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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. Good work chaps. Assembling the posts soon for judging and tasting!
  2. A very nice looking figure indeed.
  3. Love it. Very creative. Nocturnus needs pumpkin soldiers!
  4. A nice trio to be sure. good work on a entering all 3 categories!
  5. Pretty crazy Bob. Love it.
  6. We need more of the Japanese architecture up in this place. Nicely done.
  7. Very interesting.
  8. Nice dragon temple. Love the look.
  9. Love the tentacle monsters Worrakaths! Very nice work.
  10. I will only be judging one picture, so be sure to designate which one you would like in this category, or I will simply choose the best one. Each category deserves its own topic.
  11. A black hood could be a good choice!
  12. You have to include Lord Raavage and some sort of bribe (a promise or threat made by someone designed to ensure you will win). There are no rules on number of pictures or size or anything else which is the idea behind that second clause. Good Luck!
  13. I edited the title because it did seem to be more of a promotion to the ideas part than the build itself. This topic is amazingly similar to prior posts, and so I merged them. The only reason for the whole new topic is to promote your Ideas project, that puts your topic on thin ice. There are better photos and more to view in the updated post, so I chose not to axe the whole topic, but it did make me consider more serious action. Be careful with such choices as they make the Mods grumpy.
  14. Historically speaking, borders have NOT counted towards the footprint limit, that will continue going forward.
  15. Speaking of appetites... Minichallenge III: Pie Contest! I challenge ye Nocturnians to enter every category of all challenges! That would mean 5 builds (pay attention to the varying deadlines) ro do them all!
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