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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Rotta the Huttlet was very different after his experiences. He used to want to be a Pod Racer, but on his return he realised he was meant to be a Jedi. He tried lifting objects with the Force, but failed. Wise Jabba decided that he needed to help Rotta live his dream realistically, so he commissioned a custom Jedi Starfighter replica! Word fast came to the Republic of this new ship, but Jabba soon reassured them that it was just a replica. Even so, it is armed. Performance wise it is superior to the Jedi model, but this is attributed to the lack of an astromech and a lighter pilot. Rotta has proved to be a proficient pilot, and he often competes with some success in the Beggar's Canyon races. Once Jabba even let him be part of his personal guard when he travelled to Nal Hutta. However, none of these exploits have persuaded the Jedi Council to admit Rotta...
  2. Siegfried

    Earth Hour

    No because it's only "nonessential lighting" that's turned off. People need to stop looking for symbols and actually do something. I, for example, do my best to not leave computers on when I'm not using them. If people aren't aware of the need to use less energy then they either don't care/believe or they must have been living under a rock. The message is out there already.
  3. Siegfried

    Earth Hour

    I only watched a few of first season. I don't like the show much either.
  4. Isn't that just your browser not knowing how to spell LEGO? How do you spell LEGO then?
  5. Siegfried

    Earth Hour

    It seems silly to me. Do you know that turning lights off for an hour and then putting them back on in most cases uses more power than running them the whole time? Thus Earth hour is more wasting energy than saving it. Also, everyone turning stuff back on at the same time risks causing a real blackout! As Cartman would say, "It's all a bunch of tree hugging hippy crap." I'm for real solutions, not symbolic ones.
  6. You're right, it doesn't so don't do it again. Err.... explain please? Yes, it went up again a few months back. I'm so glad I got it at $400....
  7. Very nice. I like the usage of some quite old pieces. Any err... views of the bottom? (Busty? I've got bigger boobs than that!)
  8. Please don't post the same topic in two forums. If people posted cross-forum topics in every relevant forum the place would be a mess... Continue the discssion here...
  9. Not always. For example NZ got the Sith Infiltrator first.
  10. Interesting article... even though I don't agree with most of their points. In particular the Record and Play set is one that I've been trying to get complete (and cheaply) for a while. (I bought one recently but it was missing the motor.) In the same time that they posted their rant about how they don't know what it does they could have looked it up themselves. The whole thing just lacks research. I do agree with them though with the odd animal friends set and the 3314 Stadium Security... but I still want both!
  11. I've got the soldier impulse (Toyworld) but that's it!
  12. This seems to be better dealt with via PM now so....
  13. That's good; I am getting rare you know...
  14. I miss them, but it's my opinion that they stopped them due to customer support issue; complaints like "johnny can't build that so this set must be defective" and "this part is not available yet it's in the ideas book" are costly to a company. TheBrickster had a similar topic last year. I do know that Fast Flyers had some designed but TLG didn't display them.
  15. There's one left in Hobart. It's rather lame though... Sorry; I thought that was common knowledge. I should have mentioned that. Did you get a keyring?
  16. I've yet to recieve any messages on the Jedi Starfighters. Were they all shot down prior to arrival?
  17. Thanks! That's another I own you... I got a 8261 Rally Truck for free thanks to you! Yeah; even in Hobart! They even had Sunshine Home... which I had to get from S@H...
  18. It's OK. Feel free to try to sell it here. I look forward to the review!
  19. I love these sets! I think 5974... .. has a classic-like charm at the same time as looking new. I merged your topic. Just to clarify, most of the links are OK, and most of the time we only complain about really early images, especially ones with a big "Preliminary" stamp on them. We also tend to complain about small blurry shots, often because these often come from larger shots with big "Preliminary" stamps on them and have been reduced and blurred to disguise it.
  20. I can't see it happening... and I'm merging this.
  21. +1 for I Scream Clone Thanks to him the droids have something big to blow up at last! Err... so who do you expect to tally this for you? I dunno, maybe an regulator/moderator/admin, how should I know and why should I care? You're an Admin. Oh. So I should do this. Yes. Oh Now! Yes sir... Updated!
  22. No. If the deeplinks are working it's because the files are still there. We don't cache any offsite files. I gave up on BrickShelf years ago...
  23. Not at all. I'm very worried. I thought that this year would have more sales as I figured that LEGO increased the margins for shops. It would seem that I am wrong. There are many sets that I've been forced to turn down due to this; the entire contruction line seems over-priced to me, even with 20% off.
  24. Better late than never!
  25. It does.
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