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Everything posted by Jipay

  1. I agree, he should get a reward for pushing people back on track and try to keep people's interest here
  2. It will depend of those special colored bricks. Anyway, 40$ for a loco without a motor is a little bit expensive? I'm also deceived by the fact that this loco is an american one. After the santa fe super chief, another one. Are the USA the only country with nice trains ? The ICE german train for instance is such a beauty ! Anyway, I don't know if I'll be able to resist to this train anyway (it will depend of the star wars set)
  3. Well I know about those models but as always, the price is not justified at all ! 90
  4. Well I'm sure if his kid didn't know about it, it cames as a real shock for him. I can hardly think of my father telling me he's gay :blink:
  5. Well just take a look : mayors of most of the European cities are gays. Who is the mayor of London ? Jon ? Sam ? An idea ? And is this guy gay ? Here in france, some jobs are kinda reserved for gays. Like in Universal music, half the staff is gay (a gay told me that, so it must be true)
  6. Jipay

    Friday 13th!!

    I hope that I'll win also ;)
  7. Jipay

    Friday 13th!!

    Here there is a special lotto ! If I win, remember me to offer you a tie collection ! :)
  8. Jipay

    What Sports?

    well it makes sense... Anyway back on topic... With my dsl TV connection they offer us 5 channels to watch the games ! Those are 24/24 without any ads ! :)
  9. Well we can, we have an army and some nuclear weapon (that are working). We've made some tests to see if the weapon where working in mururoa a while ago. No more marine life there since those days :blink: Now it's true we don't want to fight... Hostory shown it was not a necessity and now the war is more economical...
  10. Jipay

    What Sports?

    No, I ment : should be ad brickset... Don't read only the last reply dude ;)
  11. Well it was more about america and war -_-
  12. Jipay

    What Sports?

    Brickset ?
  13. Wel i'm not american to call my son "jr" and give him the impression thet he's a declination of his father... Otherwise he'll become a president and rule wars all over the world ;)
  14. Oki, it's nice then
  15. It's not that kind of work :P I just a work (and to finish those looonnng studies)
  16. Jipay

    What Sports?

    Ok, cool, we have to integrate more in the community ! I'm thinking about opening a press book on the website to show people are talking about us. remember ? I took some screenshots with the 10131 affair ;) Rebelscum, galactic hunter, even fbtb linked us ! :rolleyes:
  17. Duplo are good, but I much prefer quatro now ! I hope to get some of those cool bricks for my futur-son soon. But clecle's not pregnant :P Come on ! hurry ! :lol:
  18. Jipay

    What Sports?

    Really ? nice from him then... We will add fbtb again is our links. In fact we need to ad new links... Ok ok I'll work on the website today (but Apo is not awake yet and I need him..) What kind of link to you want to see ?
  19. Well it shows they prefer avoiding some contriversy but it could be interpreted like they are afraid of what they've done. I think lego could have been stronger on that one. Well a nice comic to be bck on topic. But once again i'm sure it'll be US-resident only... Maybe we could propose to jake to make a translation of the comic in our own european languages ? Maybe he would appreciate ! Don't you think so ?
  20. So one more to wait until we know the truth... If only we could have some people there... I am the only one to have the impression that american get always the previews first ? Maybe they are more marketing-sensible (more markting-choloridians in their blood) or what ? Lego has better to preparre a sneak peak for us (not US, us) next year in billund :P
  21. Jipay

    What Sports?

    Well, for sure they don't have a lot of exciting news :( But maybe it will come back.
  22. Bahh, here people don't really care of gay-things. Some people are gay, for sure, but we let them in peace, like for instance Paris mayor, who is gay. I don't think a gay affair would make that much of a big deal outta here... And here people respect private life ;) For instance the "clinton affair". Here everybody laughed because almost all our presidents have more than one women (The president before Chirac has one child with another women). And the fact is that... Nobody cares :) Oh, and I can see the link is to fox news... Isn't this channel that elected bush, supported war, and lie constantly ? :P
  23. Same here but I also have a big train track (remember my moc ?)
  24. But it's still funny they suppressed the color change part ;)
  25. If it's a crocodile reedition, I will be able to say "teel ya tell ya", but it doesn't seems to be a legend. Well anyway, one new train set + one new SW is a lot to buy, so I better save my money from now. B)
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