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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. That means the pictures have been removed from Flickr. I do not know why that has happened. Brickington did something. This thread is also a couple of months old with no news. This topic isn't so old that this is in unallowed "bumping" territory, but be mindful of this when replying to older topics.
  2. Switching guilds is not prohibited, but it is somewhat frowned upon. If you have not competed in more than one challenge for any one guild, I would guess the issue would be even less. In other words, you can switch if you really want to, but those who are highly affiliated with one guild may receive more backlash for switching.
  3. Please don't bump an 5 year old thread with a discontinued set to say "good job" or "nice".
  4. Cara... Yes, you could.
  5. That build which has an interior and an exterior will be judged as ONE build. The build as a whole will be judged so both the interior and the exterior will factor into the judging.
  6. +1 Erynlasgalen. Welcome to the trading jungle.
  7. Joke? We had a very long and heated discussion about how to grow "EB". It became clear in the course of the discussion that we felt the name could be holding us back. Flash forward and bam, problem solved. Welcome to AB.
  8. That dragon doesn't look like a dragon, the red color is boring, the chainmail doesn't look like chainmail, the basic helmet just doesn't feel right... Basically all of it disappoints me.
  9. Working Warwick Castle like LEGO trebuchet you say?
  10. Okay, CorneliusMurdock has already handled this so it is finished. The more I look at these, the more I dislike the "bad guys". I am sure there will be good MOCing parts and I will end up with the whole line eventually, but I just can't help but feel a little disappointed.
  11. Yes. But that is only a little over a month away!
  12. Very nice. A reminder, some of your photos are outside the sites guideline of a maximum of 800 x 600. Please keep pictures within that size range.
  13. Zakon's easy to control so long as you have his favorite variety of mushroom.
  14. I think you're just afraid Zakon is taking the world over.
  15. How will? Huh? Who will? Good question. Guess you'll have to wait and see!
  16. I would like to make this trade with you Eryn. I am in the US and can trade them all at once.
  17. You can't edit the title, but someone reading this topic right now can. What would you like it to say?
  18. It can "score" 50 points, but that doesn't translate to 50 gold.
  19. It's the iPhone, b and space too close together!! a out... ha!
  20. What a out 5 mini stories center in each guild so ALL builders get a chance to build in each guild land/style?
  21. What about land? Isn't territory the real resource we are after? I am not saying we necessarily need to divy up the areas we already have, but challenges for new territory and rewards stemming from that could be interesting.
  22. Banned is a bad place to be. I have no power over that and we have Shadows' answer. I am sure Angeli would be touched. Maybe what you guys need to do is figure out what made him "fun" and we can consider some way to incorporate that into the structure.
  23. Yes. But it has been a struggle with the sheer volume and the way they are posted to give every free build lots of points. It is something to revisit for sure.
  24. Right Kayne, I agree opening up to let people build whatever they want might be a key. Though we could probably do that and have some challenges as well. Perhaps we are too restrictive in challenge requirements and we could rework the "idea" of challenges to open it up a bit more.
  25. No. A LOT less gold is scored for free builds, so right now, it would be better to add them into challenge 6 for story and presentation points. But that is really up to you.
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