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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Welcome... but this is in the wrong forum so I'll move it.
  2. So you're another one who's selecting facts that fit your preferred truth? The puddles are changing and your advice to not look for clues in the pictures is hilarious. We wouldn't have got past the first challenge if that was the case...
  3. Well technically that entry is invalid as it breaks this rule... ...but since you've got only one image I'll let it slide.
  4. Cool! ...but didn't I see this years ago?
  5. So you've joined in the finger-pointing-game too. Well I'm not going to...
  6. You're selecting evidence that suits what you want to believe. That's very bad science.
  7. Well that's conclusive proof right there! Why did I study archeology? I could have just went to a desert and pointed randomly...
  8. Cool MOC but we don't allow double MOC topics for Cuusoo promotion so I've merged them.
  9. Wanna take advantage of the fact that you're safe?
  10. Oh sorry. So you're saying that I'd be more trustworthy if I randomly accused people of being a demon based on clues that have been proven to be unreliable? I'm more into research than Cluedo. If I had solid facts then I'd be accusing, but without that I keep my suspicions to myself. I've been helping us find clues the whole time and have shared them all. Chapter 6. It was my idea to fire the rockets. Chris turns up after we've done the work. Chapter 7. I found the torches, the non-existant statues and pulled down the statues arms finding us the clues. Chris then turns up and tries to offset his uselessness by continuing to blame others. I then prove how unreliable these clues are. The simple fact is the clues are not consistent. They have been changed! I have proof! Look at this; ...and this... *Same color, yes. Same size and, I suppose, smell, no.* Yeah? Now look at this; See? Someone is altering the clues. In any case... Challenge Begin.
  11. If that's what you think you can just keep on saying it and try to convince others (nice plan), but I'm even more confused now and I'd really like some clarification from you. How does one look at their gem? I don't doubt the gem clues existence, I'm just surprised that we hear about this last person keeps it rule now. It really works that way? If so who told you that? It sounds like a Token Ring network, and we all know what happened to that. Since you're all tied up and safe now you might as well take the time to explain. It's what all bad guys do at the end of the story afterall. No, I've never heard that. I agree that crazy people can have interesting ideas, and sometimes they are useful, but ultimately they are just crazy.
  12. Crazies need to be restrained. To protect everyone, including the crazy. When this is all over you'll probably get over it all. I hope! Is this a rule you made up or do you have "proof" on that as well? Honestly, you're a complete loon.
  13. I must admit I'm confused over this gem throwing.. perhaps I'm confused like Penny. Did I miss this when I was out talking to my demon buddies or boffing? Could someone please explain this so I can form an opinion?
  14. Sure. It'll probably help him live longer. I just love how these guys think that being loud is being convincing. Yeah, it's clear you're paying attention. Let's trust the person who has no idea what's going on! But I'll be nice and help. *I would like to try moving the torch in the statues hands from one hand to the other.*
  15. Ooops. Thanks Blackbird. I've fixed my links...
  16. Considering your topic it'd be easier and better for you to create a new one. That way you can keep all the images in a linked topic and still have a rules-complaint post. But as I said, look at efferman's presentaion topic. It's a good example. But I'm only locking topics when there is a new one.
  17. Game? What are you on about? We're trying to stay alive and you're making out this is a game? Besides, I didn't say they were fake so stop twisting my words, I just said that they could be sabotaged. That's a fact. Thus even if a clue is given by someone that person could have been deceived. That's a fact. Unlike your guesses, hunches and positive-outlook-on-life. But think I'm a demon all you want. With all your talk of trust and buddies it's clear that you're the one who's been plotting.
  18. Seriously, I think I'll have to consider killing you first. You're crazy. Anyway I've already proven without a doubt that the clues are not reliable so I'd get back to your dreams of being a boy in da hood and let the rest of us non-crazies solve this and save us all. Possibly not you though. My proof? Easy. Remember this? *Two types of hair? Um...Siegourney drops a hair from her head and a hair from her vagina into each puddle. Every other tour member sees this and knows to ignore the extra dark brown hair and dark brown pube that they see when they inspect blood puddles.* Note; I was not stopped from doing this. I was just seen. But look what you claim to have done last night; What's to stop someone planting clues during the night? Nothing...
  19. How did I miss that one! (Actually I know how; I saw it and thought it was the other. ) Adding it now; thanks.
  20. Beauty transcends sex. I think you're cute.
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