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Eurobricks Fellows
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Everything posted by Aredhel

  1. Wow, that's just amazing!!!
  2. I chose my education for myself. I had the same education in school like Apo. (hmm...not really the same... yes, I was at a gymnasium, too, but 1st it was only for girls and 2nd the stuff we have to learn here in the gymnasium is very different. You just realize how different it is when you start to study and get to know other students who had other education specification. Now I study pharmacie and the school stuff I learned is soo few you need for the education at university....
  3. Hello my darling, now this is MY birthday wish for you!!! I hope you have lots of fun with the Lego you just got from me an hour ago :$ *wub* *wub* I hope we will share lots of birthdays together and have a nice day tomorrow (today)...!!! I love you!!! *wub* *wub* Aredhel *wub* *wub*
  4. Thanks for all those great Birthday wishes!!!
  5. I think Mario and Luigi would be great! There are soo many landscapes and so on which would be very intersting to see in a set!!! Zelda would really be great!!! Nice idea, yoda!!! Aredhel
  6. While seing those pics I REALLY am happy that there is no need to fly for me the next time... ;) EDIT: Oooops, that was me, Apo... :$
  7. I want to try to get lots of Harry Potter sets. Just got some for Christmas and I just hope that I have some money left to get some HP sets.... EDIT: Forgot the batmobile...just saw the pics and thought this could be something for me ;)
  8. I store the pieces in different ways. Harry Potter parts are separated from the others. The rest is stored in different size and colour!
  9. Happy new year!!!
  10. Aredhel

    Happy New Year

    Apo and I wish a happy new year, too!!! Enjoy your celebrations!!! *wacko*
  11. Welcome!!!
  12. Hi, I want to present you my newest creation. Out of SW, racers and X-Pods parts I tried to build something for the "space-forum". Like my first space MOC it grows to an animal. (the first one was the bug) This one is a bat drone! Gallery when moderated!!! Enjoy! Aredhel
  13. Schumi sucks ;) KimT Yeah, Schumi sucks...thats right (It's just enough that he has the same name like me!) To the age: I am 21, but 22 in a week!!! :-D
  14. I agree with you!!! I loved the scene on the frozen lake, where Kong and Ann were sliding. That was kind of very romantic "the big monster and the girl" *wub* I think it was faszinating how Jackson shows us this big monster with his cute site and love for the woman! About the special effects there is only ONE thing to say: BIG, BIGGER, JACKSON!!!!! Really great movie!!!
  15. Happy Birthday!!!
  16. Nice. This looks REALLY CLASSIC!!! *y*
  17. Do you mean the board/tile game Carcassonne? Yes, I mean that one! You know it?
  18. Welcome to EB! Have a nice time here and... MERRY X-MAS!!!
  19. I got: Harry Potter set: the Knight Bus (4755) Secret window DVD Charlie and the chocolate factory DVD (in some papers I read that this would be available at 2nd Jan 2006, but Apo got it before somewhere *wub* *wub* Carcassonne (first extension) some things for decoration a coupon for the "Carolus Thermen" --> Wellness bath with sauna and so on and money!!! I think these was all... (but I will get one thing from Apo later on) *expecting* :$ EDIT: forgot something: Hitch the Date Doctor DVD and a set with 4 little bowls to serve small things like sauces, snacks or fingerfood
  20. Thanks... Did not think about that :$
  21. These figs are great!!! Very cute!
  22. Happy birthday!!! (and... Merry X-Mas)
  23. I saw it last wednesday!!! I liked Narnja, but I do not think that it is better than Harry Potter 4. Narnja is, in my opinion, very cute and nice story for kids and adults. It has got a lot of very nice effects and the "animals" are made better than I had expected (in the trailer it seems as if there would be too many "animal"-conversations). Some things while the battle on the field remebered a lot to the battle scenes of the "Lord of the Rings"! In the end, it was nice to see, but not better than Harry Potter. Harry Potter is just great to see and to read. *voldemort*
  24. I always eat at my PC (as at the moment). Especially when I am alone at my flat. Another reason is that I do not own a table for the kitchen until now :$ but this will change soon I hope. What my favourite food is, is very difficult to say. I eat a lot of things which can be announced as my favourites!!!
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