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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. Darn..yes that one too. I guess at some point TLG was undecided on what the 10000's number was used for. They've been used for Legends as well. And the first UCS were number as regular sets. Better stop this UCS discussion and get back on topic
  2. Goddamit. Thanks - that's what happens when copy/paste is done too fast. Thanks for pointing it out. Edit: and fixed
  3. According to the rumors (posted in the first post of this topic), we will get a Millenium Falcon. And the mid-scale indicates that it'll be scaled as the other released non-UCS Millenium Falcons. Don't mix the idea of UCS with that of the regular system (minifig scale). We'll never see a UCS set with interior. They're not meant to be played with. Exceptions within the 10000-numbers would be the Death Star and Cloud City playsets. But they're not "true" UCS sets anyways.
  4. No idea, but I would suggest you to ask such questions in the appropriate topic. CLOSED This is the topic you're looking for.
  5. The Clone Wars Minifig Index has been added to the first post.
  6. The Star Wars Minifig Index Episode II+: The Clone Wars Fig name: Ahsoka Fig in sets: 7751, 8037, 7675 & 7680 Year of release: 2008 Fig name: Anakin Skywalker Fig in sets: 7669, 8037, 7675 & 7680 Year of release: 2008 Fig name: Asajj Ventress Fig in sets: 7676 Year of release: 2008 Fig name: Assassin Droid Fig in sets: 8015 Year of release: 2009 Fig name: Assassin Droid Elite Fig in sets: 8015 Year of release: 2009 Fig name: Battle Droid (straight arms) Fig in sets: 7678, 7675 & 8018 Year of release: 2008 Fig name: Battle Droid (twisted arms) Fig in sets: XXXX Year of release: 2008 Fig name: Battle Droid Commander Fig in sets: 7681 & 7670 Year of release: 2009 Fig name: Battle Droid Pilot Fig in sets: 8036 Year of release: 2009 Fig name: Captain Rex Fig in sets: 7675 & ComicCon 2008 Year of release: 2008 Fig name: Chancellor Palpatine Fig in sets: 8039 Year of release: 2009 Fig name: Clone Commander Fig in sets: 8014 Year of release: 2009 Fig name: Clone Gunner Fig in sets: 8014 & 8039 Year of release: 2009 Fig name: Clone Jet Trooper Fig in sets: 7748 Year of release: 2009 Fig name: Clone Pilot Fig in sets: 7674, 8019, 8039 & 10195 Year of release: 2008 Fig name: Clone Trooper Fig in sets: 8014, 7681, 7679, 10195, 8019, ComicCon2008, 7675 & 8018) Year of release: 2008
  7. Discuss the index >here< Full size pics of the indexed minifigs can be found >here< when gallery is public. Index sized pics for Clone Wars can be found >here< Clone Wars Bricklink Catalog click >here<
  8. Fig name: Jar Jar Binks Fig in sets: 7115, 7161, 7171, 7121 & 7159 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Naboo Fighter Pilot Fig in sets: 7660 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Naboo Security Officer Fig in sets: 7124 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Obi-Wan Kenobi Fig in sets: 7161 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Obi-Wan Kenobi Fig in sets: 7665 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Obi-Wan Kenobi Fig in sets: 7203 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Padme Naberrie Fig in sets: 7131 & 7171 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Anakin's Pit droid Fig in sets: 7131 & 7171 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Gasgano's Pit Droid Fig in sets: 7171 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Sebulba's Pit Droid Fig in sets: 7171 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Qui-Gon Jinn Fig in sets: 7161, 7204, 7101, 7171 & 7121 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Qui-Gon Jinn Fig in sets: 7665 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: R2R7 Fig in sets: 7665 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Republic Captain Fig in sets: 7665 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Republic Pilot Fig in sets: 7665 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Sebulba Fig in sets: 7171 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Watto Fig in sets: 7186 Fig Average price: Year of release:
  9. And the remaining droids have been added. Feel free to look around the index and submit the missing pics. Thanks. Now all I need is the remaining episodes and tapping in the info beneath each fig. I've added a link to Bricklink's Catalog instead of making each picture a link. I hope that'll do.
  10. Thanks Mr Ambassador. I ws just about to point that out. Keep the discussion in this topic to the rumors and pictures please. Wishes and stuff like that goes somewhere else.
  11. You can't stop it now. Talk about abusing "cliffhangers" Great work so far. A little dark isn't it - picturewise.
  12. So it seems that my work is as done as it can be right now with Episode I. I've just got to do a few pics of the droids in the new MTT and the old version Destroyer Droid. I need pics of the Pit Droids, ObiWan from the Gungan Sub, Watto & Aldar from Watto's Junkyard. I guess that's about it. Check the Index and pics with a Star Wars logo/R2D2 are the ones I don't have. Now on to Episode II
  13. The Star Wars Minifig Index Episode I: The Phantom Menace Fig name: Aldar beedo Fig in sets: 7159 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Aldar Beedo Watto's Junkyward Version Fig in sets: 7186 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Anakin Skywalker Fig in sets: 7141 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Anakin Skywalker Fig in sets: 7131,7171 & 7159 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Anakin Skywalker Fig in sets: 7660 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Battle Droid Fig in sets: Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Battle Droid Mk2 Fig in sets: 7662 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Battle Droid Commander Fig in sets: 7204 & 3343 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Battle Droid Pilot Fig in sets: 7126 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Battle Droid Pilot Mk2 Fig in sets: 7662 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Battle Droid Security Fig in sets: 7204 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Battle Droid Security Mk2 Fig in sets: 7662 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Darth Maul Fig in sets: 7101, 7151 & 3340 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Darth Maul Mk2 Fig in sets: 7663 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Destroyer Droid Mk1 Fig in sets: Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Destroyer Droid Mk2 Fig in sets: 7662 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Gasgano Fig in sets: 7171 Fig Average price: Year of release: Fig name: Gungan Soldier Fig in sets: 7115 Fig Average price: Year of release:
  14. Poll added
  15. That would without any doubt allow serious ranting and even the flaming pitchforks.
  16. Mkay... Here goes: I've stated this before, but I think I need to clarify what I mean: With price ranting I mean outbursts and rants on the price of a set in an agrresive and unconstructive manner. We can all agree that since Star Wars is a licensed theme, the price is somewhat higher than other non-licensed sets. I can easily accept people thinking and saying that a set is too expensive, I am a collector and I hate paying loads of money for a small and (sometimes) crappy set. I just wont allow a review or discussion on future sets to turn into a bunch of fans with torches and pitchforks yelling "Buuurn TLG buuurn". The prices are very different around the world (for what I'd call "unknown and unfair reasons). So whenever you (the users) comment on prices, be aware of how you do it, you might just offend some poor Asian, who has to pay close to triple your price. We've got an expensive hobby, but I'd still prefer to discuss the sets, rather than the price of the sets. Feel free to continue any discussion on pricing and my actions concerning price discussion in this topic. Your ever happy Moderator Kim
  17. I am typing in most of Ep1 right now. Check it here and then come back here to discuss it. I've taken the livberty of choosing a template size for now. They can easily be resized depending on the outcome of the vote.
  18. Discuss the index >here< Full size pics of the indexed minifigs can be found >here< when gallery is public. Index sized pics for Episode III can be found >here< Episode III Star Wars Bricklink Catalog click >here<
  19. Discuss the index >here< Full size pics of the indexed minifigs can be found >here< when gallery is public. Index sized pics for Episode I can be found >here< Episode I Bricklink Catalog click >here<
  20. Perhaps you should consider printing the racket strings...
  21. Maybe I could figure it out, but the short answer would be: No - sorry we don't do confidential photography.
  22. I took plenty of photos today And the ones mentioned above are what I recall needing right now.
  23. Check the vote topic, there you'll see how they'll look when new photos are taken. For now I need pics of the Pit Droids, the Qui-Gon Jinn from the Gungan Sub and something something which I can't remember. It'll all be much more clear when the vote is done and I present the finished Episode I Minifig Index within a few days.
  24. Erhm.... 10188 Death Star 2008 10186 General Grievous 2008 10179 Millenium Falcon 2007 ... We've been given one or two per year. And perhaps we should think of the Anniversary sets as UCS-replacements this year?
  25. Since you're new around here, I'll let you live. C'mon people, we've been over this before. The prices are different around the world and hearing US members complain over the prices is something that'll piss off any European or Asian member, since we pay double the amount per set. So let go of that discussion. If you need to discuss prices, then go to the Ambassadors' Forum - there's a topic for that. But leave the price ranting out the Star Wars forum. Saying that the price per piece is too high is more than enough. This is an AFOL site and AFOLs are rich enough (or smart enough) to prioritize which sets they want. Let it go all of you. NOW!
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