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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Challenging staff. Real smart. Let's chat about this eh?
  2. Then why create it? The Aussie sales topic is enough. EDIT: Ahh! I understand now. You're creating a topic for things you don't like against the direct request of a staff member. Wonderful.
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. I will do move it for you. Do remember that the Pirate forum is a sub-forum of EB. Unless it's related to the blog Classic-Pirates.com all technical and technique issues that are not Pirate related belong in their respective forums.
  5. I do! I even re-wrote part of the site so they could! But no one does. Isn't that sad?

  6. I try to not pay full price for games. Some I can't resist, some I buy as I doubt they'll be around for long, but for the most part I am a good boy. The rest I buy when they are on sale. The problem with this system is that generally several games are on sale at once, so I buy big then and then I have enough to cover the time until the next sale. Having a backlog also helps me resist new games. When I buy new games sometimes I'm naughty and play the new ones rather than completely finish the old, (and that's why I have several that I'd happily go back to,) and most of the time I go back eventually. I went back to finishing off the side-quests of FFXIII recently. Unlike LEGO, games cost near nothing to replicate so the sales can be quite good if you're prepared to play a game that's six months old. Another good thing about this system is often I hear bad reviews about a game much later and then I save even more money!
  7. You're right. Arguing with someone who has their mind set is a waste of time for both parties. Actually, I agree. My main interest is for gun games like Time Crisis. I have Sports Champions and the sword fighting part is good fun. But I see it as a different way to play rather than a replacement. It seems quite accurate to me, but I must confess I don't have much Wii experience to compare. I was impressed though how it still worked with the sun at a low angle My list for this year is short as well. Luckily I have at least 4 games that I still haven't finished and 5+ that I'd happily play some more.
  8. 1) Please provide example. 2) As peterab said, that was a very bad link; http://http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0WTefZjoZpM3R8AbL2jzbkF/SIG=135vl1od7/EXP=1285288675/**http%3a//www.devicedaily.com/misc/enormous-lego-spaceship-makes-internet-debut.html
  9. I have 2 spare Cops, and I'd love to swap them for a Singer and a Mexican. PM me...
  10. Not really; it's a staff joke. Nobody changes my title anymore...

  11. Back to being respectful? So are you going to buy a Move? I have and it's good for a laugh.
  12. Makes no difference. Browsers need 250 MB+ to handle AJAX and Flash well. Err.... yeah I know who makes FAT32 and NTFS... but where did you hear that the PS3 runs NTFS? It doesn't; it uses UFS2. Swing and miss indeed. Well it's old, but it's no junker. I specially made it for the purpose; it's got a beautiful case and it still looks new. But yeah, it runs it. Not perfectly no, but since my TV is 720 it doesn't matter much anyway! Not true at all. "Winrot" is rubbish; it's caused by bad third party programs not by old systems or full hard-drives. (I keep mine only half full anyway as I use the network for the most part.) Don't install bad programs and your computer will be trouble free. Blaming Microsoft for the bad work of other companies is hardly fair. You can buy a cheaper PC... and then you can use Linux if you prefer. Huh? When did I say that? PS3 piracy is wrong, as is all piracy. Just because I do it doesn't mean that I think that I'm legally and morally in the right. But, to continue my analogy, I may not be a pristine virgin, but I do see myself as a bride in a lovely lacy off-white dress. I tend to download an episode or two. If I like it I download the rest and buy it as soon as it's for sale. In essence I'm trying to make up for that fact that it's not shown on TV; in Japan they get "free" trials by just watching TV, and I want the same. For the most part I'm not depriving them of sales, and I never would have bought any if I never downloaded in the first place. (It's not Hentai anyway; it's shows like Gundam and Gurren Laagan. )
  13. Perhaps, but the lack of memory is a major issue. That's because they don't want to pay Microsoft for NTFS. I do! I've had a PC connected to my main TV for about 8 years. My current one is a AMD pre-Athlon (2600XP? ) and it handles 1080. I have a custom music player running on it and a full home network. The PS3 can't compete with that. Seriously; ever since LCD TVs there has been no excuse to not have a media PC. Can't say I agree with that; I haven't formatted my media PC for 5 years and it's still running smoothly... and it's only running 2K! Ahh! When you said "stealth project" I thought you meant "secret project". I'd be surprised if they could pull stealth access to PSN off, but yeah, it'd be cheaper and probably easier than building their own. I own that game; I hardly play it... No, I was talking about the PS3 only. Hacking can be justified at times, for example the iPhone (and some Android devices) are over restricted for little reason. I'm still not sold on the PS3 though. Games do that already to a degree. I don't like much TV, but I do download a lot of Anime. I buy it locally when I can, but a lot just doesn't come down here. So no, I don't claim to be a pristine virgin.
  14. I've merged them.
  15. You're funny. Normally you're a real critic, for example... ...yet you're now believing that these guys will be able to do it. Why? I've heard these promises before and I used to believe them. But over the last 15+ years I've seen too many failed projects that started with big talk. It's hard to produce work like this in your free time, especially when people don't want to actually pay you for it. Cred only goes so far. That's why NeutrinoSX2 and PCSX2 still aren't "finished", so I'll believe the PS2 emulation and other fantasies when they actually happen. Besides, what's the point bringing back "Other OS" anyway; the PS3 isn't that powerful as a computer by todays PC standards, especially in regard to memory, and the GPU is locked. Running emulators and playing video files? Why do that? Once again a PC will do it better for less money. It all sounds like justification to me. As for building their own games network? That's just crazy talk. Why build one and have all the bother and vast cost of maintaining it, making sure it works with all games and keeping it clean of cheaters (funny concept considering everyone using it would be a pirate) when there's one already out there that costs nothing to use? As for games being expensive here I agree. But I rarely pay full price for one... and I get 100 hours+ out of most, as do my wife and kids. Good value in my book. Still, games being expensive is no excuse for pirating; games are hardly a necessity. Nice to see you arguing a point at last though.
  16. Yes... but we do need the URL!
  17. I second this; I was unhappy with the cornering speed of my RC trains (yeah, I know) so I lubricated the wheel sets. At first it worked well... but then overnight the oil dripped just a bit, and soon I had a thin layer of oil over all my tracks. Never again...
  18. Fixed. It may seem connected to the move, but it wasn't. It was actually related to the Hero Factory Month.
  19. You may like that kind of solution but to me it's dead. Back in the PlayStation days I had mine chipped as I wanted to play games that weren't released in Australia (for example Parasite Eve) and it worked well. No downside at all and no, I didn't copy games. But this is silly; PS3s always had the ability to play import games so all this gives you is the ability to pirate. Oh, yeah, it lets you "backup" and play "homebrew" games. You then as a trade off lose network access and most likely the ability to use new games and hardware. Seems dead to me; if it's not consumer friendly then it's been marginalised and Sony don't need to care as much. The guys behind this kind of stuff annoy me and I wish they'd stop ruining things for everyone else. It's their fault that Linux support was removed, yet they complain about it. It's their fault that the PSPgo has a non-removable battery. The console market would be a lot more free without them.
  20. I know the ad, but I've never seen them here.
  21. Does it work on the latest firmware?
  22. Gee, you make us out to be so evil. Anyway, are you referring to that silly PS Jailbreak? If so, isn't that dead, dead, dead? If not what?
  23. I've never encountered an ad like that. Do you know what company it's from? We could complain about it; I personally think ads with sound are the spawn of the devil.
  24. Unless you improve your posting style you aren't going to make it to Knight. Please post questions like this in the correct forum next time, Pirates is for (surprisingly) Pirates. I'll move this to Website...
  25. @Omicron: Penelo is the highlight of FFXII!

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