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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. I had fun making up punishments for those rum stealers! NOW... THE INCIDENT!
  2. NOT THE RUM!!!! Does anyone know how hard Big Cam worked to protect that rum? Used to be the only way one could get at it ‘twas for a fair price- say a healthy wench trade or the creation of a super MOC... But these scoundrels… their abuses... their mistakes... and now... THE INCIDENT! Banning is not sufficient. Make the whole lot of them walk the plank, then keelhaul them, then make them walk the plank again, then give ZCerberus a banana and 10 minutes alone with them, then lock them in the “boo boo box”, then give them all a paper cut on the skin between their pointer finger and their thumb, then call their mothers mean names like "milk head" and "flacid face", then tie them upside down to the bow sprit in bad weather, then making them eat Cutlass Iz’s cooking (sorry Iz, it's sexist, but I heard it's true), then make them do the Macarena on the plank while wearing dresses, then make them wash all of Mr. Phes’s socks, then give them 12 and a half lashes with the cat-o-eight tails (the economy even affects capital punishment devices), then make them compliment Joey Locke's mustache, then make the swab the crow's nest naked, then (ironically) make them bring a knife to a gun fight with Ratshot, then give them the ultimate punishment—make them all admit they play with M*gabloks!
  3. Speaking as a MOCer, we do use a lot of Bricklink and we also buy sets for parts- but I only try to do that if the set has a LOT of parts I want and has a good part to price ratio. about $.10 (US Dollars) a brick is pretty good for non-licensed sets. The price to part ratio is an outstanding $.0625. Of course you have to have a need for the colors/pieces you will be getting, and this set is GREAT in that regard. The MOC you linked to is one of the Derfel Cardarn's (the guy I mentioned in my post), so if you like his work, the MMV would be a great choice to build in his style!
  4. I like this MOC, but I do have some constructive criticism. I would DEFINATLEY get rid of the black on the back and change it over to dark bluish gray. I would then add some greebles back there. I think the dark bluish grey would make it 10000 times better!
  5. +1 to Phred. Smooth CM trade.
  6. As Becker said, it all depends on what you want the set for. Is it just for parts? Do you want to build a village? If you are interested in the set for the parts or you are looking to build a village, I would HIGHLY recommend this set. It has an INSANELY GOOD price to part ratio and it has quite a few very nice elements for pirate type builds. If you are a fan of Derfel Cardarn's work (and why wouldn't you be?) he uses the tan, brown black color scheme and tudor style of the houses in MMV all the time for pirate-y MOCs. I would say the houses in MMV are more complete than the house in the London Escape set from POTC will be, so consider that when deciding on a purchase.
  7. Based in USA. Will update with more information once I look through my old series. No need to be sealed. All series 3 and 4 listed will be open to verify their contents. HAVE TO TRADE: S1 ALL opened w/o packaging 1 x Cheerleader Sent to RubeusHagrid 1 x Skater Sent to Janel 1 x Skater Sent to Kenny 2 x Caveman Sent to UsernameMDM 1 x Scuba Diver Sent to Janel 1 x Scuba Diver Sent to Kenny 1 x Wrestler Sent to Janel 1 x Ninja Sent to Kenny 1 x Cowboy 1 x Cowboy Sent to Janel 1 x Magician 1 x Magician Sent to Janel S2 1 x Mexican Hombre Sent to Janel 1 x Mexican Hombre (Loose) Sent to Kenny 1 x Mime 1 x Mime Sent to Kenny 1 x Mime Sent to Janel1 x Mime Sent to Melrows 1 x Explorer Sent to Janel 1 x Disco man Sent to Kenny 1 x Weightlifter Sent to Kenny 1 x Weightlifter Sent to Janel 1 x Pharaoh Sent to Kenny 1 x Witch (Loose) Sent to Kenny 1 x Vampire (Loose) Sent to Kenny 1 x Karate Champ (Loose) 1 x Ring Master (Loose) 1 x Pop Star (Loose) Sent to Janel 1 x Pharaoh (Loose) 1 x Pharaoh Sent to Janel 1 x Surfer (Loose) 1 x Surfer Sent to Janel 1 x Skier Sent to Kenny 1 x Skier (Loose) Sent to Melrows S3 2 x Elf Sent to Prozac 1 x Elf Sent to Kenny 10 x Fisherman (unopened) 2 x Samurai (Loose) 1 x Samurai Sent to Kenny 2 x Mummy (Loose)1 x Mummy Sent to Kenny 2 x Tennis Player (Loose) 1 x Tennis Player Sent to Kenny 2 x Race Car Driver (Loose) 1 x Pilot 1 x Pilot Sent to Kenny 1 x Hula Dancer Sent to Kenny S4 3 x Musketeer (Have multiples!) 10 x Hazmat (Have multiples!) 1 x Surfer Girl Sent to Archer 1 x Monster (Frankenstein) 1 x Soccer (football) Player Sent to typo 2 x Street Skater (1 x Loose) 1 x Street Skater Sent to typo 1 x Artist 2 x Artists Sent to CorneliusMurdock 3 x Werewolf Sent to DunJohn 2 x Garden Gnome (Loose) 1 x Garden Gnome Sent to Archer 2 x Mad Scientist Series 5 2 x Ice Fisherman 2 x Dark Dwarf 1 x Lizzardman 1 x Cave Woman 1 x Boxer 1 x Detective (Loose) 1 x Fitness (Loose) Misc. BlackBeard from PotC Jack Sparrow from PotC "Captain's Cabin/Zombie Pirates" StarWars weapons (scoped pistols and rifles) Toy Story Figs (Woody, Jessie, Stinky Pete, Lotso, Twitch (Sent to DunJohn), Bullseye... may have others, will inventory) NEEDS S2 Spartan S4 Muskateer S3 Elf S5 Gladiator S5 Guard Misc. Red Imperial Guard figures (pirates, not SW... old or new torso) Shakos (old style esp.) Muskets (old or new brown) moved everything to later page to reorganize!
  8. Not saying I think he is right, but Lego did make light-up lightsabers, so it is possible!
  9. I get the feeling the cutlasses are going to be "pearl light gray" like the kingdoms swords. Anyone else agree?
  10. I knew you would come around! Though I was hoping for some dark orange parts in their as well... we do get new hats, bottles, buckets, windows, black rowboats, mermaids, torsos, and those awesome sword holders in several colors. Definatley going to need multiples of... multiples!
  11. It is a'ight as it is, but I think it will be nice to have the curve ever so slightly longer. going to the wider spacing between the ports means I have a shot to change it anyways!
  12. Okay... so the beam width is 38ish studs which means it should be about 150 studs long... it is only about 120ish studs now. That means adding 26 studs by expanding the space between the gun ports by two studs a crack would be right about spot on. Also means basically rebuilding the ship... on the hand with the technique already down, it might not be as terrible as it seems... I am going to keep the width about where it is, since it seem to be right about where I want it!
  13. though the brown could look like non-shiny copper too... what was sort of my thought. since this ship is a "just above the water line" type look to it. So if it is 30-36 it should be 120-130ish studs long... it might be close to that now... but I am not sure exactly... all I know is it looks a little chunky as it is!
  14. There are some issues I have with the ship as well. 1) the bow curves too quickly. This is something I was aware of, but I wanted to see how it would look with the stern before doing a rebuild. I now know it bothers me enough that I am going to change it. I moved it onto another table last night so I could walk around it and see how she faired... though she looks good from the front, looking from the back or 3/4 to the back, the front of the ship just disappears. I am also strongly considering changing the black plates on the bottom of the ship to brown as well. We'll see how I like that. 2) the stern/poop is too tall... but because of the snot technique, I have to trim it down in multiples of 5 plates. The verdict... I am going to trim her down by 5 plates. That will cause me to make a bunch of changes in the stern and the stern cabin, but I think they will ultimately be worth it. 3) the space between the gun ports is too small. Right now it is 5 studs between ports... it should be more like 7 studs. That would help make the ship look sleeker... I think the beam width is decently close to what it should be... (30+ studs right now) but the length is probably not close to what it should be! To change the spacing between the gun ports would mean the ship would need to be about 26 studs longer which I think would make a huge difference. It would probably also weigh another 10 pounds... but so what... that is A LOT to change. Right now I am STRONGLY considering doing it anyway! Yes, the stern should curve in a little more... not easy to do with the way the cabin is set up. It looks good from the back, but not as good from up top. ALL of the things I don't like contribute to the hull looking too square. We'll see how it shapes up with some of the changes outlined above.
  15. After you have been on this site for a while, there are names you remember, people whom you know are well respected-- people whose opinions should mean something to you. Zorro was that type of person to me. A person who, though I never personally met, could let me know a MOC was on track with a single comment. I know that most of us who frequent this site only knew a little about "the man behind the mask", only knew the little bit of his life that he shared here but I know, he stepped into an important role on Classic-pirates.com at the very moment help was requested and I think that says a lot about him. I hope he was as positive and helpful in all areas of his life as he was here. He will be missed by memebers, the staff, his family and friends, including Bonaparte, whom inspired Zorro to join the forums, and me. -The “other” Z.
  16. Nope. This is as tall as she will get. I made the main and fore masts 6 studs taller. There are still some wholes in the decking, but thanks to a bricklink order, the back side is now fully "skinned". First order of business will be to fill those holes, then start some of the rigging.
  17. As for the rudder... the area where the rudder is located, and those two blue flag/chasers would be underwater on your vessel. The rudder definately needs to be taller on this ship. You may need some holes a little higher up so the rudder chain (if that is what this ship would be using) can enter the chip to be attached to the steering!
  18. No hinges. It is attached to the ship with magnets.
  19. I hadn't seen that ship, but it is indeed similar. I was pulling more inspiration from "Le Superbe" but with the blue and gold scheme. and will have a rudder. Yeah... that section not yet high on the priorities list. Not all, but some of those that seem to be floating out in the middle of nowhere... will go to dk blue
  20. Update. Good progress on the stern. I turned the ship around so I could begin "skinning" the backside. It would be quick and easy if I had all the parts... silly 1 x 1 tiles and old style hinges (and black fences). Anyhow, on to the shots! Definitely need to get rid of some of that black. I just don't have all the pieces I need to do it in dark blue. Minor tweaks to come though. A little too much sun! The ship was too heavy to move it to shoot from the other direction just for this shot though! Well not quite in focus, but you can see a more accurate representation of the color here. Back 3/4 with the flash on. You can see I am working on skinning the ship. I need a few pieces to complete it... black hinges, 1 x 1 dark red tiles and some 1 x 2 dark blue jumper plates. No flash look at the stern. You can see I haven't finished the decking or railing on the poop deck, but I am getting there. You can see Phred's sig fig hasn't moved since I started working back there. Lazy bum.
  21. In terms of pieces, which is really what I look for as a MOCer (versus collector), I am hopeful it will have some great pearl gold (and dark red) parts. The ship in the movie however, looks yucky. I tend to build larger, taller sterns, but even to me this looks over the top. I know PotC is not exactly known for being historically accurate, but that ship is even a bit too cartoon-y for me, even more than the BP or the FD
  22. There are stand-ins in the mill/water wheel set as well, so I think there will be some changes. However, the figure in the break-out on the box looks a lot like the figure in the set package... My opinion... that is NOT the final Elizabeth figure.
  23. I totally understand! When I first saw the mill set I was also disappointed, but after taking a closer look at the other two, I saw some parts potential. I think we need to understand we are going to get several "play" sets that won't necessarily look particularly interesting, but will focus largely on a few play features with a few key figures. Like POP however, I am optimistic there will be some great parts in those sets as well. I respect your opinion, but I was just trying to get you to look past the "look" of the sets and back onto what I know you really care about as a great MOCer, and that is the parts! As for both the QAR and the Black Pearl... the second page of the catalog lists the QAR as released in May and the BP released in November!
  24. I am going to have to disagree with Derfel for now. As you indicated and like me, what you really care about are the pieces, and I think there is some promise there if you take a good look. I think I had a similar reaction to the castle pictures that are also out, the sets aren't that impressive, but the parts are (buckets, new weapons, new animals and peasants!) and I think you will feel more like that when we get better pics of the pirate sets! But just to get your ol' brain working, here is what I noticed about the blurry pirates sets already... Though I am not particularly impressed with the blurry photos of the waterwheel set, I also noticed not even the figures on the prelim photos are final. The ones on the package break-outs don't match the ones in the photos, so there are undoubtedly going to be changes. The cannibal set, however, appears to have a cage made of bones that I am guessing is going to use some (though probably not most) of the new bones from the Ninjago sets. The islander like minifigs will be great for MOCing (including the little bones in their hairpieces) and there appears to be dark tan, reddish brown and maybe even some burnt orange parts in the set. Those are great pirate-y colors for MOCing, which we all know is your forte! The Isla De la Muerta set contains four figures (which will be the highlight for sure) with a couple of large hats and other odd accessories... does the skelly (and regular) figure of Barbossa have a dark tan or dark orange bag (or holster?!?) slung over his shoulder? And the flesh versions appears to have a beard, (which hopefully will be a new mold, can't tell for sure right now) and a female dress and hairpiece. There will also be some treasure which appear to be both multiple 1 x 1 plates (and we all know how you feel about those) and some gold coins as well. I also notice the oars on the boat appear to be a different color then the boat itself, which again, makes me think we are getting burnt/dark orange or some other color prominently featured in these sets that will be great addition to your/our MOCs. Of the three sets we've seen, I think there is some promise for two of them already (depending on price point) and the images aren't even final!
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