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Everything posted by Jipay

  1. allright allright, we'll discuss this
  2. k, we'll see what we can do if more people think it could be usefull (I have no idea how many people play this kind of games)
  3. Nice layout ! Glad you joined ! (and welcome)
  4. Finally ! Finnaallyyy ! Too bad it'll probably be limited to certain basic bricks at first (not to mention the forseen exhorbitant price !)
  5. Don't, I second the cheesy effect. It's the kind of stuff you find cool because it looks good itself. In fact the flare should only be used on specific occasions ! Your picture is one of those, but if the flare is put on the wrong location with the wrong color, it will just look bad ! ;-)
  6. No way ? How is that possible ? :-D That's what is sad, you can predict that every end of season or mid season will end up like that
  7. OMG, that is amazing ! Seriously, there is a problem with your country right now... 5 years ago I was going there every year and now it just seems to me like if it wasn't the same place anymore :-(
  8. I don't think it has been discussed on EB yet... Seems like a rather interesting concept. I remember that whne I was a kid, I parachuted a lot of minifigs with plastic bags from the top fo the house to the ground. God bless lego for making their minifigs resistant !
  9. Yes, seems like we have our local super heroine !
  10. Ratatouille... mhhhh... Weird name if that rat likes delicate food... Still it looks really funny ! I'd go and see it just to know how many french stereotypes they managed to put into that movie. Not to mention none of the cheese names are correct :-D
  11. And unhappy women are the most dangerous thing on earth ! Beware ! ;-)
  12. You shouldn't leave ebay for this. First, wait for the refund, and then only buy from our Eurobricks Straightshooters list X-D
  13. That's just becaise some people are just too lazy. I've never received my item twice and Ebay don't take this in consideration because it was under 30$. And guess what is the price range of most of the auctions... Seriously, you can make statistics said whatever you want |-/
  14. Link to the auction of the famous N64 1000$ for a piece of the Internet history... The Boy's Blog Who's dady now ? The article : "If I were that boy in the above, now-infamous internet viral video, I'd have gone into hiding. But I'm fairly impressed with the "Nintendo 64 Kid" and his ability to come out, so to speak, and admit that he was that spastic ninny child, frantically pawing over his N64 box. Of course, he now has the opportunity to cash in on his brief internet fame, with his N64 and copy of launch filler Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire now on eBay. He's sure to get way more than he would with an EB trade-in and I'm a little jealous. I could really use the cash." I also loved this description of the video : " A kid gets Nintendo 64 on Christmas and proceeds to go insane. I definitely used to get excited on Christmas but this kid acts like he just won the won the World Series, cured cancer and hit the 300 million lottery all at once. Somewhere right now this kid is at some college plotting a way to get back at his parents. Watch him transition from box drum solo to power fist YES chant seamlessly." Yes, I swear, I'm getting a life.. soon...
  15. I was more refering to the fact that you can't be really suprised by ebay not communicating on this. It would just be like recognize the fact their system isn't 100% secured.
  16. Ok, since it's all about laugh now, get ready : The german micro
  17. May this not happen during the ceremony :-P
  18. Man, it has been time since I last cried by laughing too hard in front of a video ! The parody was hilarious. Pure genius ! this one is also a tribute to the N64 kid and is amazing ! link
  19. either that or he's the best actor available. Let's face it, even if it's fake he's still disturbed in some way X-D
  20. I think I never saw something like that before, so I felt the need to share : Crazy German Kid
  21. You wander why there's no communication about this from ebay ? You are kidding, I hope :-/
  22. Already discussed in another thread Nathan (but you were away I think). I think they were available at some Lego stores, and the guy who posted it said it was quite bad because not really strong.
  23. Ray tracing is missing. You obviiously have a problem because the orange/yellow/red colors of the sun don't reflect enough on the sea surface ! Plus as the other says, something is sort of wrong with the clouds. Tip of the day : try using pastel pink colors in the sky, like on this picture I took last week : As you can see, it's sort of the opposite of your picture, the sky is quite clear, and earth's surface is somehow dark. But still that's only my advice and I'm not sure what you are supposed to accomplish with this image
  24. Happy wedding mister mayor !
  25. I will try not to answer then :-D
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