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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Thanks! Hopefully today, but it'll take another month (or more) to be complete. This is Phase 1...

  2. Yeah, but I must admit I'm believing the PSP Android Phone rumours.
  3. No, Sony a while back were asking developers what they thought of the idea of a partial upgrade where all old PS3 software still ran but it could also run enhanced versions and/or new games. Not much was heard of it since so the concept probably wasn't that popular. The slim is a 3.1 at best... and a 2.99 in many cases. (It has less flash so it can't store the full OS in ROM... as I discovered during a recent harddrive upgrade. ) The Wii is for the most part an upgraded Gamecube. Word is they were considering making the Wii-motes an add-on, but the performance penalty was too much. That was another one. I have my doubts about that rumor.
  4. Who said I wasn't? Let me just say I'm certainly not rich. I think console games are a bargain considering the amount of hours you get out of them. I've played Star Ocean for over 200 hours and I'm still not finished! FFXIII 120 hours. The PS3.5 thing is a semi-joke; if they rush out a new one now it'll only be a partial upgrade, much like the Gamecube->Wii. I can cry over non-personal issues such as beautiful music quite alright, but if it's to do with me, nope. Yeah, I'm a freak.
  5. I'm quite happy with my lot in life. I've got no problems paying for games and with what the PS3 offers as is. If Sony brings out a PS3.5 I'll happily buy that too, and no tears will be shed either. Besides, I've never been good at crying. I've tried too...
  6. Yeah, they have done badly there, but this is hardly a rare occurrence in the game industry. Software writing is often more an art than a craft, especially with a CPU that is as complicated as the Cell. I don't get that attitude at all. If it goes as you're claiming all you'll be able to play is old games, PS2 games and Homebrew as Sony will give up on the PS3, make the PS3.5, and this time lock it down even more than last time. Surely you don't want that? But I don't plan to buy GT5 either. Serious car games are just to serious for me most of the time. Drive 9 laps in first place just to make an error on lap 10 and lose the race by ten seconds? Not my bag at all.
  7. Well you keep thinking that, but the evidence is against you and you've been shown to not understand the PS3 as well as you think you do in the past. (NTFS remember?) This news was posted by someone with links to Sony, and he has pulled his post since and said that he's going on "extended leave". He's been on that forum for 4 years and he was a moderator; hardly a random source or a "retard". You keep going on about decryption/encryption keys like that's the full story when I keep saying, and surely you must know, that is only part of the story. GT5 is a major release for the PS3, possibly the biggest ever, and Sony will do their darnedness to keep it legal. Will they succeed? Probably not long term, but it'll be interesting seeing what happens. For the record I doubt that it'll be a case of simply changing the keys. They will lock it to 3.5+ in some way, probably by adding features that we going to be added in a patch.
  8. I do mostly agree with you, but you forgot one of the LA advantages; they stay where they are put. I (when it was assembled) liked leaving 8421 with the boom up, and that required that I re-pump it regularly. Same story when the crane was lifting. Not a big deal I know, but it is one of the things I like about LAs.
  9. We actually did consider a locked print, but it didn't seem to fit in due to the lack of crispness compared to the studs.
  10. Don't be so fast to knock it. As I said earlier the one way to make things really hard for the psgroove team is to use new OS features. Then they have to reverse engineer the new OS or emulate it. If they stick in some of the new Facebook features that'll do the job and it shouldn't be too hard either.
  11. No, it says "Grand Dukes/Dorks+ 4". In other words that rank and greater can invite 4 extra people to a conversation.
  12. Welcome! From the menu in the top right window select "My Settings". Then in the new window Profile->Change Avatar.
  13. Just to let you know, please don't quote complete posts without good reason, especially if they are big and graphics heavy.
  14. Now there has, and the answer is yes! Grand Dukes/Dorks+ 4 Dukes 3 Counts 2 Knights 1 The funny thing is we were planning on allowing the higher ranks this power but we never got around to discussing it. Enjoy!
  15. Yes. It's 100% physically compatible with all available tracks.
  16. Yeah, I think that was a different idea. This one is a firm thing. Shhhh.... don't tell anyone http://acapsoft.com/ebidx/

  17. Noted. Do realise that there is zero chance of us allowing all members to access it; it's too easily abused as a way of bypassing site posting rules, and it runs the risk of having secret sub-forums. Thus at best it would be as you said; a certain rank or above. I'll get back to you.
  18. You're incredible. I added that only a few days ago yet you knew about it in September!

    Expect something in under a week.

  19. I understand the use of a case; my PSP and DS have one. But to use LEGO as a protective device? Not a chance. But I thought I was agreeing with you, and now we're arguing. We're obviously not on the same page so I'll turn around and run; feel free to attack my retreating back...
  20. I posted that image in response when someone said it was pointless... which they both are. It's not going to enhance your gaming experience, nor is that case the most practical. No insult was intended, I was just agreeing that they were novelties, as you said yourself.
  21. Actually they do! But they don't have a title attribute... which I suspect is what you mean and if I get around to it I'll add one. Done! To be honest this is the first time I knew what these icons actually meant! Now you all can just rely on the tip window.
  22. Via the Skin select at the bottom of each page. Select the "Lo-Fi" one.
  23. Yeah, but what do you expect; it's by the same guys that made this;
  24. Yep! Merged, moved, marvelous. There's a lot of evidence that the Wii wasn't even designed to be a stand alone console, Sony never planned to get into the game industry, and I never planned to post on EB much. I wouldn't put much weight on original intentions. Besides, Sony have been experimenting with motion technology since 1999.
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