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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Not a whole lot. Advance catalogs (since my stores often get none this is a big deal for me), a lame magazine, currently a bionicle comic, stickers, posters and the occasional small LEGO set. But it's free and it's better than a kick in the teeth!
  2. I've just heard via Lugnet that the farm sets have been spotted in a K-Mart Queensland. This includes the tractor, horse float, harvester, and the farm itself.
  3. Only Brickmaster is US exclusive. LEGO Club is a subset of that and it's largely free. Look in Myers or the back of most catalogs for a application. I've been recieving it for about 2 years and this is my second set; the other was a small fireboat with mini-fig. That's what I'm hoping to find out! It's my third red so I'll be using him as a keyring. I have no greens yet so I probably would have tried to de-keyring him.... It's probably better that I got a red!
  4. Oh my! On a similar note, I just got my LEGO Club newsletter and it had a free Rock Monster Keyring! Anyone else get this?
  5. Updated! Oooh! For me! It's been so long...
  6. ...and some saw it here. Topics merged.
  7. Yes, it's more great work from Brickforge. It's good to see that I'm not the only one that thinks Rotta looks like Slimer! I think the crowbar is my favourite!
  8. It means news is supposed to be here and news only. No conversation, no comments, no opinions, no analysis. Just news. Too much chatter ruins the concept as it's too hard to find the news. Here's a made up example of good.. ..and here's another, this time bad.... I hope it's more clear now.
  9. I bet it's you so I'm closing this. EB is not a billboard. We are happy to let members advertise stuff, but don't become member just to do so. Joining up and then posting an eBay ad 15 minutes later does make it seem you are doing just that.
  10. Actually I think they already have the license. (Don't they have a blanket WB license?) Supposedly TLG just feel that everything left wouldn't make a good/profitable set. Since I've bought all of my Harry Potter sets on a steep sale I tend to agree.
  11. According to Steve Witt no. He said in a recent interview that it's all been done before...
  12. 7665 Republic Cruiser. I was darn sure that it would turn up in a local store... but I bet wrong. But I'm working on getting it now!
  13. 10200 is a great set for parts! I owe you one!
  14. Hook me up baby! I'll send you a PM... It's OK; local deals here are cool. I only complained last time as people were discussing the aspects of AFOLs buying LEGO for themselves, which would be better dicussed in General.
  15. That isn't quite what I said, and besides, three of my examples were large. But, moving away from the fact that my sentence was vaguer than I planned, all your examples are good examples of large MOCs.
  16. Err... The fact they are in the same folder gave it away for me! Yes, they are both stunning.
  17. It's rare when an artists last work is his best...
  18. Have a great green day everyone! You should have wished harder! Have you got a four-leaf-clover? I merged the topics.
  19. Possibly... but I've blown my LEGO budget some months back! What's the price? Yes. It'll probably be at least 20... You watch it or I'll give you a bad title.... oh wait...
  20. You mentioned a year or so ago... Any update on this?
  21. Yeah... I really wanted that set but it never came to Tasmania. It's one of the reasons why I want to move!
  22. Very cool! It seems to be made by the same guy that made that carrier... [negative nancy rant] I wouldn't call this the best MOC ever though. Big MOCs rarely impress me. (They do make me jealous though. ) What do I think is better? Several spring to mind; EntranceToTheCaves, this Nebuchadnezzar, Cthulego Rising or the Arvo Brothers Alien MOC. Give the the bricks and I could make the QM2, but the other stuff... probably not. [/negative nancy rant]
  23. I'm looking forward to the MOCs that will made with the new figs! Please do; I'm very tempted to go for that! It's only 'cos I care! I used to but a few past accidents has left me too scared...
  24. After some deep thought I've decided to close this. Yes, you are offering to give LEGO in return, but the main thrust of the topic is you want certain CDs. If we allow this then we'll soon have people selling cars.... and who knows what next. (Will trade my Celica for a Airport Monorail ONO!) However, as a niceity, I'll leave the post up so you can keep doing this by PM, but the next one I see like this will be blanked. Remember guys, this forum is for selling and buying LEGO. Offering LEGO as a trade for something you want is not the same thing.
  25. Paradisa. It was a great idea and I don't think it was given a long enough run. Just imagine what it would be like today; cruise ships, hotels... Fixed. Imagine my surprise!
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