper is too short! I really like that gun you made for the Crimsec trooper. I love that you made a Pyerce Stormtrooper. And that pearl blue 1x1 round works so well as Mon Cala Flan, totally stealing that!
  7. A little simplistic compared to your other figs. But they fit the Imperial aesthetic really well. Love the Super Commando!
  8. Nice printed arms on the Commando!
  9. I especially like the Miner and Mechanic. Not sold on the Hobbit torso for the middle one. Maybe if he had a cape and sword.
  10. Nice entry! It's a small thing, but I would love to see how the his from the Dark Green pilot uniform would look instead of the Boba hips on those legs. And did you erase the claws off Bossok's legs for the first Black Sun guy? That works really well.
  11. Love these! The backwards helmet on the FF guy works really well. And nice trick getting his staff the right length.
  12. I really like them! Nice use of Scratchy's arms on the NRSC girl. And great photoshopping work with the Faction logos above each fig!
  13. Wow. These are absolutely amazing! I love the psychedelic circle on the Mon Cala and use of sonic screwdriver for his staff. Your Mando makes fantastic use of Cole's parts. And your CorSec engineer is pure perfection. Also, I'm totally stealing your NRSC droid design. That's really good.
  14. Your collection of Mining Imperials is so good! A perfect backstory to fit them and outfits that really work. My favorites though are your Imperial Heavy Trooper and the CorSec Intel Officer. They are both top notch!
  15. All your figs are good. But I especially like how you made the Pentastar troops. Seems to really fit their aesthetic.
  16. Some really nice figs here! I like how you've taken classic Imperial parts to make your Imps.
  17. Wow. So many great figures! I love the EU references in your CorSec people. The C-3PO legs work surprisingly well for the Mando guard. And your female Imperials all look amazing. Great work!
  18. Nice combos! I like the use of the purple egg as a relic. Not sold on the sand-green jetpack for the Mando'ade though. Seems like a grey version would fit better.
  19. Love your take on the CorSec trooper!
  20. I don't know why, but I love that random plant! And it looks like that Technician has been working hard to earn a medal.
  21. That is a really good looking Selkath! I also like your droid and droid mechanic.
  22. These look really good! I like that CorSec riot shield.
  23. *Your entry has earned 10 XP* Tensions were high between a Pentastar Alignment officer and a Mando'ade follower. A CorSec officer, accompanied by 4 heavy troopers approach them to try to de-escalate the situation.
  24. *Your entry has earned 12 XP* All kinds of people find themselves on Corellia for all manor of reasons. Sometimes those beings rub each other the wrong way. Two off-duty CorSec ladies find themselves in the middle of a high tension situation. A sandtrooper from the Pentastar Alignment, two Black Sun members, two Mando'ade members, and an elite Imperial Consortium trooper all apparently gave each other wrong looks. Now it was up to CorSec to diffuse the situation.
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