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Hello folks!

I recently was attempting to make an edit to my profile, but accidently deleted the whole darn thing before I knew what was going on!

I spent more time and effort writing stuff for that than I would care to admit, so is there any way to recover it? Do any of you staff blokes have the power to reverse changes like that, or could I access a cached copy of my profile from five minutes ago?

Thanks in advance.

If you are still on the profile after you accidentally deleted it, just press ctrl+z. It redos the text.

Edited by just2good

  • Eurobricks Emperor

Here you go:

Hi, I'm Scorpiox. 20,000 members eh? I love EB for the big happy community that we share. I'll introduce myself in time, but first...

Listen ye! Listen ye! To the tale of that old brigand Scorpiox. Gather round me hearties and listen well! :pir-classic:

Once apon a time there was a small child named Scorpiox. Scorpiox lived in a town in England. The young chap loved playing with intersting multicoloured LEGO bricks. As the years went by he discovered these bricks also could be made into models, and the people who made them even sold pre-made models as well! He gained a few of these through birthday and christmas, and fell in love with the 'LEGO men' in these sets. The people who made these bricks started making themed sets, starting with 'Space', 'Castle' and 'Town'. But along came the tall-masted ship of LEGO heaven. Pirates.

Scorpiox lked looking at pictures in catalogs of these sets, he loved the soldiers and the beautifully detailed pirates. But Scorpiox could only get his little paws on small pirate sets, but when he got older, he realised he could buy as much LEGO as he damn well wanted! ( :monkey:)

But to Scorpiox's dismay, LEGO no longer made the pirate sets! He had to live with knights and adventurers, but when Scorpiox grew into a man, he discovered the jewel-studded crown that is eBay.

Scorpox discovered that eBay was full of pirate LEGO swag, so with trembling pincers, he purchase the sets of his childhood...

Scorpiox started with the 'Imperial Flagship' and the 'Caribbean Clipper', but then got himself a few pirates and crew. The Caribbean Clipper met with an unfortunate 'accident' and was destroyed, but Old Scorpiox picked up the pieces and started to build something new (Which still isn't finished dammnit!)...

But the story continues, Scorpiox purchased LEGO battles mainly because it featured pirates. He noticed there were 'Islanders', he'd seen and heard of these before. And apparently they were part of the pirates theme. Scorpiox cruised the internet to find these little guys, and stumbled accross a 'Guide to the Pirates minifigures Part IV: The Islanders' on an interesting site called Classic Pirates.com...

Wasn't that a lovely tale? After a bit I branched out into the other EB forums, and thus Scorpiox was born. I thank my lil' Islanders for bringing me here. :classic:

I still hold Pirates, along with Castle and occaisonaly Star Wars, as my favourite themes. I'm now a volunteer worker for Classic-Pirates.com, and help raise money by creating eBay threads. If you see any, check out the deals! I am currently working on my imperial beauty, the lovely HMS Bedivere. She is a 20 gun two-masted brig.

I'm a proud Briton, thus I love the Queen, Boris Johnson, and all things British. Time to play 'Land of Hope and Glory' on my stereo again.

Good day!,


Currently Playing as:

Haldor Skovgaard, 33 year old Male Human Norseman.

In Sandy's Heroica RPG

Haldor's Stats:


Haldor Skovgaard (Played by Scorpiox)

Level 18 Shaman, 33 year old male human Nord. *Immune to Weakened*

Power: 32 (Level 18+WP:12+2 from Pugilist's Gloves)

Defense: 2 (0+2 from Ethereal Cloak)

Health: 35/35

Ether: 26/26 (22+4 from Ethereal Cloak)

Gold: 0 (Owed 50 from Elgar Gligin (Jedi Master Brick), (Owes 33 to Dyric Rone (The Legonater)

Equipment: Heavy Metal Rod (WP:12, Light and Water elemental), Ethereal Cloak (SP:+2, +4 Ether), Pugilist's Gloves (+2 Power, Weakened Immunity).

Inventory: Bear Claw Gloves (WP:8, SP:+2), Paper Doll (Hexed immunity), Diamond of Thoric, Bluehood's Aquamarine, Scroll of Blindness (Blinded effect), Emerald Lamp of Summoning. Frying Pan (WP:1+1 health), Shovel, Pickaxe, Health Core, Potion (x2), Remedy, Tonic, Mead, Venom, and a fur-lined Bedroll.

Haldor's Affliations:

Hinckwells (Nuetral) >< Shadeux (Nuetral)

Ziegfrieds (Nuetral) >< Guild of Invision (Nuetral)

Ji Pei (Good) >< Bonapartes (Nuetral)

Wolfgang (Good)

Haldor's Job Classes:


Haldor upon arrival at the hall as a Cleric.

Haldor upon reaching Shamanhood with guidance from the Norse God of Judgement and Salvation, Thoric.

Haldor's Biography:

It was a cold and icy morning and a lone figure was making his way to the nearest shelter, he had traveled far from the frozen Norse lands in search of a greater meaning to his existance.

He was clad in thick furs and heavy chainmail, he carried a small satchel stuffed full of what little supplies he could carry. As the sun rose the townsfolk noticed his worn and battered face, his flowing hair and beard, the strange crystal he clutched tightly. And his eyes, those young eyes told a story of his life and his journey to the port of Eubric. It all started many years ago, in a wintery Norse village full of brave warriors and wise veterans...

Haldor was a child alone, crying in a corner. He was being kicked and laughed at, tortured and hurt. All his childhood Haldor was mocked and bullied. He was different, he was beaten and laughed at for it. He was not like them. Haldor had the strange power, the others thought him weak and bullied him. And he couldn't defend himself. But things were to change, soon Haldor would be above it all. One morning he had fled from the cruel mob, and ran to the derelict tomb high above the village. The others dared not follow him due to the stories and tales of Draugr and evil spirits. That was were he found it, the crystal, throbbing and glowing with blue energy. Without thinking Haldor took it from it's cradle, and hurried past the inscription.

Since birth Haldor had been different from the other young men of the Norse clan, they always drempt of battle and hunting whereas Haldor was quiet, thinking of the world and why it was as it is. Haldor was bullied for not being as strong or as violent as the others, and laughed at for trying to understand great tomes and muttering to himself. Norsemen didn't think reading and writing were important skills next to hunting and survival tactics, but Haldor valued literacy. He thought it important to be able to understand and interpret the scrolls of the ancient heroes, as well as the simple signs of the world. Whenever Haldor told the great warriors of his ambition to be literate, they laughed at him, and said he be better off learning to swing a sword properly. The young Haldor ignored the jeers, and over the course of years he learnt basic how to read and write basic sentances from deciphering the Norse scripts. The bullies would have surely destroyed them, if it were not for their deep cultural significance. Haldor tried to be like the others, but he did not enjoy killing, and he wasn't exactly famed for his accuracy with the large two-handed swords, a fact that the others often reminded him of, that the Norsemen prided themselves in. No, Haldor much prefered to try and give life back to things that were dying, he realised how precious life is, and saw no point in removing the great gift unless it was entirely necerssary. Haldor asked for training in the art of medicine under the healers and wise men of the village, but they were constantly telling him to go and train as a proper Norsemen. After a while of pestering, the healers agreed to teach him rudimentry techniques, but Haldor strangely already knew the things they told him. As if he had been born with an advanced medical knowledge imbued in his brain. He even tried to teach the healers a thing or two, for example, how a flesh wound can be treated without the amputation of a limb.

But then strange dreams came to the young Haldor, voices speaking. He heard whispers in the dark, speaking out, shadows lurked. And then Haldor saw it, a blue mist clearing the shadows, a figure speaking. The voice told Haldor to hold the blue crystal, to keep it with him, always. The following morning the usual crowd arrived, pulling him onto the mud, holding his head underwater. But the strange crystal throbbed and glowed further, and then they ran, the bullies fled from the blast. For the spirit had came to Haldor's aid, it protected him, it sent the bullies running. The voice told Haldor to never lose faith, for he would be the're in Haldor's hour of need. Then came the ill-fated hunting trip that turned Haldor's world upside down.

For Haldor wasn't just well-versed in medicine, for he had always had this unusal touch. Beetles that were crushed had wriggled again, and cattle condemmed by disease had miraculously risen when Haldor had been told to feed them. This power was to change Haldor's life in the coming weeks.

As usual in the autumn months the men of the village rode out into the forest to stock up the supplies for winter. But one hunting trip was different, everything went as smooth as ever with plentiful deer and wolves to slay and eat. But lurking in the woods was something bad. A wolf was prowling the woods, but it was not natural, the beast had been twisted and warped by a dark presence. The monstrosity stalked the mounted Norsemen like wild rabbits, the hunters were becoming the hunted. The cheiftain, Throdric the Iron-hand, had spotted the creature, and decided that it would make a great prize. Throdric unhitched his spear and charged at the beast, attempting to skewer it with a single blow. It didn't end well to say the least.

Haldor had been reluctently trapping a hare when he heard the terrible screams. Out of instinct he rushed over to see the twisted wolf savaging the bleeding figure of the clan's chief. Haldor shouted for help, but stood there frozen with fear as the thing turned it's demonic gaze to him. But the rest of the hunting party arrived in the nick of time, and the beast was slain by a dozen axe and blade wounds. But the cheiftain was mortally wounded, as the monster's evil bite was draining his strength. The healers of the clan were called to do anything they could to save him, but Throdric was fading. One of the healers had seen the boy Haldor use his strange energy to revive a stricken hound, and so Haldor was ordered to do everything in his power to prevent Throdric from dying in pain. Haldor started by muttering words and incantations, but he soon lost control. Haldor appeared to be having a fit as blue light erupted from his eyes and he twitched and writhed. But eyes turned toward the chieftan, as his bloody cuts and ugly hacked flesh began fizzing and evaporating into a strange blue gas. Soon all trace of the attack had vanished, and the healers were astonished at the amazing happening before them. After what seemed like hours Haldor awoke to see what he had done.

Haldor was revered as a hero and honoured as a proper healer of the village. But after months of reviving headstrong young men and foolhardy warriors he grew bored. Haldor wanted to use his powers for a purpose, not to help stupid Norsemen recover from minor sparring injuries. He heard whispers of a free land where people from every race and all walks of life were welcome. Haldor hoped he could maybe even meet others who were blessed with a similar gift. Haldor gathered his meagre belongings and left in the night, bound for the fabled port of Eubric. The road was hard and perilous, and Haldor encountered many violent and cruel men. On the journey Haldor honed and improved his fighting skills, in case of an ecounter with danger. But after 3 years of hardship and toil Haldor finally found his way to the kingdom of Uland, and stumbled upon a ferry bound for the free port of Eubric.

The spirit in the crystal was the trapped soul of the ancient warrior Grischnika Darkbane, who acended into legend after banishing the Norselands of Draugr and Demon with Sword and Shield. The Nordic hero took pity on the victimised child Haldor, and strove to protect him with the remanents of his soul on the Earth. He taught and trained Haldor, whose power and strength increased massively. Darkbane had elected himself Guardian Angel, and with his power Haldor became strong.

Thoric, Norse God of Justice and Salvation, chose Haldor as his champion, and instilled him with the might of the divine. Haldor fights for right as best he can, fuelled with love of Jess and Thoric's blessing.

Haldor's Time at the Hall:

Haldor arrived at the hall when the first three quests were still going. As a new hero, he had little else to do but converse and meet new people. But when Quest #1 finished, Haldor met Jess Islanti (Sisco). Jess is a female Elven rogue, who is very pretty and clever. Haldor instantly fell in love with her, but found himself often unable to speak to her. He wrote a few letters, expressing his love for her. They shared a meal, but before they could spend more time with each other, Jess was called away to the arena. Haldor was sad, so he signed up to go and help the town watch on Quest #6 (Sandy). He was questing with Skrall the Ogre (Waterbrick Down) and En Sabeh Nur (Jebediahs). The party layed a trap for Donny Dozenhands in tha market, then pursued him underground. During His time in the sewer, Haldor aquired his Heavy Metal Rod, now Haldor's signature weapon. The party finaly caught up with the theif, but elected to not kill him, but let him live instead. The questers returned to the town watch who were very angry at the betrayal, so the party returned to the Hall. Quest #6 - Failed

Jess still hadn't returned to the hall, so Haldor killed time and signed up for Quest #12 (Jebediahs). Haldor left for the gnome's garden with his friends Tesni (Peppermint_M), Hoke (UsernameMDM), Ellaria (Sandy) and Alexis (Masked Builder). The party had to rescue the gnome Szalinski's children, and they found the first one after beating an Orc ranger in combat. The second child was in the hands of the Orc rogue and Knight, but the rogue fled before the child could be recovered. The questers found the third child in a pit, and Haldor attempted to save her. After she was recovered, she fell in love with Haldor, who had to do unspeakable things to get her to return to her father. The party found the Orcs again and rescued the second child from them. Haldor returned to the hall, but the gnome child later became pregnant and had two children... Quest #12 - Complete

Haldor, when back at the hall, was reunited with his love Jess, he was overjoyed to see her. Haldor then helped his friend Althior (K-nut) to win the heart of the Elven ranger Alexis. Haldor and Jess then signed for Quest #19 (Zepher). They left together with their friends Tesni (Peppermint_M), Hoke (UsernameMDM), Skrall the Ogre (Waterbrick Down), and the unknown rogue Dyric Rone (The Legonater). The heroes found themselves in the heart of a rebellion in the town of Hadden, and gathered troops to fight the guards. Jess and Hoke stayed to guard a rebel, but were missing when the heroes returned. The party was plauged by the witch of chaos, Wren, who tried to break them apart. After the rest of the heroes began attacking the castle, they were reunited with Jess and Hoke, who alerted them that Felton (A Wren-fighter) was fake. The heroes realised their error and fought for the guards instead. They defended the town from the rebels and vanquished the chaos beasts. But Wren had disappeared. Quest #19 - Complete

Haldor returned to the hall, and chose the advanced class of Shaman. He moved into a inn room with Jess, and stayed in the hall for a while. After a few weeks of doing very little, Haldor and Jess decided to sign for Quest #28 (Waterbrick Down). They departed for the quest with Lawrence (Zepher), Bartholemew (Brickdoctor) and Haldor's friend Nur (Jebediahs). In the quest they attended the unveiling of a brand new machine, invented by the gnome that Haldor had met earlier, Szalinski. Unfortunately, the machine was sabotaged, and the heroes set out to find the culprit. During the quest, the party came accross a couple of Vampires, whom Haldor refused to fight. Jess became upset about this, and ignored her boyfriend for a while. Later on, the gang encountered some thugs interrogating a Wolfgang member, and Jess became even more distant when Haldor tried to help him. In the end, the evil mage Bluehood was discovered as the saboteur, and the heroes killed him before he could use the machine for evil purposes. Quest #28 - Complete.

Scorpiox's Mafia Roles:


Convicted day three as Mafia Accountant Gertrude Goat in Hinckley's Mafia School: Fabuland Housewives Mother of two, good with money, and knives.

Convicted day four as Undercover Agent Simon the Pieman in The Penguin and ADHO15's Gotham City Mafia. Damn you, def.

Gave up due to nasty circumstances as Elvis-Impersonator Daisuke in badboytje88's Yakuza Mafia.

Brutally Murdered Night Six as lovely Jedi Barriss Offee in Masked Builder and K-Nut's Jedi Temple Mafia. She will be missed.

Died valiantly at the hands of a goon on Night Six as Detective Phil, a stern and hardworking member of the force, in Pandora and Rick's Mafia School: Police Infiltration.


Scorpiox's creations worth showing:


Sentinel Dr. P.H. Haszard



  • Author

Here you go:

I love you, Bonaparte! :wub:

Here you go:

I'm curious how you did that?

  • 1 month later...


So, I was updating my profile just a while ago, and when I was done, I checked to see how it looked, and my entire "About Me" page was missing! It took me a while to type everything up and get everything organized, so I was wondering if the page is somehow retrievable, or if I need to type it up again. If it is retrievable, please get it back, because I had a lot of links in there that I don't want to have to search the forums for by going back a lot of pages. And, as usual, feel free to lock or merge this topic if there is something already similar. Thanks! :classic:


Your About Me info might be retrievable from a user database backup, I would wait for one of the Admins to chime in.

  • Eurobricks Emperor


So, I was updating my profile just a while ago, and when I was done, I checked to see how it looked, and my entire "About Me" page was missing! It took me a while to type everything up and get everything organized, so I was wondering if the page is somehow retrievable, or if I need to type it up again. If it is retrievable, please get it back, because I had a lot of links in there that I don't want to have to search the forums for by going back a lot of pages. And, as usual, feel free to lock or merge this topic if there is something already similar. Thanks! :classic:


Does this help (comes from our testforum which runs a database from some time ago):

Hi, my name is Trenton. I live in the Everett area of Washington State. I got into LEGO only recently, being attracted by the Collectible Minifigures line, and then spreading along to other themes, though CMF's are a huge part of my spending. I have been on Eurobricks for almost a year now, and I love it! I have been becoming an active part of the Reviewer's Academy, as well as gotten obsessed with the site's mafia games. I have 4 reviews up, and played in 2 mafia games. I encourage you to give everything linked a look to see how I have grown on the site. My first topic can also be seen here

Check out my reviews! All are Reviewer's Academy passed!

Silver Level

Expect More Reviews After the Holiday Season!!!

My Mafia History

8019523533_eb51e6cc48_t.jpg- Isaac the Janitor in Pandora and Rick's Mafia School: Police Infiltration- Vanilla Townie- Lost upon Conclusion, final remaining Town member- Confirmation Thread - Day 1

8202022116_de0118a3b9_q.jpg- FabuGirl in Shadows' "Trouble in the Streets of Gotham!" Bloodbath- Lost as a loyal Superhero On Night 1- Discussion Thread - Day 1

8303393998_6c6828d21e_t.jpg- Trisha the Veterinarian in Darkdragon's Heartlake Heartbreak Mafia- Town- Lynched Day 1 due to an unintentional claim. default_laugh2.gifugh.gif - Confirmation Thread - Day 1

This will be updated after each game now.

Yup! :classic:

Thank you, Bonaparte and Foog! I think I only need 2 pictures, so you guys have been a great help!

You're welcome, I did all the work! :tongue: Thanks Boney! :grin:

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