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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Me too. I think it's still dead... (Domain owners get loads of warning prior to termination, and it only takes a few hours for an update...)
  2. Not sure if this is a concern (I'm no LDD expert ) but isn't that pin more for going though 2 beams, not 1/2 + 1 + 1/2? In any case I'll move this for you.
  3. No you should be happy; you've came to this by your own thought processes. You're a born leader!
  4. Sure you can... ...and sure I have!
  5. It's for "Android", not the "iPhone".
  6. Stunningly good MOC, but no. I has to be a catamaran... Where did you get the impression of that? It's certainly not in the guidelines. Sales topics yes, but the rule for topic bumping has been for some time "feel free if there's a good reason". Please don't accuse me of being a hypocrite. Exactly.
  7. He has also been around longer. Consider it a reward for long term members. It comes down to numbers; we can allow the higher ranks to push the rules as there are less of them. Also the long term members for the most part are more aware of the whys of the rules so we can allow them to use their own judgment more often than not. It's OK. I don't have time to yes or no each sig though... Sort of. As I said we don't enforce rules on the higher ranks... yet. On a positive note, I have been very pleased with the lack of complaints over these changes. Thanks everyone!
  8. Bachus has made a review of the 2010 Fan's Choice set; 8404 Public Transport! Find it here in the LEGO Town forum.
  9. The Great Western LEGO Show is the largest display of models built by LEGO fans in the UK. Every year, members of the Brickish Association bring their amazing creations to Swindon and visitors from all over the UK come to be inspired. Click here to go to the official site for this year's show! Discuss the event here!
  10. I'm bumping this old topic as I was trying to find photos of this but was unable; the BrickShelf links are dead. No luck with mocpages or Flickr either. Any help would be appreciated.
  11. Standard response for a woosy chicken.

  12. Sniff. Sob. Wahhhhh!

    I challenge you to a manly pose contest!

  13. So you're saying that I look surprisingly disgusting?

  14. Happy? If that's what you think the "!" is for then your definition of the exclamation mark needs work. According to the highly regarded http://www.exclamation-mark.com/ It's just marketing. The "!" is used to make things look exciting. I personally think it's stupid, but that's hardly surprising as I think most marketing tricks are. I'll leave this open so you can have a rebuttal, but so far it looks like it's becoming a very un-fun topic.
  15. ...then why did you keep coming back to look at it?

  16. Happy Birthday to all!
  17. Well I think it's too small, but if you bring the bridge forward there'll be room... much like there was on RV Calypso. (I'm planning on making a survey craft soon; you'll have to make some comments on mine! )
  18. ...which doesn't make the design any smarter. (The second photo doesn't count; it's on the stern of the ship.) Do note thought that these ships have one thing in common; no helo on the deck. Ships with platforms like this generally don't carry choppers; they just use the platform for stores transfer. Leaving a chopper on a platform like these will add too much top-weight causing the ship to become unstable, and with no hangar the chopper will be exposed to the elements. I do think this discussion is detracting from your MOC however, for which I do apologise. As an ex-sailor I was just offering a suggestion; feel free to ignore it!
  19. Thanks. OK, so it's probably not Chrome then!
  20. ...and 101 points to you! I've never seen that one before! You might note though that with that ship the platform extends past the the side of the ship on both sides for safety; I'd expect that landings are done cross-deck and as stationary as possible. Even though I admit you have one-upped me, if you're basing off that design (a rather stupid one IMHO) it should be on the bridge, not projecting off it, and it should be wider. Satcom isn't radar, but yeah that's what I meant. Even so, RFA Dilligance has the mast (and stack ) right next to the pad so I can't fault you for accuracy! (Honestly that pad position is in a stupid place; I'm going to be having nightmares for weeks now after seeing that photo. I hope it's rarely used; I looked and I can't find any photos with a chopper on it.)
  21. Traditionally helo-pads are at the back of a ship; that way if there's a crash it'll fall into the sea or it can be easily pushed off the side. It'd also have a tendency to take off that TACAN / SATCOM dome on approach. I'd be scared to be on this ship during landings!
  22. No, I've never used Chrome. The whole "you'll take our updates when we say so" thing worries me a bit. Thus I have no idea how this site performs with it. I'll need your address.
  23. It's a nice skin.
  24. Funny? For you maybe, it was annoyance for me as I had to tweak the templates so the board looked as similar to the old as possible! Interestingly you can see the names we gave for the skins. I was one one who called the base skin "EB DEFAULT SE" 'cos I think it's funny. (Special Edition. ) I'm relieved that we didn't pick any more colourful names! At the moment the "EB DEFAULT SE" skin is just the structural changes, and aside from that it's the same as what come with the board. Since it can be accessed I'll changed it a bit later so it's an actual skin. For those that are interested the skins are a tree format; if you change something in a lower "branch" the upper ones reflect it unless it's been changed there first. That's why "Train" is a sub skin of "Town"; they share the Classic-Town link in the banner. Cool eh?
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