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Everything posted by Jipay

  1. Muahahahah ! I doubt they will drop the only post that increased in 2003 :-D
  2. All the sets you are speaking of are not aiming at normal kids market. you have to think in term of profitability and not what hasn't been done yet that you'd like to see. IE : a council romm of thge first deathstar with all the moff is an important scene in EP IV but would it sell well ? no
  3. Well I hope so. I think the fact that they release a sandcrawler is a good indication the line will end. Plus they've made already almost all the characters. Maybe only one or two sets are "missing".
  4. I spent 399$. Time for a break I think ^^ :) I wont buy this set because it's too red :P
  5. Well star wars is a special case : there is no real end. And the market is really big :/
  6. According to their original decision, they will stop ALL the movie licences. But they always change their minds so who knows. What could be dangerous in the case of star was is that if they give up the star wars licence and that megblock buys it ; it could become a serious problem :^^D
  7. You are definitly a car geek dude :-D
  8. It's sunday so it's hard to get a confirmation for anything on sunday :/ I agree that star wars brought me back to lego but I also think that I can now live without it. It was just about rediscovering the pleasure of puting bricks together, creating things. Now most of the sets I buy are non star wars related. If they drop the star wars licence I think we will mostly lost the collectors which in my opinion won't be such a big loss. Now maybe lego will renew the SW licence...
  9. I just wanted to know if anybody had an idea about when it will comes out. We are in march now and no news from it so far :/ I just can't wait until can put my eyes on those figures
  10. Can we have hints ? :D
  11. Well no new set can compete with the old technic cars we had about 10 years ago. Those where the apogee for lego technic precision
  12. Well if lego had to renue the licence after spiderman 2, they wouldn't have. They said they were done with movies licences and won't renew those :/ By the way I doubt any megablock spiderman figure could ever be as nice as the one lego has done :)
  13. The stickers for torso last forever. I got the ferrari podium set and the stickers on the torso didn't move even after months of extensive use
  14. I got the same thought lol ! I hope to have as much money one day :-D
  15. I love those admins-only topic where nobody else can reply :P Well I saw some megablock on display at my ToyRus and I'll never buy those : the pieces were not fitting well together. But as apo said, on the other hand they are cheap. Maybe lego could consider Megablock as an opportunity : people start o buy megablock to their kids because they are cheap and then move on to lego because the quality is much better *satis*
  16. If everybody agree then...
  17. per night and ticket for legoland are included... i'm sure tee will make a sum up for everybody
  18. Is there anything new in the booklet ? *satis*
  19. no bricklink is not cheaper than TLC, no doubt about it, at least if you buy entire sets. And for rare minifigs and rares pieces, its much more expensive than TLC
  20. Erm if you red more carefully you would have known it. It's written in the first posts of this thread ;)
  21. yeah we need pics :-D
  22. There no usefull part in this model *glasses*
  23. And mac are wayy too expensive. Not to mention the prices for softwares.
  24. crapy :/ Useless :/ words are missing here. but its still good to get new pieces
  25. :( Yeah excellent question ! This is one of those extremely bugged games that could ge extremely cool without the bugs
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