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History Moderator
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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. The wall is a little dull, but I think that is fine since it really helps highlight the excellent dragon and the cool table.
  2. I admit my immediate reaction was to be upset, but I quickly realized a lot of people have invested time and resources here and this should be everyone's world and I admit I didn't really state that I was using some of the suggestions from you guys to change some of what everyone seemed to perceive as the weakpoints. At the same time I know the rigors of trying to run this, and turning the project over a) without recognizing the hard work of the guild leaders and b) to people who might burn out and leave the world in limbo means there has to be someone with some with EB authority and some experience to bridge the gap. I guess I felt like I was in a good spot to use the collective suggestion from all of you to get an idea rolling with the leaders. ISC and Si have been very encouraging and I believe they support the move. Though maybe it was never fully "official" I have been more or less running Avalonia since challenge 3 so I have lots of interaction with the original crew and the regulator powers to get done SOME of what we need to do to have a successful project. The other two people would be instrumental who have given some input are the defacto leader of Mitgardia, Mr. Ecclesiastes, and our favorite indexer and History Regulator rogueang. I think they are both "in" on some level to help manage a next chapter if we launch one. I think if this idea does move forward to other guilds it would be fun to invite key players (like those who played in all 6 of the Book 1 challenges) in the various guilds to help shape the story for their guild's challenges as well.
  3. I dunno... I want joining to be as painless as possible!!
  4. It is on its way in theory. The tags were approved, then I provided a list of recipients and about 10 or so were uploaded when the MODs realized they were not saved in the right location (apparently) so they stopped tagging to move them to the right spot. Or at least that was the last I heard of it.
  5. Okay, since I know many of you have put in a lot of time in GoH, (and since Kabel made me feel like I was ignoring all of you ) I would like to share part of what I suggested to the other leaders for the next chapter and you can offer some feedback. Goals of this next mini-challenge/idea (based on some of the thoughts you supplied in this thread earlier) Get people into Nocturnus Remove GOLD as the motivating factor Offer multiple options so people with limited collections (or time) can still participate Introduce some team work and some competitive balance to a challenge Apply some of the (this needed to be redacted as it is a secret) framework to give it a go. Allow new people a good spot to get into the guilds. Introduce some more direct (and some intraguild) competition Following up on what many of you said earlier in this thread, the general idea would be the next challenge/story arc would specifically be set in Nocturnus. The idea would be two competing factions (both internal Nocturnus) would battle for control of the land. Those who are currently in Nocturnus could immediately choose their side. Any new member could elect to be in Nocturnus and would also get to choose their side immediately. Everyone else who wants to participate in the challenge would be randomly assigned a side in an attempt to "balance" the two sides so the competition would be... well... competitve. From here you can choose to use your own established GoH character or you can create a new one specifically for this mini-challenge. In an effort to respond to the ideas that the challenges became too big or that people simply wanted to build something cool with those who don't like restrictions, the challenge would consist of 3 categories. Onw would be a building challenge limited to 32 x 32, the second would be a story challenge with no limit on size and the third would be a vignette challenge for those who really want to highlight working with figures, or with lmited time or resources. On the judging and transparency issues... The judging will consist of three judges who will not be participants. These judges will write an "opinion" on which side they believe has won each of the three categories. Whichever side wins two of the three judges' votes wins the category and naturally the side that wins TWO categories is now the side that controls Nocturnus. I can already see some wondering what will become of the already established leaders/characters in Nocturnus... though there will/maybe a new figurehead/guild colors for the guild, players from the "losing" side will be offered amnesty back into the winning faction- but if you don't want back in, maybe your character can flee to another land or plot and wait for the story to circle back to your guild for some revenge! Because the management has become difficult with the real life duties of each of the guild leaders and because my real life responsibility is due in about two weeks, I would be directing this first campaign and would NOT be participating in the builds, though I would build the prelude scene(s) and would act as one of the three judges. This also cuts down on who needs to get authorization or to do what and if we move this structure to other guilds, it would be easy to get other active members in the guild we are centered on some management responsibilities for a time to try it out. Prizes would consist of brick-built trophies. I *might* be able to get set prizes donated for each category as well, but that is not certain. IF this structure is successful, it could be moved to other guilds to progress the story in each land. When we move to the next Guildland, we could elect new judges or co-director's to develope the story for that guild. If something LIKE this was implemented, would you be excited? Upset? Intrigued? Ready to bolt to LCC?
  6. There was an issue with where the tags are located. The tags should be in que once that is sorted out. You can have more than one shield tag. The criteria for the tag was pretty basic. I can share what it was once they are all out there.
  7. Old topic. Thanks for the new link Guss, but since this is the OLD King's castle siege, maybe we should just let sleeping dogs lie and not bump the topic.
  8. Digger- a lot of people will skip right past a topic if there are no pictures. I added the picture for you on this one. Check out the link Fugazi put on the front page to see how to link Flickr images here. As for the MOC, very nicely done. I like how the handcuffs both make his muscles look bigger and allow the arm positioning.
  9. I think I like it, but it is a bit hard to pick-up the detail with all the black in the background!
  10. They've had bears in several MOCs. I think a lizard or serpent is more Nocty
  11. We've also made some progress on tags... watchout Historicans!!
  12. Well you're always free to play as you wish outside the contests and official stories, but we have taken the feedback from various points and considered how to make positive changes. Coming up with where to go next doesn't mean your ideas are being ignored, I simply meant an active group including the EB staff is using your feedback to figure out what to do next. All four of the original leaders have real life obligations and managing the guilds has been such a drag that they have all pulled away. There is no doubt in my mind that getting new/vice leaders will also burn those people out too. I have had some some problems trying to get stuff done (tags, voting topics, judging, frontpaging) and I can't just take over when ISC and the original guys put in a lot of work on this. The decisions have to be left to small group or else things drag to a crawl.
  13. Discussions have been going on about where to go after some time for freebuilding. It seems that maybe two substitute guild leaders and one guild regulator may have an idea. We'll see how it developes. First thing we need is to decide the official Historica lore with a challenge VI vote.
  14. Might be someone missing from the Avalonian list too I think...
  15. I think it is hard to landscape on such a small build and make it look like there is elevation of color variation. Overall it seems like it is a bit too "square" and not organic enough. Maybe a bigger vignette would solve that. On the positive side, the photography and figure posing are both quite excellent.
  16. The "trench" around the table area makes me think this should be on the deck of a star destroyer. Again, it makes me think you would be a good candidate to be in one of the Guilds of Historica.
  17. How many more of these things do you have! Very nice again.
  18. Thank you guys. The challenge did absorb my life for a while, but it was great fun. Now let's get some freebuilds in!
  19. Lovely shields and torsos. Good work.
  20. A poll on a question of the best AT-ST without pictures? Come-on guys! 7127 7657 8038 And all three together... I am shocked this is even a question. To me it is 8038 by a wide margin. Do I think they will make another one? You bet your butt. If the a-wing can have 4 remakes, so can the AT-ST. I think we will get a stand alone and one in a battle set for sure.
  21. I like the figure combinations a lot. Good work. Welcome to Eurobricks!
  22. No thanks required, front paging should be used for mega events like this! Great work everyone who built for the challenge!
  23. Why wait? Every picture on the frontpage is a link to each of the entries!!
  24. In case you guys don't START on the front page- head there now for a little something something!
  25. I like the bushes and this is very much your style. You did a good job photoing the white as well. To me is still seems like the build should be taller... I guess it is probably already pretty tall for dwarves, but for the full sized, it seems a bit stout!
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