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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. I've merged the two topics closed earlier into this thread.
  2. Star Wars figures and vehicles doesn't have to be LEGO... I think he's referring to the awesome Star Wars toys released back then. My neighbour had the MF and I didn't
  3. Yup, that's the one. Oh wait, I'm not the Penguin
  4. Thanks for reviewing this for us. I've added it to the index. Now we have two great reviews of this fine set.
  5. Going to the Buy/Sell/Trade/Find forum.
  6. It IS an impressive army. At least from what I could see on the warp speed moving movie Soon, I'll have that many myself. And I am not spoiled - unless one can spoil oneself Thinking about it, I am sure that I've bought at least 6 of each battle pack already released
  7. I've added Rayman's 501st Stormies to the Expanded Universe & Promotionals Index. Now before you start posting a zillion pics for equally many custom minifigs, read and understand this: I'll not put "regular" customs no matter how good they are, into the Index. I'll add very special customs like the ones done for the 501st. There's waay too many great customs out there to let them all in. Sorry about that
  8. Slave1 with landing platform is crap? Are you looking for a fight here I don't think we should turns this into a CW versus OT/PT discussion. Personally I love the Clone Wars as LEGO. I dislike the movie and the TV series, but that's got nothing to do with loving the sets. This discussion is intended for discussing wether TLG should make a poll every year or not. Oh, and please resize that signature of yours - or remove it. (it's odd and a little stupid)
  9. Fair enough. Nice work. It looks real in a TLG-could-have-done-this sense.
  10. I've updated the Episode 1 index to have both versions of Darth Maul. Please check that I've added them to the right sets. Thanks... Now I have to go through that bag of Star Wars minifigs to find the other Darth Maul.
  11. Don't you know? Read the topic once more and you're still at a loss, I'll tell you.
  12. I think the Battle Packs are the same size as the previous 4 released. As for the other sets, I have no idea. Usually I ask the seller to debox my purchases when I shop "out-of-state". Serious reduction in shipping.. No boxes though, but I don't collect boxes, I collect Star Wars LEGO
  13. A good question. The V19 is on sale a lot of places here in Denmark. But this discussion belongs in the "Star Wars Sets anyone?"-thread, so I'll close it up and move/merge it there later. Feel free to continue this discussion there.
  14. Nice work. Though I wonder what this has to do with "Sleipnir" the 8-legged horse from Norse mythology. Perhaps you could enlighten me on that
  15. He may very well have such... I just took the pics without checking wether the Battle Droids should have backpacks, 1x1 plates and stuff like that. I intend on keeping the Battle Droids that way throughout the Index. Just as I haven't done (and wont be doing) pictures of the clones wearing the different types of battle gear. I hope that's ok with all of you.
  16. Ahh ok, now I get it. And why is this important ?
  17. A picture to go with that might have been handy I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
  18. That would be truly awesome. Heck...do that and even I'd say: "Madmartigan - you ARE truly great!"
  19. Fig name: Chrome-Black Darth Vader Fig in sets: XXXXX Fig Average price: XXXXX Year of release: XXXXX Fig name: Darth Vader Battle Damaged Fig in sets: XXXXX Fig Average price: XXXXX Year of release: XXXXX Fig name: Darth Vader's Apprentice Fig in sets: XXXXX Fig Average price: XXXXX Year of release: XXXXX Fig name: Juno Eclipse Fig in sets: XXXXX Fig Average price: XXXXX Year of release: XXXXX Fig name: Shadow Trooper Fig in sets: XXXXX Fig Average price: XXXXX Year of release: XXXXX Fig name: Custom 501st Stormtroopers Year of release: XXXXX Designer: Rayman Fig name: EB Stormie Designer: Rayman (Pauldron) CopMike (Head and Leg decision) Year of release: XXXXX Fig name: Red Darth Vader Designer: Mold test Year of release: Never Fig name: Silver Stormtrooper Year of release: 2009 10th Anniversary Magnet Release Legoland USA Star Wars Promotional Brick 2007 Legoland USA Star Wars Promotional Brick 2009 Legoland Germany Star Wars Promotional Brick 2009
  20. Discuss the index >here< Full size pics of the indexed minifigs can be found >here< when gallery is public. Index sized pics for Expanded Universe and Other can be found >here< Other Star Wars Bricklink Catalog click >here<
  21. I guess you're right Does the CW feature something that resembles a MF? Say in Droid Gunship size? Or perhaps we're getting what should be called a "microscale" MF. That would be neat - and fit right in on the shelf next to the two previously released, the mini and the UCS Goodmorning to you I suggest reading back and forth in this topic. There's more than one hint wether this is real or not.
  22. Agreed. Redo the photos - preferably without the sun in the background
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