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Posted (edited)

Warzone 1: The Arkbri Skirmishes

Location: E7

Who Can Participate: All Factions

Terrain: This battle happens along the Arkbri River. Which is mostly long meandering sections, with light hills and grasslands. The river is known for its reedy banks, where one can easily get lost trying to get from the bank to the open water.

History: The Arkbri has been a rich river for Western Kaliphlin for centuries. It divides the Western Sands, and hugs the escarpment for a good 35 miles. It is also one of the largest obstacles to Kaliphlin travelers. The only major crossing in the Great Span at Queenscross. Although this battle may not seem important, it lays the ground work for the battle for the much more important Queenscross.

Mini-challenge: With a small band of men, scout out enemy intelligence agents (spys, scouts, etc…) and neutralize them.

Restrictions: 16x16 with limited overhang.

Due Date: March 15th

Title Tag for MOC's thread: Title of Moc [WZ1:E7, Faction Name]

When posting a link to your entry to each battle thread, make sure you note which zone you are picking as the next warzone if you win. You may want to coordinate with others from your faction.

16494630937_b3564e235b_c.jpgWARMAPSTARTNOWnonum by skaforhire, on Flickr

Edited by SkaForHire

wait, so are we suppose to do the battle, or the scouting/spying?

We're supposed to take down the enemy spies with skirmishing parties.


We're supposed to take down the enemy spies with skirmishing parties.

Right! And how much freedom do we have for making the respective armies.
Posted (edited)

Right! And how much freedom do we have for making the respective armies.

I think you can use your imagination within limits. There are three sides to the conflict, the High Council, the Desert King and Ulandus.

The High Council, being made up of the various High Lords, will have the most varied army, and really has little restriction.

The Desert King is a kind of Egyptian mummy reincarnated, so mummies will make up the bulk of his army.

Ulandus is a sort of lost city with legions, so think more repetitive troops, with uniforms. I think SkaForHire was thinking of the Lost City of Atlantis, so think Roman/Greek influences.

Some images can be found at the bottom of the rules thread.

In the latter two cases, various High Lords have chosen to oppose the council and throw in their lot with the Desert King or Ulandus, so really the world's your oyster! You can check who has sided with whom in the Challenge IV thread.

As this first challenge involves spies and scouts, you have even more leeway because spies will naturally dress themselves like the enemy to blend in.

So in summary: stop worrying about the aesthetics and get building! :wink: If you can justify it logically, no-one will complain.

SkaForHire can correct me if this is wrong.

Edited by Basiliscus

The only thing I would add to Basiliscus is that the Ulandians have two cultures (sorry, the second wasn't fleshed out enough on my end but, Mike S. did it justice in the throne room.) The second culture, on the Northern part of the island is more East Asian. They were probably immigrants from the East Coast of Kaliphlin right after the sinking of the original Ulandus.


The only thing I would add to Basiliscus is that the Ulandians have two cultures (sorry, the second wasn't fleshed out enough on my end but, Mike S. did it justice in the throne room.) The second culture, on the Northern part of the island is more East Asian. They were probably immigrants from the East Coast of Kaliphlin right after the sinking of the original Ulandus.

So the lego Mongol minfig could work for Ulandus?

One note, For future warzones, please use March 15 or something, because for us Europeans 3/15 (or something similar) can be confusing.

Otherwise, looking forward to building for this!


One note, For future warzones, please use March 15 or something, because for us Europeans 3/15 (or something similar) can be confusing.

+1 !!

3/15 leaves no room for misinterpreatation but for example 3/5 means May 3 in many places on our side of the pond.


So the lego Mongol minfig could work for Ulandus?


One note, For future warzones, please use March 15 or something, because for us Europeans 3/15 (or something similar) can be confusing.

Otherwise, looking forward to building for this!

Sorry about that... sadly I write professionally in clearer dates, but my shorthand dates are Americanized. I will fix it.

Posted (edited)

Fighting for the High Council at E7

A vast network of irrigration canals are providing water to the food production in the Arkbri valley. Not all of the crops have failed, but the increasing presence of soldiers from all factions have caused many farmers to have to flee and abandon their crops.

Here, patrolling soldiers from Barqa have encountered a scouting band of mountain mummies who have been cornered against an irrigration canal and quickly surrender when their leader has been killed.


(A suggestion for the next warzone if the High Council wins will be added after our PM thread/private forum has been established and this has been discussed)

Edited by Gideon

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