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Eurobricks Fellows
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Everything posted by Aredhel

  1. Apo and I will come, too!!! ;)
  2. WOW!!! THAT is amazing! Did not know about this thing in Frechen! (it is just around the corner where I come from!)
  3. Did you have the Christmas style until now?? Why?? :huh:
  4. (and, btw. Welcome to EB!!)
  5. Welcome to EB!!!
  6. Happy happy birthday to you!! Hope you enjoy your day! Just relax, it's YOUR day!!! :biggrin:
  7. And what about the penguin cave?? I think this would be great. :biggrin:
  8. Welcome, enjoy your time here! :smile:
  9. Welcome to EB! (This time I cannot say "Hope you enjoy your time here" because you already KNOW that you do!!! :biggrin: )
  10. In general I do not like Spongebob. The movie and the serial is not the kind of things I like, but the set looks cute!!
  11. Happy birthday Darkie!!! Enjoy your day! Hope you get lots of Lego!!! And Happy Birthday to Eric75011 too!
  12. Welcome to EB! Enjoy your time!!!
  13. I got 4415 - Auto Pod from Apo today!!! *wub*
  14. That's really cool: I did not see this before! Nice find!!
  15. Hehe!!! You're the devil himself *twisted* *twisted*
  16. Welcome!
  17. It IS worth for that price, but for the original price I think I would not have bought it. There are a lot of big formparts (do not know if it is called so...) just look at the part overviews: Knights' Attack Barge Dark Fortress Landing Hope this helps...
  18. Yes, Apo and I got it there!
  19. Wow, that is reeaaally amazing. Really nice work. :oo
  20. The last time I bought: 4762- Harry Potter-Rescue of the Merpeople Then, like Apo did, too: 8801- Knights' Attack Barge 8802- Dark Fortress Landing Apo bought the Dino-Pod for me: 4418 I think that was all. ;)
  21. Welcome to EB! You will have a great time here!
  22. There is really something true in it... :-D But I think it is boring!!!
  23. Apo found it for 20
  24. Apo found it for 20
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