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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Offroad Power looks good; it's even got suspension and steering!
  2. Loads of new stuff has been added to S@H!
  3. That's a pretty funny thing to want considering your user name!
  4. I like what you've done with Gobal Admin... but not so much Action.
  5. Yeah, I agree. If that's what he wants then no, it's not going to happen.
  6. ...and I've got neither. I wonder if they'd accept programming and Radar maintenance as an equivalent ?
  7. Any idea what they mean by "a formal education as a designer"? If it wasn't for that I'd actually consider applying... Let's not discuss age please.
  8. I'm not clear what you have in mind...
  9. In future I'll be sure to give you the respect that your advancing years deserves.
  10. All music that you don't create yourself is forbidden. Whether it gets deleted or not all depends on the vague interpretation of the "fair use" rule and how diligent the copyright holders are.
  11. It's the wrong place, but in any case I consider the answer as "yes" for the most part. "The Prestige" is a good example of Tesla steampunk.
  12. You're added to the List of Shame.
  13. Thanks; I'll see if I can find one... When Arnold Schwarzenegger was in the early days in his career his calves were a real weak spot. To motivate him to work on them more he his trousers into shorts so people would say stuff like "He mate; great arm... but lame calves!". Since I'm a tubby bitch I have to show more...
  14. On the subject of pictures, I love them all but... ...where did you get/find that? I've got an unusual soft toy collection (stuff like brain cells, spiders, knits, tonberrys, aliens...) and that would fit right in!
  15. Thanks everyone, especially the Siegfried-Clones! (Sieg7ri4d is my favourite so far.) What did I get? Loads; I've been getting things labeled as a birthday advance for months... Grand Emporium, another S@H order, Lunar Limo... however as an extra bonus I got Battle of Alamut today. OK.
  16. I was expecting something completley different; the ESA Hermes! But I still like your MOC. It's very seek and I think a practical design too. What's the wing marking? Well that's kinda true, but I don't think it's that simple. Here are some rough stats; Long March 3B 13.6 metric tons lift $4,412/kg Zenit 2 13.7 metric tons lift $3,093/kg Ariane 5G 18 metric tons lift $9,167/kg Proton 20 metric tons lift $4,302/kg Space Shuttle 28.8 metric tons lift $10,416/kg Saturn V 118 metric tons lift $5,000/kg (adjusted) So yes, the shuttle is arguably more expensive per launch for pure cargo, but the using the shuttle for satellite launching missions (as it was originally planned) was excessive at best. For these rockets (or some other form of a one-shot launcher, such as a linear induction motor) are far more suitable. But for space station assembly, maintenance, and missions like the LDEF it's the best, if not only, option. I think the shuttle seems a failure now simply because of the minimal budget that NASA has been running on for years left nothing for the space station that the shuttle was designed for. Also, the Shuttle was a revolutionary craft... and one that probably should have never been mass produced. This once again came down to the budget issue, but in reality the Shuttle is just a prototype. Much has been learned from the missions and if one was built now, it would be much more practical... but it looks like that aside from the X-37 this concept it on pause. Even so, since it had only 2 failures over 134 launches it's been a success to me.
  17. Less posting more work!
  18. Yeah? I can't find anything to support that. The best I could find was this which says quite the opposite.
  19. Actually the "floating brick" one was the older one...
  20. He better be; he's got lots of work to do!
  21. Well first off, sorry for stealing your name. I was planning and building mine for months (yeah, I'm slow) so I didn't really steal it, but it sure would seem like it! The name is very suitable for lighter-than-air airships; what could me more harder to fatigue than something that uses little or no power to fly? It's why I picked the name sometime last year. It's a very interesting design, and I love the story. 800 teabags? The detail on the bottom looks good. Nice idea for a rework of the "NASA" name too! Steam on!
  22. Another bonus photo! Yeah, it's rather impressive. I'd love to know the part count! Well I have my doubts about any steam powered aircraft, but it's a fun concept! Even so, in many ways this is more realistic than many as the zeppelin would offset a lot of the weight. Actually no! Most zeppelins had the hydrogen in bags within the outer envelope; you would need to penetrate two layers, not hit any of the framework and break most of the gas bags. (Large zeppelins such as Hindenburg had 16 bags.) In most zeppelin you could even walk though the gaps between the gas bags. I wish zeppelins were still around... Wow! Actually that's a sheer co-incidence; I must confess that I've never seen that MOC before. All things considered though, Indefatigable is a logical airship name. Yes, I've seen that done before and it works surprisingly well. Thanks! Actually that was a primary design concept and I'm very happy how that turned out. Thanks for the score! (The blocky nature of it was intensional... but I don't deserve a 10 anyway. ) Yeah; half of the work on this MOC was finding a way to build on the top! As it turns out it's surprisingly strong; it feel off a table yesterday and only the stacks and one engine fell off!
  23. Yeah, just like your three first posts. Chat time...
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