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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Well this isn't the place to meet people your age... in fact you're breaking the rules just being here. Will you be banned? Looking at your recent posts, possibly.
  2. Don't create topics with no content. It's pointless. Make one when you have something to share. Indeed!
  3. Well thanks... while I do 100% agree please don't mini-mod. It's better if peoples hatred is directed at staff.
  4. I got it too, I also got the $120 Green Grocer! But I think they could have decided to not honour it, especially since it was a pre-order. You hear this happening all the time.
  5. Thanks, but you're too late. Maybe next time.
  6. Y'know, when I first saw this model I had my doubts that it'd be anything more than a mechanical example, but it actually looks pretty good now.
  7. Well I shared a clue that people seemed to miss. I'm not used to being ignored... Anyway (fighting off rage-full tears) since we're all trying to be trusting, which I have my doubts about, here's my other clue; I looked at the new blood puddle and... You find a fiber of dark tan fabric. Continuing this delusional trusting thing, I'll vote for; Vote: Diana (Fugazi)
  8. Siegfried


    Take care Kim. I doubt it, but he'll make more there than here!
  9. Please don't post images that big... ...and please don't quote images, especially if they are too big!
  10. So how many challenges have you attempted then?
  11. It was hard! Finding the Great Globe of Glasnost was much easier! I have too... haven't I?
  12. ......as the boring admin I feel the need to remind y'all that this will just save screen space, not bandwidth. Thus don't over use this technique...
  13. Indeed. We'll you're in then. I'll clear out some space in the garage tomorrow so the Meisters can discuss stuff.
  14. Well I'm going with the list as is; If you're on it please reply to this post ASAP; this is a devious final test to see that you visit EB regularly enough. (I'll wait a few days...)
  15. Ooops.... I missed this bump.
  16. Boat? That reminds me of my adventures in Peru! *Jumps in and looks for anagram clues* I love my life!
  17. I don't find it funny, and I tried, really hard, to do so. Grrrr. Uhhhghhh.... nope. Not funny.
  18. Last call! The contest has about 2 weeks until I start closing entries (more on that soon) so I need to set this up before then. I just created the new secret forum (which hopefully nobody here can see ) and in a day or two I'll post here the names of the selected who then just confirm their interest and they'll be in a club with questionalbe perks... but I'm getting ahead of myself.
  19. Because there are a lot of people still running screens of 1280x1024, which depending on browser and screen setup, can be too big to view. Why do you need them bigger? Yes/ Indeed. The main purpose of the TSATS index right now is so I don't "lose" entires. I will be updating the images closer to the date so making WIP topics is cool. No. Feel free to do that providing you make a new topic before the voting starts. Yep... Sure, but a final topic (with a link to the old if you want) will need to be made later. Thanks everyone for the cool entires so far!
  20. Sure you can. Personally I rarely do any image enhancements... but that's just me.
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