I'm thinking vertical photos, done with a regular baseplate in light grey as background and base.
Fig has to fill as much of the picture as possible.
Attach or deeplink photos in this topic and I'll copy, resize and upload them to one brickshelf folder.
So if anyone has the need to "get to work" then feel free to do so.
I will take the liberty of rejecting yellow or blurry photos - please do not take that as an insult or personally.
I just want this to be the best index around.
So for now, I need:
Photos front and back of the Episode 1 figs in the index in the first post.
Picture must be 1024x768 pixels in size
Pictures must be taken "vertically"
Thanks in advance.
Like this:
Just with a back shot as well and in the mentioned size.
Having all the pics in the same size, makes resizing them easier.