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Eurobricks Fellows
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Everything posted by Aredhel

  1. How cute!!! *wub* Very nice!!!
  2. WOW!!!! THAT is really great work. Especially Darth Maul looks very "real"
  3. i voted for "some" because I cannot really specify my favorite Star Wars movie. I think the original trilogy was the best. When I think about the new movies, Ep3 ist my favorite! *gg*
  4. Cool, they are very nice!!!
  5. I voted for Charlie! Just loved this crazy movie!!! Star Wars and Batman were great too!!! And of course Harry Potter!!!
  6. Aredhel

    VOC Ship...

    Very nice ship! Very much little details like the net or the dragon.
  7. I think we (Apo and I) will see it again, but then in die original version. We have some cinemas which show the original versions of the movies and we have the luck that Harry Potter is one of those few movies (AND it is without subtitles... :D ) (BTW: This is my 100th post!! ;) :-D )
  8. Great review. The helicopter is very cute.
  9. Hello everybody!!! Today I got an email from a friend of mine. Just try and laugh! :-D Here are the instructions: 1. Go to google.de 2. enter "failure" 3. click on the button "Auf Gut Gl
  10. Welcome! You will enjoy your time here at EB!
  11. I voted for the second one. It IS great...It's just amazing! I love it! :-D
  12. Some nice jokes, indeed! I agree with vader316, you do not have a career as comedian! *bad luck* :'(
  13. Happy birthday!!
  14. The things Apo said about the movie are completely right. As he said, we saw it together and it was great! We discussed about the movie at our way home. THAT was very interesting because I know the book and he does not, but the things we liked and disliked where similar! Really great movie!!! *y*
  15. Happy birthday! Enjoy the day!
  16. I saw it on thursday! I think it is again a really great movie, but for people who know the novel there is always something missing. Of couse there should not be told anything the novel, this would be boring and too long (and INCREDIBLE), but a few things were a little short. In my opinion the graveyard scene was not as dark as in the book. While reading the book I got scared in this scene, but in the movie there was missing something of these scaring things.
  17. Graveyard!!! Wanna have it!!!
  18. very great! I like your work!
  19. Yes, I know! It is even 1 year older than me :$
  20. 1. Juli- Es ist Juli 2. OST- LotR (all three parts) 3. Valentine- Ocean full of tears ( a young 17-year-old girl with a fantastic voice)
  21. Wow, that's amazing! Great job! :-D
  22. my avatar (see left!) --> Potterfied too!
  23. A few weeks ago I had to divide my childhood Lego with my brother. :( Apo and I reconstruct old sets from all the bricks and this the best one!!! *wub* (Though Apo fell in love with a tiny tractor {pics will follow}) It was released in 1983 and the knights have got stickers on the torso. Here is my gallery! Enjoy! :-D
  24. wow, that's just awsome! (and really really ... BIG!!!...) Great work *y*
  25. I love Harry Potter. I am expecting next thursday (cinema ;)) and I hope for Harry Potter Lego for Christmas :-D, especially the graveyard! I think Apo did a great work again!
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