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Welcome to the Confirmation And Discussion thread. Here both players and other members are free to discuss the game and post out-of-character. However, this is not a place to play the game or metagame. I do not expect to see a repeat of what happened in the Cirque du Freak C&D thread!

Congrats to all of you who signed up for getting a place in the game. Most of you managed to get your chosen roles, but not all of you as a few characters had several competitors.

Just a reminder to some of you. I expect to see correct use of spelling and grammar, so please read through and check your posts before submitting them.



To win the game, the Criminals must kill off all the Undercover Agents, while the Undercover Agents need to outnumber the Criminals.


Non-playable Characters

thejokertj.jpg The Joker - played by ADHO15

thepenguint.jpgThe Penguin - played by The Penguin



Baby Doll - played by KielDaMan - Marion Louise Dahl is a female actor who was born with a rare disease which kept her from ever aging, meaning that she spent all of her life looking like a young child.

She became famous for a brief period when she played the title character in the TV sitcom "Love That Baby". After the show was closed Mary went through a rough, depressing period of her life where she realized that the only time when she had been truly happy was when she was in the show as Baby Doll. So she kept the alias and sought revenge on those who cancelled the show and thus ruined her life.


Bane - played by Masked Builder - Dorrance spent his early years in the hellish prison of Pena Duro on the corrupt South American island nation of Santa Prisca. He developed superhuman strength through forced experimentation on him involving the drug Venom. Although his dependency on Venom is an immense weakness, Bane has been one of Batman's most intelligent and physically powerful foes. He became known as "The Man Who Broke The Bat" when he broke Batman's spinal cord, forcing Bruce Wayne to give up the Batman persona while he recuperated.


Black Mask - played by Brickdoctor - Roman Sionis came from a rich family. His parents hated people like the Waynes, but put on almost social masks in public to seem like more charming people. Roman hated the masks his parents wore. After his parents died in a suspicious fire, Roman quickly drove the family company into the ground, leaving it open to a Wayne Industries buyout. Driven mad by losing his legacy, he turned his hatred on Bruce Wayne. In the ensuing battle with Batman, the wooden mask that Sionis used to conceal his identity became permanently burned into his face as a living death mask.


Calendar Man - played by Bob_ - Julian Gregory Day suffers from schizotypal personality disorder, with ideas of reference focusing around the calendar. He believes the major dates of Gregorian calendar mark times when he is personally and uniquely freed from societal norms. On these dates, he exhibits mildly sociopathic and frequently criminal behaviour. Despite being notorious among both heroes and villains alike for being something of a joke, he has a very bright intellect which he uses to gain his goals without attracting much attention.


Catwoman - played by CallMePieOrDie - At the age of thirteen, Selina Kyle discovered that the administrator of the orphanage where she lived was embezzling funds and so she confronted them. In an attempt to cover up the illegal activities, the administrator put Selina in a bag and dropped her in a river to drown (like a cat). Selina was able to escape and later returned to the orphanage. There she stole documents exposing the administrator's corruption and sent them to the authorities. She also took the opportunity to steal enough money to live on before going back to the streets. Later she became a morally-ambiguous professional thief. After encountering Batman she immediately became attracted to him.


Clayface - played by WhiteFang - At one time, Matt Hagen was a famous actor, but he became facially disfigured after a car accident. He was visited by Roland Daggett who offered him an opportunity to test a Renuyu cream: a drug that could refigure a person's face. Addicted to the formula, Hagen broke into Daggett Labs in an attempt to steal the drug. Unfortunately, two of Daggett's thugs surprised him and hyper-saturated the actor in the formula by drowning him in a canister of Renuyu. Instead of killing him, the cream bonded to Hagen's cellular structure and turned his entire body into the cream. The transformation gave him the ability to manipulate his body into any shape or form he desired.


Deadshot - played by Rumble Strike - As a child, Floyd Lawton idolized his brother, but after a tragic accident shot him in the head, thus saving their father whom he hated. The incident shattered his mind and he adopted a new name. Deadshot is a hired assassin, regularly boasting to "never miss". He is capable of using a large variety of weapons, but prefers using a pair of silenced, wrist-mounted guns. He initially appeared in Gotham City as a new crime fighter, but was revealed to be an enemy of Batman when he attempted to replace the Dark Knight.


Egghead - played by Captain Tamamono - Egghead. Little is known about this villain apart from him being very self confident and proud. He believes himself to be "the world's smartest criminal”. His crimes would usually have an egg-motif to them and he would often include egg puns in his speech where appropriate, such as "egg-zactly“. Additionally, he would use a wide assortment of egg-shaped weapons, such as laughing gas eggs and tear gas eggs (laid by chickens on a diet of onions). It is yet unknown why he had formed such an attraction to eggs.


Harley Quinn - played by Alopex - Harleen Francis Quinzel was a psychiatric intern at Arkham Asylum. Despite achieving high grades in college, she was not a particularly intellectual or strong-minded woman, having only gotten through college by seducing her professors. While researching the lunatics at Arkham, she became fascinated with the Joker, nearly instantly falling in love with him during their sessions. After helping him escape from the asylum more than once, Harleen was suspected by the authorities, who revoked her license and placed her in her own cell. Later she fled and became Harley Quinn, the sidekick to The Joker himself.


Hush - played by Mrlegoninja / JimButcher - Tommy Elliot, born a child of wealth and privilege, became close friends with Bruce Wayne. However behind his good looks was a cunning and merciless creature. Tommy crafted a scheme to earn his own fortune. He severed the brake lines of his parents' car, sending the vehicle careening off the side of the road. Only Bruce’s father managed to save them. Twisted by his own avarice, he inwardly blamed Bruce Wayne for his perceived "good fortune" – a mentality that would one day fuel an elaborate plot to destroy Bruce Wayne altogether.


Killer Croc - played by JediAnakin - Waylon Jones was born with medical condition which caused him to grow progressively more like a crocodile, hence his name. His mother died in childbirth, and his father abandoned him. Waylon was raised by his aunt, but her persistent drinking prevented him from growing up in an ideal household. Later, thanks to his great strength (and low intellect) he became a crocodile wrestler, killing them with his bare hands. Croc realized that there was more money to be made in crime, so he set out to become Gotham's most powerful underground figure.


Man-Bat - played by Sirius Black - Dr Kirk Langstrom, is a scientist specializing in the study of bats who developed an extract intended to give humans a bat's sonar sense. He tested the formula on himself because he was becoming deaf. While it worked, it had a horrible side effect: it transformed him gradually into a hideous, humanoid, bat-like monster. Although he briefly regained control of his transformations, he's now relying on his bat side more and more often. He believes he has slaughtered his own wife, son and daughter.


Mr Freeze - played by Oky - Victor Fries was a talented cryogenic scientist who married a young woman named Nora whom he passionately loved. But their happiness was short-lived: Nora was diagnosed with a fatal disease and Fries, sickened with sorrow, attempted to save her using cryogenic technology. However, the experiment went terribly wrong and Fries' equipment malfunctioned, consuming him and his lab in an explosion of ice. Victor somehow survived, but now his body could only survive at sub-zero temperatures. He constructed a suit which would now protect him in his altered state.


Mr Zsasz - played by Nightshroud99 - Victor Zsasz was once the head of his own international company and had amassed a large personal fortune in addition to his family's wealth. At the age of 25, he turned to gambling. One night, he gradually squandered his entire fortune, ultimately betting everything he owned against The Penguin at a Gotham casino. While he was attempting to commit suicide by jumping from Gotham Bridge, a homeless man tried to assault him with a knife. Instinctively grabbing the knife, Victor Zsasz saw in the man's eyes that all life is meaningless and that nothing nor anyone matters. He then proceeded to stab the man to death. From then on, he dedicated himself to "liberating" others from their "pointless" existence.


Poison Ivy - played by badboytje88 - Pamela Lillian Isley studied advanced botanical biochemistry at a university under Dr Jason Woodrue. Isley, a timid, shrinking violet, was easily seduced by her professor. Woodrue injected Isley with poisons and toxins as an experiment, causing her transformation. She nearly died twice as a result of these poisonings, driving her insane. Enraged at the betrayal, Pamela suffers from violent mood swings, being sweet one moment and like poison the next. She uses toxins from plants in her own bloodstream for her criminal activities, which are usually aimed at protecting the natural environment.


Ra’s Al Ghul - played by Fred Fred Burger - Ra's al Ghul is an international terrorist and leader of an assassin organization called “League of Shadows” whose ultimate goal is a world in perfect environmental balance. He believes that the best way to achieve this balance is to eliminate most of humanity. He is aided in this quest by the Lazarus Pits, reservoirs of rejuvenating chemicals that restore the dying to life; these pits have granted him a lifespan of several hundred years.


Simon The Pieman - played by Scorpiox - Simon the Pieman. Little is known about this villainous baker. One day he just appeared in Gotham City as the owner of a bakery. Later he lured several major criminals to his factory and dumped them into a hole so that he could take over. When Batman, Robin, and Batgirl tried to stop him and his gang, Batman was subjected to a giant eggbeater, Robin was trapped in a vat of butter, and Batgirl was tossed into the chocolate tank. Despite being despised by other criminals, he’s very self-confident and is sure that taking over Gotham and becoming one of the major criminals is easy as pie! He always starts a sentence with the phrase “Simon says…..”


The Creeper - played by def - Jack Ryder was a popular reporter on Gotham TV. When he made an exposé on the Joker, the Clown Prince of Crime showed up and threw Ryder into the same vat of chemicals that transformed him. The chemicals, mixed with the Joker's laughing gas, triggered a mutation in Ryder. As a result, Ryder's body became bright yellow with green hair with dramatically enhanced strength and agility. Seeking revenge against the Joker and suddenly smitten with Harley Quinn, he pursued them relentlessly with a terrifyingly wild enthusiasm. While the Creeper did not kill the criminals, his methods were so frenetically deranged that the Joker eventually begged to be arrested to escape them.


The Mad Hatter - played by Jedi master Brick - Jervis Tetch, formerly a research scientist, is completely obsessed with the works of Lewis Carroll. As his criminal name indicates, he takes the appearance of the Mad Hatter from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. He is an insane neuroscientist and developed hardware that can control the brain and induce hypnotic states, and often uses hats or other headgear for mind control.


The Music Meister - played by Capt. Redblade - The Music Meister claims he was bullied as a child, because he sang in a choir. But he soon discovered that when he sang higher, he could hypnotize people. He thus uses his newly discovered talents to control the people that had bullied him and plans to "settle the score". As he sang during his first song "Bullies used to pick on me because I sang in choir, but something very strange occurred as I kept singing higher. The ruffians around me quickly fell into a trance, and it was then with wicked glee I made those puppets dance!"


The Riddler - played by sok117 - Edward Nygma is a brilliant man, a genius in many fields with an absorbing love for puzzles and games.

After a teacher announced that a contest would be held over who can solve a puzzle the fastest, a young Edward Nygma sets his sights on winning this. After Edward got high scores, his father, unable to grasp the fact that his son was brilliant and believing he had cheated, beat him out of envy. This left him with a strong internal desire to tell the truth, and prove his innocence. This desire manifests itself in the form of his obsession with riddles as well as the obsession that he’s indeed one of the greatest minds alive.


The Scarecrow - played by Peanuts - Jonathan Crane was a professor of psychology at Gotham University, specializing in the psychology of fear. He was fired after injuring a student by accident. After his dismissal, he killed the regents who fired him and became a professional criminal. Following this, he transferred to Arkham Asylum and became a psychiatrist, where he performed more fear-induced experiments on his patients. He takes the moniker "the Scarecrow", the favourite taunt of the bullies that mocked him in his childhood because of his lanky frame and bookish nature.


The Ventriloquist - played by Professor Flitwick - Arnold Wesker was a former ventriloquist in Gotham City when he suffered from schizophrenia, a psychological trauma in his youth. Wesker turned to crime and carved a dummy by the name of Scarface out of Blackgate Prison’s ‘Hangman’s Tree’. His schizophrenia was manifested within the dummy, who became the dominant personality. Dubbing himself the Ventriloquist, he and Scarface went on a crime spree in Gotham.


Two-Face - played by K-nut - Harvey Dent, Gotham City’s district-attorney, was dedicated to his job of upholding law and order, and became one of the first supporters, allies, and even friends of Batman and Bruce Wayne. At the time of his job as a district-attorney he brought the largest crime boss, Sal Maroni, to the court. However, Maroni threw acid in his face during the trial leaving Dent horribly scarred on the left side of his face and his left hand. Harvey escaped from the hospital and descended into madness. He became obsessed with duality and opposites, and developed a second persona, the villainous Two-Face, to contrast the law & order obsessed Harvey Dent.



1. Each player has been given a character to play who is aligned with either the Criminals or the Undercover Agents. Third-Party (neutral) characters have their own win conditions as outlined in their roles.

2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player). No other format will be accepted and proxy voting is not allowed, except in the case of a pre-notified absence. A majority vote is required to lynch a player. In the case of a tie, one of the tied individuals will be lynched at random. Voting is mandatory.

3. A game Day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The Day will end when all players have voted and a majority vote has been reached. After the Day has concluded, a Night stage will commence, which will last 24 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host in the 18 hours of the night stage.

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night will, in most cases, be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you by the game host via PM. This includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of Night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6. Do not play the game outside the Day threads. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the Day threads. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game threads or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

7. If you are dead, you may not post in Day threads or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.

8. You may not edit your posts.

9. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via the role PM.

10. Every player will get an Action and a Skill at their disposal. These can only be used during the Night. These are all active; none are passive.

11. Each Night, the players must use one of their Actions OR Skills by sending the host a PM about it, stating which you want to use and also your target where applicable.

12. The Night abilities have a pre-specified order of effect. If you don’t send your night ability by the time limit I’ve started the next Day, you will miss your chance to use it.

13. By using existing characters, it is expected that players will live up to their roles and follow their characters closely. Also, any referring to players by their username rather than their character’s name will not be tolerated.

14. Violation of the above rules will result in a 5 vote penalty against you on your first offence, and the death of your character on your second offence.


Role PMs will be sent out shortly. Please confirm your participation in this thread upon receiving said PM.

As usual, please display your character picture and profile in your avatar and signature respectively.

We hope you enjoy playing Gotham City Mafia! Day One will begin shortly after all players have confirmed their participation.

Day One

Day Two

Day Three

Day Four

Day Five

Day Six

Day Seven

Edited by ADHO15

post-4268-132084270257.gifWell folks, the party can begin! The Creeper's here, and here to stay! And don't you worry about those little undercover agents, they'll be smoked out of here in no time!

My knife is sharp and my soul is...strong.

I am ready to begin.

Deadshot, the most skilled assassin in Gotham, reporting in.

I'll do anything for my dear Mr J.!!! :wub:

I'm ready to get rid of those filthy undercover agents!!

Bane checking in. Let's break some Bats.


Who you lookin' at? Let's get this over with so I can return to hunting those who cancelled my TV show. Mr. Happy Face eyes are icthin'!

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, my master and I are v-

Get a Gawd Dam move on! Wha, did ya mamma smash ya head in with a croquet mallet? COME ON!

Yes sir, sorry sir, Ventriloquist confirming sir!

Egghead has finally arrived! Let's scramble those undercover agents!

Private Notes of Dr. Jonathan Crane, Day 0:

So I learned some of our group were working with the police. That could have made the whole experiment far more interesting, if those agents wouldn't have tried to get me back to Arkham. I knew this scum couldn't be trusted in the first place. But I'd put the fear of god the Scarecrow into them!

On a positive note, all the imposters now had gone and the remaining so-called villains had come. Now this place would be at least a bit more bearable.

Scarecrow's checking in. Let's get this over with, alright? It's not like I had experiments to run or something. :hmpf:

Killer Croc Confirming he will help the Penguin!

Mad hatter here ready to get those filthy traitors

"Simon says... Let's prepare to capture and defeat the undercover agents, I call this Operation Disguisedcop!"

Edited by Scorpiox

Man-Bat here. It's time for the traitors to die and for the Bat to pay.

"Simon says... Let's prepare to capture and defeat the undercover agents, I call this Operation Disguisedcop!"

Operation Hidden Piggy sounds better, or let's just call it as it is, Operation kill Batman! We all know he's perpetrating this! :hmpf_bad:

Undercover agents? Black Mask here. Let's go make those agents dead.

You know I have a better name Operation the lion, the witch and the wardrobe

"Simon says... Alas the operation has been renamed Hidden Piggy! Because Piggies can easily be made into Pork Pies!" :smug:

We need a Simon smiley!

Edited by Scorpiox

Let's just call it as it is, Operation kill Batman! We all know he's perpetrating this! :hmpf_bad:

As long as I get the final shot - I never miss.

Operation Hidden Piggy sounds better, or let's just call it as it is, Operation kill Batman! We all know he's perpetrating this! :hmpf_bad:

I don't like that title. Could we change it to "Operation catch Batman alive and give him to Dr. Crane so that he can research thoroughly how Batman reacts to fear"? You can slash his goons if you have to, but I want the Bat!

"Down Johnny, the Batman has a place reserved under the grindstone. Remember when I had all of you folks trapped in my cookie jar? :smug:

I have a better idea. Let's make sure all the agents are dead, and figure out what to do with their remains later.

Oh Batty. You had to go and break up our party? :sadnew: Now we're going to have to take you and your buddies out. Ah, well. As long as we get to stay in the Lounge and get free sushi, I'm good.

Ra’s Al Ghul signing in.


What day is it? It's the day we rid ourselves of the traitor informants!

Revenge will be swift!

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