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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. No hints at this stage. We might give help towards the end; we've tried to make the clues cross-theme so there's a good chance what's easy for one person could be hard for another. In the end it's possible that nobody works them all out...
  2. Yeah, Sarah has been giving updates too. (I was going to say more but you edited your post...)
  3. PodBrix $16.99 USD, but they sold out years ago. These days it seems everything there is sold out, including the Plush Steve!
  4. +1 I Scream Clone +1 Ras74 ...and Updated!
  5. Yes, the key to that one is knowing the answer before you search for it. Like a lot of internet related searches once you ask the right question the answer is easy to find.
  6. No, it means what I said; that post was not the answer. The second part of the post clarifies what I meant; Jim asked if the post by WhiteFang mentioning that riddle two was live was the actual answer. I replied to say that it was not and that you won't find any answers in this topic. Is it clearer now?
  7. We've always run raffles this way. So yes, you're not eligible. You've already got more tags than me?!
  8. I won't drop any names, but let me just say that no hints will be given! If you have a question like JimButcher did post here and ask permission to PM us, but anything else is not fair to the people who worked this one out.
  9. As a future FYI; this is not the answer. All of the images were put in place before we launched the contest. None will be found in this topic. Please note though that we might change some of the clues for one reason or another, so don't discount new topics, but you can discount every topic that is specifically about this Raffle.
  10. The prize goes to squiz! I understand why you'd see it as a problem, but it this case it's just bad luck (and another reason why English is a flawed language) that what you want is spelled the same way as a common filling word. This site has a simple word based search system; it makes no effort to understand the context. Thus "Well I think M%g# Bl&ks sux" is taken to be the same word as "My pussy is down a well". Thus there are simply too many returns for "well" so it isn't indexed. Aside from implementing a tagging based system there is no easy solution to this.
  11. Ask me in a PM but it better be good.... Thanks!
  12. Very true. The best way to learn is to make mistakes... providing you can make a full recovery from them that is. I did that as a kid even though I knew it was dangerous! Made a really cool ball of electricity!
  13. I don't think so. I almost choked on an apple piece as a kid. I was eating way too fast and a large piece got stuck in my throat. I tried to call for help (everyone was in the room next door) but obviously I couldn't. As a last resort I started thumping myself on the back and I was in luck; it came loose. I felt so stupid then that I didn't tell anyone that I almost was killed by an apple, and I've never done anything like that since. (I still did loads of stupid things as a kid though; for example I used to jump on trains. Stupid.) Today I put LEGO in my mouth all the time as often I want to hold a piece. But IMHO putting it so far into your mouth that it could be swallowed is stupid; all it takes is for you to be surprised and down it goes! If someone crosses the road with their eyes closed do they want to get run over? No. But it's stupid to do so as there's a decent chance they will. I wish the kid and family all the best too, but I hope most of all that the boy has learned something from his experience. I sure did.
  14. I just realised that EB is a LEGO site. Sharing other things on EB is OK, but that's more for members who have been around longer...
  15. I hope the LEGO is OK. I can't see it being a factor; only toys for kids under 3 needs to be designed that way. If the kid is stupid enough to choke on LEGO he probably would have trouble with sausages as well. I put LEGO in my mouth all the time and aside from feeling intense pleasure nothing has happened to me.
  16. Yes. Some are harder, and some are easier, but it will depend on how well you know LEGO, EB and in some cases the source material. IMHO all are fair.
  17. PM is disabled for new members. Do a few more posts and it'll be enabled; you've got plenty of time.
  18. Did you read the Guidelines in the BSTF forum? The answer is there. Also remember that the BSTF forum is a small part of the site and isn't intended to be your reason for joining. It's meant to be a place where members can talk about buying and selling LEGO, not a billboard for new joiners.
  19. Hidden by staff in posts by any member.
  20. True. But I just had this mental picture of members checking 40,000 topics hoping to get lucky.
  21. Mental note; next time an example is needed, peterab is fist in line. We're flexible; we do that too.
  22. The ones I made are all easily findable by doing a search.
  23. Please don't bump old topics just to make unreasonable requests.
  24. Well it doesn't happen everyday, but it is common enough. The "Mr E" is a mod I did; it hides the names of people who broke the rules and joined up for EB when they were too young. It was getting a bit absurd having someone celebrate their 15th birthday on a adult site... (Mr E = Mystery. Yes, I think I am funny.)
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