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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. What do you have in mind? Sad to say a post count is a status symbol in many ways, and it's hard to avoid that. We restrict many board features purely based on post count afterall. Besides; it does say this; Isn't that good enough?
  2. ...well to be honest we have considered this concept! Not exactly like yours, but similar. (With the exceptions of the prizes.) So please show your interest and/or discuss this; it'll help us decide on the actually format and/or if we'll ever do it!
  3. It seems we were both confused; especially me. Yeah I agree; "views" there is a worthless stat.
  4. Yeah! I'm with you. It's exactly what I expected! In fact I'm looking forward to singing that song while building it! As an FYI, London Bridge is falling down predates the Tower Bridge and no one is sure exactly what bridge it's referring to.
  5. True. When I get around to it ( ) and find the time ( ) I might make a topic discussing this to get an idea of what changes people have grown to like and what ones people still find annoying. Some, like the profile page, would be too big a change and to be honest I like it. The funny thing is that the last board had a similar feature but it was an option; with the new board you have no choice. I'm not sure who's confused! So you don't mean this?
  6. Do be aware that we didn't make any of the changes; the guys that make the software did. We tweaked it a lot to make this board as much like the old as we could, but in many cases we didn't want to, or it would simply take too long. As for your specific examples; Last Active; it's still there. Left side, second box. Member search; yeah I agree. I might try to change that in time.
  7. To re-explain what Shadows has said; Reasons why you'd have a post count greater than the number of posts; 1. Auto merged posts. If you make two quick posts in the same topic with no post in between the board will auto-merge these mosts. Thus you're recorded to have made two posts but only one is in the database. 2. Staff editing. Sometimes we've upped someone's post count to let them send PMs for example. 3. Deleted posts. We don't delete many posts, so this is a rarity. Reasons why you'd have a post count smaller than the number of posts; 1. Posting in a non-tallied forum. Such as the chamber. 2. Staff editing. Generally punishment, but not always. I'll look into this and see if there are any other reasons. I better make a new rank then! Sure they could, but they wouldn't.
  8. Actually we're both wrong. I meant to type "the rules". "Their" doesn't make much sense either.
  9. You've both made your points, and I think it's time to move on. If you want to continue silly this debate I can give you both a special topic in the chamber to do so.
  10. Neither. There are no more people being banned or chambered than usual. In fact there have been less lately than many other times. You shouldn't know either; the rules are "Do read SOLELY in YOUR thread, do respond SOLELY in YOUR thread" afterall.
  11. ...I've split the topic as planned. Continue the discussion here!
  12. Thanks, but no; it doesn't help. For what it's worth, we think the search overloaded.
  13. We've done this before. When the magical pictures finally emerge I'm sure a staff member will happily split/close/accept as needed. Feel free to bother me at the time.
  14. We have done this from time to time... but please don't take this statement and apply it to any particular member. There have been a few cases of requested demotions.
  15. Yes. (There's a frontpage post. ) We're not sure exactly why at this stage.
  16. Isn't it the wrong colour?
  17. Big surprise there. $250 is the highest I'd go for that set... with $200 being my preferred. But $300...
  18. You're not the first to claim this; DJ Force was the most famous to do so. I must admit I feel the same way at times!
  19. How about 4151a and 4151? (No hole.) EDIT... 10210 Imperial Flagship and 7744 Police Headquarters do.
  20. Anything but red or black! My black collection is big already, and with Ferrari there have too many red cars already... You need to be a Knight or above... and to be honest there are too many colours for me to do it for you. (Your list isn't complete either; there are already a few suggestions that aren't included.)
  21. True, but you're replying to peoples posts from several years back. Their opinions could have changed since then. Bumping old topics isn't against the rules, but please don't pick up old debates like they were yesterday. For more info...
  22. The post count is not an absolute. Interestingly on this board it has an "Active Posts" section on profiles which I assume is a tally of all posts in the database. Mine, for example, is 500 more than my "Post" count. Explanation? Some forums (such as the chamber) don't add to the post count, which would explain my discrepancy. Also, we can change the post count to what ever we want, even if it's nonsense. On that subject, we do from time to time reduce peoples post count as an alternative to banning them. In regard to the "Most Active in xxxx", yes that was removed from the new board. Like a lot that's been removed, I'm not sure why. It could be easy to add back in, I'm not sure. But it's on the list.
  23. Yes, three letter searching seems to be a causality of the board upgrade. It's on my list of annoyances to fix. Even so, I can't see much use in tagging things "MOC"; I'd recommend something like "bdMOC" as a tag.
  24. Well that's just plain cute! ...but what can it carry?
  25. But the black 2 axle is a current part!
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