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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Like Holodoc I couldn't wait for the real parts so I tested it out with what I have. That's all of my rolling stock (and two non-motor engines) and it happily moved them all! The batteries were just 2 year old NiMH so the real battery should be even better. Power is not a problem with that motor.... I'll have to read that several times! Mine is sticking sometimes so I think I've got some alignment errors... (For the above test the rod was removed.) EDIT: Armed with new knowledge I gave it another go and it now works great. Now it'll even do the same load backwards!
  2. Happy birthday everyone.... especially Batbrick!
  3. Great work! I assembled mine yesterday. This is one of those sets that's worth buying multple copies of.
  4. Why don't you talk about Mask of Destiny at, shock horror, Mask of Destiny?
  5. Very nice review of a great set. Mine should be arriving any day now... I'm a bit disapointed that you need to remove the driver to motorise it... but I'm also glad that it can be motorised without major destruction. (I want it all. ) Since mine will only be motorised as a trial (I gave up on my town recently due to room issues) it's probably better for me anyway.
  6. You're really good. You know that don't you? Stunning work. This would be a great model even if it was static. The cool thing is mechancially I can make this so I'll have to give it a go. Hopefully I'll learn something and be able to make something half as good as you.
  7. OK. It's official; I'm jealous. I've been wanting to make a crane this exact size for a while now but I haven't got around to it. This is definitely the best crane I've seen at this scale. The functionality is excellent and the build technique is very interesting! Now I'm just going to have to make a three segment crane at the same scale... It is compared to Model Team.
  8. Yep! It was that good!
  9. Fixed Gear... but it does intend on the intended usage of the craft. Most of the ships I have made are designed as 95% space, and thus I see the complication of a landing gear detrimental to the primary purpose. I have heard it argued that fixed gear is a weakness as it's easy to be damaged in battle, but I think reality shows the opposite. Planes like the A-10 are designed to have semi-retractable gear so if it's damaged it'll still be better than a belly landing. Landing gears have always been problematic and easy to damage, so I see no reason for a ship designed for space to have them. Providing the skids are solid and are thus coolable in re-entry I think they make more sense. On the other hand there are a few issues that complicate this; VTOL capabilities and rough surface landings. In short, if you don't believe in anti-grav tech (like me) you'll need to provide a way for your ship to slow down and land vertically... or give it wheels. (Taking off is less of a problem as you can just use a catapult.) Also, if your ship is designed to land anywhere as opposed to being just deployable from prepared bases, landing gear will be needed to compensate for un-even ground. On a personal note, my Impartial was designed for 95% space but be capable of base landings, so it has simple solid skids. However, my (unfinished) Judicial will need something more complicated. It's intended as a frontier patrol ship so it'll need to be able to land anywhere. Thus at the least the gear will need to be adjustable. Currently it still has just skids. Balrog doesn't count as it needs a retractable front so it doesn't fall over. However, I don't make small swooshable ships so maybe I'm the wrong guy to give an opinion. The closest I've ever made is Rotta fighter. Why? I don't believe they are realistic... To me, anything smaller than Impartial would be very short ranged and limited to space.
  10. Sorry, contests on Eurobricks can only be run through the staff. You can post your ideas here.
  11. Yes, I pick Option "c" too! The more opinions the better!
  12. The logical assumption is that he knows what he says due to first hand experience (that is a friend got some parts for him) but can't say any more. Thus unless one of you can produce recent proof it's all come down to "Who do you believe more?"
  13. Happy birthday Masked Man!
  14. I didn't say that. What I meant was up until the PT Stormtroopers were not clones, and all sources agreed, including EU. Only one (and rather vague, obscure and early) source said otherwise.
  15. Episode 2 Clones. Episode 3 clones just look like a badly done morph of Episode 2 -> Stormtroopers. <rant> Stormtroopers are not clones. I don't care what EU says they are, or even if George says they always were supposed to be. (Which I have heard he has.) It makes no sense at all. For years authorised sources have stated that the Stormtroopers were recruited. Yes there are certain old sources, such as Soldiers of the Empire!, that do say I'm wrong, but I ignore them. Why? Well other sources published around the same time, such as Splinter of the Mind's Eye, have so many oddities (such as a blue saber for Darth and the abandoned Kaiburr Crystal sub plot), it's quite clear that any similarities to how the story ended up are just an accident. This whole retconning thing gets on my goat... </rant>
  16. Congrats Hinckley; you got my vote! But be warned; Rotta will be back to get his revenge...
  17. It's OK, and I'll close this as requested.
  18. What browser was this with? I've never had this problem... but I don't generally need to log out. I do see how it could become a big issue though.
  19. That's M%g^ Bl*ks!
  20. Well it's not exclusively your name any more than Sinner/Siegfried is mine. In fact, since it's a character from Star Wars even less so! Now if you called yourself Commander Glongalongalonga you'd have more reason to complain... (This belongs in Community so....)
  21. Happy Birthday to all!
  22. ...and it's been sent! Here's are some...
  23. Yes... but if it was done that way it might be tollerated. We don't like them here as people use them as ways to raise their post count without actually adding anything to the site. Having to draw something would be a lot different. I give you permission to start that but you have to make it clear that it's user-made drawings only. If people start posting pictures not made by them then... I suspect you're not going to like me then! You're too fast for me!
  24. Just to be clear, forum games like "The continue game" are not allowed on EB.
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