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Everything posted by Jipay

  1. Ah ah ! so nice ! Those are just like in the movie ! Where did you find all those nice darthmaul heads ? :o I also like how you builded the thing to enforce the door. How is it called in english ?
  2. Ohh, you to ? I mean this is the question all the AFOL are thinking of... Are the fans of star wars just wandering that ? I don't think so ;) But how to introduce this drone in such a famous scene ?
  3. Yes... But I already own so many pirate sets... If only they could release new pirate sets like those giant big boats I have at home :<
  4. Here they're still selling civilisation games for nothing (like 5 euros). I used to play but I'm much in Age of Empire... They gonna release the new AOE soon so I'm just impatient :rolleyes:
  5. Well if you take a look at the starwars database, we are still missing a lot of ties, but most of them are from the EU, so... But I'm curious to see if George added some new ties inside of the OT (can't wait until september)
  6. Well without the orange hait there's still a really nice body :<
  7. I still have my snes... with some games. But not as many as I used to own since I sold hose to buy the first playstation... But I still have "killer instinct ", which is the type of game you accuse on tv when kids are acting violently. Erm back on topic (what was it ? Damn, can't recall) Anyway, I haven't realized that most of you didn't know classic space. I would say that classic space are no the ultimate most to have in term of space lego in my opinion. Blacktron and mtron for instance were way cooler than those greyish vehicules :ph34r:
  8. Damn my english is not what it used to be :) Anyway, I didn't "steal", I just asked. So why not trying. I agree on the building your collection yourself doubleT but there was plenty of sets that I wanted as a kid but couldn't afford, and now I get some of the sets with those generous donations ! :)
  9. I'll get teh two small sets soon I hope ! Let's cross fingers :P
  10. I just wanted to know if you get free lego from your friends ? If not you should try ! Most of the guy are entering their dark age around 16 and their will be a definit one ! I already get a lot of free lego this way (or by trading at low prices) : including a yellow castle, an incoming monorail, etc... Have you already tried ?
  11. Your model look much more impressive this way ! I like those little cars :rolleyes: And I definitly love you helm deep custom even if it's quite... empty ;) Maybe you should get one or two knight kingdom sets... The bad guys look like orcs to me ! Can't wait to see your extensions of the helm deep
  12. I like the "10+" "oh no wait; less than 10" thing :P But I'm sure we will still get ties in thye future...
  13. Well you are all welcome ! Jon, you will have to pm me to choose your price !
  14. I must underline the "maybe get gefore him" statment here cause he won't :lol:
  15. By seeing pics it's not really worth it... But dude, this box is huge ! The same size as the falcon one ! OK, you don't get as many pieces, but the ones you got are BIG ! It was a great deal in my opinion... Now I just have to build this and a Tie docking bay... (and get the AT-AT pilot muahahah)
  16. I get both sets yesterday, so i'll try to review them. I already took shots of the closed boxes and I know that now Apophis is truely hating me :lol:
  17. :rolleyes: Lol we can see you're h(a)(u)ngry sam ! Well we also have the double Bicmac here until 10 of august, it's only a promotionnal operation !
  18. In france the most famous burger isalso the bigmac and we got a lot of special operations with special burgers. The quarter pound shows up from time to time as the "280 (gramms)". But in the USA macdonalds are just junk food.
  19. Well Macdonalds in europe arenot the same in america. the biggest coca cola cup here is the smalest there. COnsider also that you can drink at will in macdonals in america and that french fries are just soooo fat. Only went twice in a macdonad in america, don't think I'll go more. But in france I often go there. But I have to confence : not since I watched this movie :P
  20. Sales are going very well ! Already 1/4 from the sets are sold out :) I hope this will show lego than european people can also buy good lego sets when those are at a reasonnable price :)
  21. Your are welcome, your website deserve interest, you are doing a great work. Considering 3dS max one more question : how do you export your mlcad files into 3dsmax ? cause I know it can only export ldraw files or mlcad files. So how do you convert your models into .3ds files ? Thanks in advance and many thanks for all your answers ! a 2 meters mosaic... damn that's huge !
  22. I also want to know if posible what kind of program you used to create those amazing 3d rendered movies !
  23. Apo not Apu, he's not Alladin's monkey ! I agree on the fact that the mosaics are incredible, I can't recall seeing such nice things. I wonder if they use kind of a computer programm to find out where to put the pieces
  24. Well no I don't think he's speaking about this project but about THIS project ;)
  25. No I red in a french magasine that she used false plastic tits for people to look at her. But I have no way to confirm or infirm :loul:
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