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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. It is a 'thin technic lift arm' 3 long. I guess I generally dislike the very short distance between the top and second from top space on the bowsprit, so on both the Arbiter II and on the New Covenant I used this construction to lengthen the mast at the top enough so that the topgallant sails didn't look so cramped. I will also give you a few looks at the construction. I'm sure you can figure out the rest from there... in fact, you very well may have figure it out with out the photos... but I always like to help out :-D Not yet. I agree that there needs to be some improvement, but I do like things about our forum compared to others as well. I will put my two cents in eventually.
  2. Well either way, I am rather pleased with the second set, and I will put them on when I next wee the ship.
  3. Well I was actually talking about the first pic compared to the second one... look at them in thumbnail for side by side to compare the first pic to the second one... You should be able to tell now that I was saying not so great, I was talking about the first picture, then I reformed then to get to the second, and it was much improved!
  4. Well truth be told, I used the gray because I had it available. I am generally estranged from my Legos as they are at my parents' house some 180 miles away, so I used a little stash I had with me! Gray is what I had, so gray is what I used. If I ever intend to make these things a little more realistic, I will take your ideas into account, but for now, it is just for fun! Though you are certainly right, I think a mobile shield for archers would be used for multiple archers and much easier to move. It does work... I was just giving you a hard time!
  5. Perhaps... except I also already have a battering ram, as you may have noticed!
  6. Correct sir, that is most likely where I got them!
  7. Well if it looked a little more like an Arrow and less like a rounded missile head, I think I would like it better too, but it is LEGO, so I went with it!
  8. Thank you sir. Welcome to Eurobricks! Sounds like you might have found your way to this thread through the History and Adventure Forum, I hope you may dabble a little here with the Pirates as well!
  9. Except they are missing giant evil mythical creatures!
  10. I am quite sure that is old... I think I got them in a space shuttle set back in the day. If I recall, they were part of the engine assembly... Like I said, I wasn't sure they deserved a dedicated thread, but since I had them out and ready to photo, I figured why not! Thanks, I like the Berserker guy's looks on the far right best!
  11. indeed! I wish, but there are some rare pieces in there that I don't have many of... I only have one, but I have a few other MOCs that use the same concept. I actually have three others that I didn't post. They are more vanilla and bland, but two of them use the archer behind the port as well. The double engine also uses it, but that one is already posted. Ha! I assume this is some comment is due to my Piratical origin, but my first post in the Eurobricks forums was my Imperial Harbor... so I have really been a landlubber all along!
  12. Yes, probably so, but I was out of old brown plates! |-/ It would also be harder to see the ram itself which was one of the features of the MOC! The body of the ram isn't all that good looking though, so maybe seeing the head would be enough. Thanks *y*
  13. Well it does have horns coming out of everywhere! But I suppose as a midwesterner, you probably have seen a bull or two in your day!! Yeah, horns out the side would be more bull like, but I made it before I named it. I guess I considered calling it several names, like 'the crab' or 'the ox', but for some reason 'Bull' just seemed to fit best. Thanks. I like this one of the 'double engine' best.
  14. Hmm... I am pretty sure NONE of this is very realistic. I am going for cool factor over realism. I think I have expressed questions myself as to whether Vikings used siege weapons at all... additionally, they certainly wouldn't be wearing the helmets they have on, or have giant warhammers like one of my 'kings' Notice I didn't say they were "Kings" but "kings", I thought Viking rulers, or leaders didn't sound as cool, so I just went with kings. These are creations, they are creative... that is their fun! I am not going for realism, as they are an extension of Lego Vikings. By the same token then you would have to wonder how the double catapult from LEGO fires, or the artillery wagon, or why they have dragons and sea monsters and evil giant wolves... Basically what I am saying is these are LEGO Vikings, not Vikings, so I skimped on practical considerations for cool factor. If I ever do attempt to make something with more realism though, I will take your comments to heart. Thanks your comments 007!
  15. Thank you all. Like I said, I am not sure ANY siege engine or weapon would even be used by Vikings, but since LEGO made some, I thought I would try it out myself. In terms of the firing mechanism for the ballista being better... well... maybe not... they do fire, but they don't have near the power of the LEGO shooting mechanisms. If you haven't been able to tell, I am big on making this things playable, so I like having things that aren't exactly real so long as they look good and make the set really playable!
  16. Yes... well I am trying to find away around that, but it is quite sturdy now... I might just have to live with it. The only other option would be to cut the longer ones... Not really a great option I am not even sure... 6 plus 2 bowsprits plus 2 mid mast sections plus 1 tall base plus 1 small base... 6 + (16 * 2) + (13 2/3 * 2) + 9 + 1 2/3 = height 6 + 32 + 27 1/3 + 9 + 1 2/3 = 76 76 studs I think
  17. heehee- well that was a nice transition! Right now I am amassing some regular ol' sailors to add to the ship. They will be largely unarmed but will follow the Red and White color scheme. More on the sailors when some Bricklink stuff arrives!
  18. Maybe, but Mr. Tiber is right, we are too off topic here. If anyone has something constructive to say about the MOC, maybe we should stick to that!
  19. I don't know that this deserves its own topic or not, but since I was posting... here is a shot of the Nordic kings that rule my Viking World. You maybe wonder what exactly they are kings of... these for now... maybe more latter... Those MOCs threads can be found below... Archer Cart The Bull Double Engine Viking Battering Ram
  20. This guy is largely inspired by the 'Grond' from the Lord of the Rings. It is my Viking Battering Ram Don't I make a great hand model? j/k
  21. Yes, I wonder if any siege weapons are really all that Viking-like... but in terns of Lego Vikings, I think it works!
  22. So the double Engine is one of my first Viking MOCs. It is called the double engine because it is a ballista on one side and a catapult on the other.
  23. This little guy I call the 'Bull'. The red technic pole on the left side raises and lowers the shooting mechanism and the one on the right shoots it out.
  24. Okay so I am used to the Pirate forum here but I have a couple of Viking MOCs to post, if they need to be moved, so be it! So the first one is the 'Archer Cart'. It is a small MOC that is a shield with a port to shoot through. The brickshelf folder needs to be moderated, so we need to wait for that, but when it is done, the folder is here.
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