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Posted (edited)

Woo! Just made it for Avalonian Challenge 1. :sweet: I've been quite busy around the house, getting ready for the holidays. But, here I am presenting both my entries for Task 2 and Challenge 1 in this post.

The Lord's Company (Task 2)

11503607275_3608d3b1e3.jpg Lord Eremir Lanthorn treads through the forest on his way to the village of Brisbane in Vanhorn. He is accompanied by three elven sharp-shooters who routinely travel with him.


Swift Justice (Challenge 1)

11503674776_e4283ed48b.jpg Drow soldiers taking two Avalonian prisoners through the woods after attacking a small and ill-protected settlement. Before being captured, the Avalonian soldiers sent a messenger bird to reinforcements not far off. Soon, the reinforcements attack to free the prisoners.

11503607885_e082f37dd6.jpg11503633564_5caf83498b.jpgThe enemies engage the rescuers, but were taken off guard.

Heads begin to roll and one of the prisoners aids his rescuers.

11503674536_e5b547ec35.jpg11503689503_21f60267ef.jpg The Drow captain lay motionless and the group of soldiers thank each other as the start to make their way back to the settlement. Upon hearing the news, the Council of Vanhorn orders to double the soldiers in small villages and settlements.

Some fig less and detail shots -



11503607075_4fb7e4d3c3.jpg And a Stormtropper easter egg that was requested by my girlfriend. :grin::laugh: The tree is hallow which allows for him to be there among the supports for the heartwood above.

Good work, DG. The rolling hill works with the rocks. :thumbup:

Edited by HammerBro33
Posted (edited)

well crap mine is done but then I find out someone has borrowed our good camera and we wont get it back until Tuesday. i will get it up as a free build in a couple days though. good news I started a thread similar to what de Gothia did for my lands, Circardia and another MOC for a free build..

With that said good job on both the entries so far. the tree looks great where it has been sheered off Hammer and de Gothia great minifig posing and landscaping as usual.


Edited by MikeyB

*Phew!* Just in time!

Here's my entry for the first Challenge: Attack of the Drow!


From a letter to Kollin Shyre, Captain of the Darwynian Guard:

Milord Shyre,

It seems your timing to have dispatched us was perfect. Our worst fears were confirmed two days ago as we rode to the southern border along Benoic.

Reports of Drow slavers appearing out of nowhere were echoed in Colm, Delynn, and Chamber's Pass.

Many men have died to save their loved ones. Alas, few met their fate with success.

We were able to reach the Pass in time to aid Sir Jarken Pelt and his men, and together drove the blasted dogs back into their fetid holes to the UnderDark.

The small detachment of Mages you sent with us have been invaluable, and were able to seal up the holes we've come across so that they cannot be used again.

On the morrow we ride to HartsHearth, where I shall leave two thirds of my men as the roving Drow Patrol we discussed.

I vow my undying vigilance, and more good news to follow.

-Cmdr. Coyne Delbrin

(More pics and a separate topic to follow tomorrow.)


For this first challenge I can't do nothing :cry_sad: I didin't see there was a deadline, damnend me :wall: , I had some problems in family and I haven't yet photographed the MOC for Battle of Nocturnus; on the other hand my the third task is almost done and soon will be the second too (I hope) :classic:


For this first challenge I can't do nothing :cry_sad: I didin't see there was a deadline, damnend me :wall: , I had some problems in family and I haven't yet photographed the MOC for Battle of Nocturnus; on the other hand my the third task is almost done and soon will be the second too (I hope) :classic:

I'm in the same boat, forgot there was a deadline. Hmmm. Maybe I should pay more attention :classic:

Posted (edited)

Fellow Avalonias,

All three categories for the Noct challange are posted... and I also found time to finished the 2nd and 3rd task during my holidays.

Let me introduce my nobles (Task 2):


And please judge my island Hemresa (Task 3):


Let me know what you think. Thanks.

Also I posted my farm as a freebuild:


Edited by narbilu

first Challenge: Attack of the Drow!

Too late is worse than never.

Many refugees fled their lands and homes in hope of saving their lives from the attack of the Drow.

Men from Arfelan rode day and night, fighting the damned creatures, but not everyone could be saved.



No pause to bury the dead, they must arrive on time to Agleon Erigeon. Too late is worse than never!


I´m impressed by our great work fellow Avalonians! And glad that so many is in for ch1!!

I have finished my cat b for ch1 and also have one freebuild in Kaliphlin as well!


Hello Fellows,

I am back from holiday and full of Energy and ideas.

For Challenge 1 I hop to finish all 3 Moc thsi weekend.

Cat A: idea complete, MoC tbd

Cat B: idea complete, MoC 95% completed

Cat C: idea complete, Moc 50% completed

Is there any avalonian task ongoing or are all of them finished December 22nd 2013?

Best wishes to 2014

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