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Everything posted by Rick

  1. Two really nice MOCs. The black truck looks pretty menacing. Downside to black is that it doesn't really come across well on photos. I just don't like it when the underside of bricks or plates is on the outside of a MOC. The 'F-B' looks pretty nice as well. I like how you've incorporated those two 'rounded' slopes on the front. The only thing I don't really like about this is the solution you used for the pistons, it looks - and probably is - a little flimsy. But other than that: you've created two really good-looking pieces of machinery.
  2. You're such an optimist Well, they have ostriches and camels to ride, it's not like you had to expect a car.
  3. Probably because it takes away from the look of the MOC.
  4. Rick

    City 2010

    DIY taxi The spider man line actually had some nice vehicles (with more normal sized wheels).
  5. There were probably banned by Brickshelf, look here for the post of the original uploader and all the preliminary/confidential catalog images.
  6. Rick

    City 2010

    The two 1 x 2 panels are clearly meant to make it look like a taxi. I guess a sticker will be added in the official set.
  7. Rick

    City 2010

    Doesn't the fact that all trucks in the artwork are )going to be) released - the transport truck (albeit with a flat nose), the octan tanker, and the lego truck (albeit with a long nose) - reduce the chances of there being a truck stop as an exclusive? But I get where you're coming from: it would fit the line of sets known so far, but so would a monorail (if that would be released you'd almost be able to build the 'option 2' artwork). But maybe a third 'train' is unlikely at almost the same time the two trains for 2010 are released. I wouldn't mind getting something like a town square either. I'm sure TLG will make something nice of it regardless of what the theme will be.
  8. There doesn't appear to be a female fig in the big castle set (just a king and some soldiers/knights), but 7947 is called 'rescue from the prison tower' (freely translated from Dutch) and there's a minifig depicted in the prison that just has to be a princess.
  9. Rick

    City 2010

    I hope this will be the final version of the Farm impulse. Looks pretty good with that little roof.
  10. Thanks for the pictures! I hope you don't mind that I've already posted some images from Brickshelf in various topics. Looks like TLG is releasing a new minifig-based racing theme
  11. It was a fellow LowLUG member who got hold of them, I'm merely the messenger (who is not to be shot ). The space police invading is probably the result of really thin paper.
  12. 7573 actually looks best of all, if you ask me (warning: preliminary pics, source: Gerjan Lennips @ LowLUG.nl)
  13. Preliminary images of half of the sets (source: Gerjan Lennips @ LowLUG.nl) ... and some more
  14. Rick

    City 2010

    I think we can indeed be quite certain about that now that we have the (albeit) preliminary high-res images of the 2010 Trains sets. Let the speculation about the TRU Exclusive continue. In the meanwhile: A yellow Lego truck with trailer! part of the June releases (source: Gerjan Lennips @ LowLUG.nl)
  15. Indeed: Good luck to all who haven't won yet for the last three spots and merry Christmas!
  16. Thanks for removing the picture, I'm sure the moderators here will appreciate it. For those interested: a higher-res version of that catalog page can be found here: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/gerjan/Oberhausen/010.jpg
  17. Those pics aren't allowed here on EB because they have the 'confidential' stamp. Please remove them and only provide a link. BTW: 'bron' is source in English. edit: Having said that: I doubt any of these trains are going to get me into trains. I was expecting a more 'city train'/tram design for the passenger train. The vehicle included with the level crossing is pretty disappointing. The station is fine for a tram station, but it's lacking for a true train station. The cargo train seems to be the most interesting set with a nice engine, plenty of cargo and a nice big red truck.
  18. Now all non-Dutch speakers: try putting that in an online translator.
  19. 'Just a windmill' is indeed what it looks like at first sight. The beauty of this MOC is in all the intricate techniques being employed to create something very mundane-looking. But I really like the 'flow' of this MOC. Nothing is straight, despite it being Lego. The wood on the mill, the flipper-roof, the stone wall along the way, ... The use of torsos for bags is a nice idea. Very nice work!
  20. You're nicely playing along with their game
  21. I think I remember (don't know the source anymore) that TLG initially released sets with shooting canons even in the U.S., but it was quickly changed. This must have been 1989, because canons were first used in pirates sets and 1989 was the debut year of pirates.
  22. You could use a hammer...
  23. and that's perhaps a more interesting question to ask. Because the grass is always greener on the other side. And 'kids' always want what they can't have. I don't own any of the non-shooting ones, but from pictures I don't think I'd like the emblem on top of the barrel. It doesn't look very Lego-y to me. And then there were the ones with the black part in the back (the thing you pull out when you'd have a shooting version), were does non-shooting as well?
  24. You've really made an interior or should I say interiors to match the awesomeness of the exterior. The attention to detail is just phenomenal. Every room has various details that make it instantly recognizable, but I am still amazed at how you managed to put so much in so little space. The 'blue Santas' used as surgeons are so simple, yet spot-on and the nursery is really cute Are there hallways and staircases in the building that the modules connect to on the inside of the building? And have you contacted TLG about releasing this as an official set? One more thing: I was expecting doctor House at the pharmacy helping himself to some Vicodin...
  25. ... and before saying hi you've already won in the EB advent calendar raffle: congratulations and of course welcome to EB.
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