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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Yeah, I'll allow it. I'll add it to the index tomorrow. You need to remove two images though.
  2. Ta. But annoyingly it's worthless. It does seem to be a memory issue though. We'll have to rummage though the server logs it seems. Thanks everyone.
  3. Well we're in the last days now; right now it's 12:48 PM for me. About this time tomorrow I'll update the last entries in the index and ask the voting panel to pick the 50% of entires that they think should face the public vote. How they choose to pick is their choice. They could ignore the fact that an entry isn't 100% polished and just appreciate the innovation, or they could decide than an entry is wonderful but isn't technicy or watery enough and not select it. I plan to give them about 5 days to make their selections, I'll then compile that data together and make a public voting topic, and that will run for about a week. During all that time editing/tweaking of entires is 100% OK. But be sure that your entry is valid by this time tomorrow or I will either brutally clean it up or exclude it, depending on my mood...
  4. Not very likely production with... ...in it.
  5. Please put more effort into your posts; we do care about grammar here.
  6. Done... and I frontpaged it. Everyone's a winner on EB!
  7. New member steph77 has posted a stunning UH-1 Huey MOC with a very accurate rotor. This was apparently a 15 year project! See the swash-plated-goodness!
  8. Well sorry; since it's not a new MOC it's not allowed...
  9. Ahh, well in that case it's not allowed. But it is a wonderful MOC.
  10. It could also be parents. From my perspective my daughter showed interest in the line so we bought a few and she has gone back to playing with all the LEGO now. In any case it's everywhere and selling well; I saw some in Woolsworth today.
  11. I can't stop people editing topics unless I move them. I did consider copying them and putting them elsewhere, but then I decided I didn't care if people did...
  12. I'm only locking topics if there are two as I want to make sure that the older one doesn't get bumped...
  13. Yeah, I was a demon from about mid-game.... and we worked for it too! We have 14 pages (no kidding) of PM conversations! I'll be back to gloat more later, but congrats to my Demon buddies. ...and I've got my old jacket back! ...and if you guys weren't given as many blatant clues you would have lost even worse! It really wouldn't have been fair if we didn't have the chance to knock one of the trusted group out. Thanks! Red Moon 3 in June? Thanks Mark for seeing this though to the bitter end!
  14. Done. I've just had a look at all the non-Final entires and marked the rest as Final except; Water Jeep (Rodeown) Semi-submersible (Zaiocrit) Piper Super Cub Float Plane (dhc6twinotter) These need to either have a new topic (preferred) or images removed. But it's all looking good!
  15. It's cool; I got the house last sale!
  16. How about you? Don't make threats like that. It's no fun and it's not your business.
  17. You can still post entries if you're quick.
  18. After getting several complaints about this I'm going to close it. We really don't need another Star Wars topic....
  19. Point one; we're a English site. Point two, I'm going to ignore the tone and blame Google for that. I took your posts as spam as almost every post you've made has included a link to your site. That's why I still think that you're here for self promotion only. But as I said, prove me wrong. We didn't correct your posts grammar as we don't have the time for that. I don't understand your difficulties with the site as I've known 12 year olds who have no issues, and we have many German members too. But we do have many tutorials.
  20. Get with it man! That was yesterdays error; I've resolved that! (Seriously that was a symptom, not the issue. I've made a change that should prevent that happening, but the root cause is something else...)
  21. A second "Hello" topic? I'll merge this with your original. To be honest I'm starting to think you're here to just spam EB. Please convince me otherwise with your future posts.
  22. I'll be looking for that! Me too. I'll be buying it!
  23. Happy Birthday! It's all downhill from here.
  24. I'd love an exact copy of that, including the module and line....
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