...and 101 points to you! I've never seen that one before! You might note though that with that ship the platform extends past the the side of the ship on both sides for safety; I'd expect that landings are done cross-deck and as stationary as possible. Even though I admit you have one-upped me, if you're basing off that design (a rather stupid one IMHO) it should be on the bridge, not projecting off it, and it should be wider.
Satcom isn't radar, but yeah that's what I meant. Even so, RFA Dilligance has the mast (and stack ) right next to the pad so I can't fault you for accuracy!
(Honestly that pad position is in a stupid place; I'm going to be having nightmares for weeks now after seeing that photo. I hope it's rarely used; I looked and I can't find any photos with a chopper on it.)