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Everything posted by Jipay

  1. Well don't worry i'm we will be able to help you ! :)
  2. Damn dude you start to give me an headache :-D But its still an interresting debate. I dunno if we will one day find an answer to your question since the UCS line has completely changed *wacko*
  3. Well this place is mostly european, I'm sure someone will help you getting the vikings :)
  4. I cannot afford it. I will buy the isd soon (after 2 years of hope, my wife finally agreed) and the DS is on the 'next to buy' list, but not before one year or 2, just before the licence ends. :) I like the set, but I think i still have time to buy it. And I have to save to go to billund this summer :-D
  5. Well I think the main problem is that in your mind, UCS is a scale thing. it's not :/
  6. If it's true it will be fun to see we will sell them items they want really bad on ebay for really high prices like they did the last few years with us :-D Revenge is sweet :|
  7. This would be fair enough : the big copters and tanks for the US and the way nicer vikkings for europe. A punishment for war ? :P
  8. Cloud city IS listed under the UCS category on shop at home. So UCS, no matter if you like this idea or not :/
  9. Of course you were, who seriously want another luke ??? I wrotte a 1 page endless post that was deleted by a false manip on my computer !!! Daaaammnnnnn ! Well basically i said that UCS cannot be defined, it is just what lego decide to put in it. And Cloud City is System Scale and is still UCS : so your definition of UCS as what is not system scaled doesn't stand :/ And the sandcrawler is 5 digits and system scaled :/
  10. Well it's still gives hope for 2005 aswell, the year is not finished and lego can keep things secret sometimes
  11. I've not heard anything about this... Anyway small hint : at a french conference jake was asked if lego noticed the popularity of the train line. He answered lego realized they totaly screwed on this and that they are now making efforts for this line. After hearing that i would be surprised if we see nothing coming this year :|
  12. We are now working on a moonbase-like modules project :) We will keep you updated as soon as we deterlmined the standards. in the meantime, we welcome suggestions :)
  13. Jipay

    Jipay its.....

  14. Forgive my true ignorance but is tracy a female name ? (in both cases, welcome here !)
  15. Worst lego train even. My cousin got it and it sucks so much !
  16. Actually I think the AT AT could have made a good UCS set aswell as the new falcon. They are not ucs because they don't have the 5 digits numbers. i think you could maybe maybe separate the old ucs line from the new one in your reflection. The first one was available in stores, the second isn't |:|
  17. yeah TRU is Toys R Us ;)
  18. Unfortunatly the chances your son has been disqualified because of cheating are really high. There is nothing he can do against it, nothing he can have done to prevent it. Your son learned a good lesson : life can hard sometimes and also unfair (for the positive effect). This program brought a lot of issues and you can cheat easely, or somebody that want to cheat to see your model arrive (because he wants to buy it) can cheat aswell. Buy your son a nice lego box ! It will help him ;)
  19. I think i will order the isd then because it might indicate the end of the set soon :/
  20. Pre-orders, for one. Budgeting, for another - people budget their money, and if they know in advance, they'll put this in there. Nobody can preorder it ! We don't even know the price yet ! :|
  21. How clever it is to put a set 6 months in advance on a website ? What is the point ?
  22. They changed the date, he was right... >-|
  23. Well it is a good idea ! I hope they made a nice movie
  24. Here is my point : UCS mean sultimate collector serie. It is just a serie of models that are collectors that are targeting collectors and not normal customer. It's definitly not a scale thing neither a detailed thing
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