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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. Unless the red clones are the preliminary design and the blue one we're seeing right now is the finished product. A lot of Clone Wars licensed toys are using the Blue clone design and I think they're told so by George Lucas' Company. Changing the entire design of so many different toys is very expensive. But you could be right...the red clone design is awesome.
  2. For starters you could have checked the appropriate theme forums for such info, instead of this which is intended for LEGO News and General Discussions on LEGO. Checking before posting usually is a good idea.
  3. Yay! I've seen one episode of the CW series and this craft was featured in it. It looks a lot like the real deal - if that can be said about an animated craft. Thanks for sharing...what letter is this I'll index it shortly
  4. Ahem! This is a perfect example of how not to act on EB. It's so easy calling people liars and in doing so, you act as if you're looking for a verbal fight. Furthermore your post makes no sense. Please spend a little more time putting your sentences together and how about using small and big letters? As for the exclusive mistake, I've already fixed that with my comment on the Echo Base being an Anniversary set. Stand down and stay on target.
  5. Wow, great work Anders. That castle is so classic in it's appearance, that it's almost minifig scale. Just think of some classic castle sets like the blacksmith.
  6. I don't think a dwarf impulse will be in the upcoming wave, but we could always hope for more sets in the autumn/winter wave... the retailer catalog for that period hasn't hit the stores yet. At least not to my knowledge.
  7. Well if people would just stop posting here, then it would quickly dissappear, but someone's keeping this alive
  8. No problemo. The Reviewers Academy is a course based thing and you can do it as fast as you like (or as slow as you like for that sake)
  9. You made those? Nice work indeed. Did you also make the back print on the figs? Nevertheless awesome work as usual Rayman
  10. Nice Midnette Bignette. The overall design is very good I'll index this shortly
  11. Wow, did you completely ignore the date of this topic? Perhaps clicking the member profile might show you that he hasn't been online in a zillion years. Thank you. That's a fair explanaition as to why one should let really old topics sleep. Do you even try to read the posts before yours?
  12. Not exclusive, it's more likely to be another 10th Anniversary Set. My guess is that sincce Hoth and Endor are OT, then they'll be anniversary sets like Vader's Tie. Same ol'skool box-design.
  13. Welcome to Eurobricks Nate. I am glad you've skipped lurking and joined the site instead. Hopefully the SW forum suits your needs.
  14. Welcome to Eurobricks. Could you please tell us a little more about yourself, on top of that rather overhappy smilie post
  15. KimT


    Welcome to Eurobricks.
  16. Happy B-day Aredhel
  17. Wow that's the fastest title change ever seen. Back on topic: Yeah, I'd better remember to add those fine stormies to the index. PS: Anyone know where to get one?
  18. Keep it up, it wont change anything. Your current title stays and the more you try to get a new one - the longer it's there.
  19. Phew! I was afraid I had to go to Sweden to try and kick your behind. Now I don't have to
  20. Great interview. Glad to hear that the end of HP is now Sounds like a really cool guy that could be fun to meet. Perhaps he'll be at LEGOworld2009...highly doubtful though.
  21. You've got the 501st promotionals?
  22. Have You tried either of those links from the first post in this topic? Sometimes reading the first post will keep you of trouble
  23. Yeah what an annoying kid. Luckily we're not like him... Braggin' about our collections and showing off armies in different topics. Just look at my collection - You don't hear me brag about it. [it's absolutely friggin amazing ] Of course I'm envious of him, who isn't? Thanks Mr Penguin for setting things straight
  24. Nice Midnette. I'll make sure to index this. Thanks for sharing What's the 1x2 modified tiles supposed to be? Smoke? Ladders?
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