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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Good idea! I'll BrickLink two more... Thanks... and sadly not. This MOC was a struggle to build as I had loads of ideas for it, but considering I was basing the scale off the zeppelin piece (and I was pushing reality as it was ) there simply wasn't the room to have much internal volume. Due to the depression at the bottom of the piece the bottom gondola actually has a surprising amount of head-room, and I might add some bunks there, but it wouldn't photograph well. As it is there are some control panels and weapon racks in the front upper fuselage, and a bit of engine detail in the rear. More colours? It has 6 so it's a virtual rainbow! Seriously though I wanted it to be drab; it is 20th century military afterall. As for more details I did consider adding a few pointless hoses, but I decided against that for the same reason. (Greebles really aren't my thing... ... perhaps this more "Alternate History" than "Steam Punk"!) I've been dreaming of doing a MOC using this piece for years and I at last bit the bullet and bought one. (Mines a bit dented so it was cheapish...) This is actually the first time I've seen something like this done; I could find nothing even remotely close. I look forward to seeing your zeppelin! Yeah that's what I thought! The first photo has him with two arms but that looked even worse! Another pirate in the Sci-Fi forum! In honour of this occasion I'll add an additional photo! Like a helicopter; via cyclic pitch. To be honest I would have liked to have had a pusher prop at the rear, but it would have been messy to integrate it. As for the speed, that's based on helicopter speeds as well. Due to retreating blade stall they can't go much faster than about 350km/h, and I then picked a number a bit below to take into consideration the size. It probably still is too fast, but this is fiction afterall.
  2. Happy Birthday! Yep, a tad bigger.
  3. Big birthday wishes on this big birthday day!
  4. Lord Monty Zarknell was not a man with a vast sense of humor. Thus when he suggested building a flying ship in 1905 this was seen as a sign of insanity so he was promptly discharged from the RN. In all actuality they probably were right, but insane or not, Zarknell used his vast fortune to build a prototype himself rather than give up on the idea. Six months later HMS Indefatigable was the result. While it was only one tenth the size of what he originally had in mind, it proved how sound his concepts actually were. Capable of speeds in excess of 250km/h (155 mph) and ranges of around 500km (310 mi) fully loaded, she was useful as well. However when he presented his creation to Admiralty they were not impressed... and neither was he. Determined to prove his concept despite them, he flew to the site of a naval exercise, he proceeded to use the dual 4.5 inch guns to destroy all the targets before the ships could. What happened next? The history is unclear, but most reports indicate that while finally impressed, Admiralty were not amused... Enough history; more facts! The envelope was filled with hydrogen and provided enough lift to offset about 95% of the total loaded weight. This meant that the rotors could use most of their power for movement rather than lift, and also that Indefatigable was stable on the ground. The rotors themselves were steam driven; inside each nacelle was a steam turbine running at a constant speed with the rotors using the revolutionary technique of varying pitch to control power. There was a single main boiler inside the rear of the upper fuselage which fed both turbines. In the case of steam failure a secondary boiler could be used to restart the primary, but if height and terrain permitted it was safer to just autorotate and land, and then restart on the ground. (Rotor damage at height would have resulted in crash.) As a reduced scale prototype HMS Indefatigable was lightly armed, but it certainly wasn't defenseless. Two 4.5 inch guns were designed for attacking ground targets (they couldn't elevate up) and for local air defense there were 4 0.303 inch machine guns. The latter could be rotated but not elevated. 4 crew were carried, but it wasn't designed for their comfort. The lower gondola did carry bedding and provisions for longer trips however. Their uniform (and flag) was non-standard; another sign of Zarknell's insanity? I'm king of the world!
  5. I gave up on the SPIII sets turning up last month and got them at S@H...
  6. You wanted to thank someone so you posted... I realise you're both from the UK, but that's hardly a clear way of doing it. Quoting the guy and saying "thanks" would have been a better idea. But look, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and I've removed the post and taken your quote of the List of Shame. Sorry for potentially misjudging you. Do remember though that as someone with 28% of posts in BSTF and who posted in BSTF very early on it makes you look like you're mostly on EB to buy and sell, and that is missing the point of the BSTF forum. I agree. As it turns out I found enough blatant examples of bumping so I didn't need to use those.
  7. Prince of Persia month continues on EB... as are the Prince of Persia MOCs from Svelte! This time it's a the entrance to Scorpion Fort. This is a MOC that needs to be seen from both sides to be fully appreciated. See Nizam's secret!
  8. Oh this is a marvel. Right now I'm on Flickr downloading the full size images so I can use them as wallpapers! Indeed I did. Here was looking through the pics that are going on about the strategic design of the fort... and then I find Nizam dreaming of glory in his tub! One hopes. I'm surprised that TLG felt they weren't essential parts.
  9. Please don't. Just don't. I'm tired of telling people this. Things like this... ...are just not acceptable. Remember when one topic is bumped up, the rest are bumped down. With my settings of 40 topics per page there are topics in this forum that cover about 15 days. Thus if someone posts a topic in there it'll be reasonably viewable for 2 weeks, so there really is no need to bump. If no one wants your items please just accept it; there's no need to be selfish and sabotage someone else's chance. What is classed as bumping? Well the ones above are blatant examples but several "updates" in a row without any posts from other members is much the same. Ultimately the best way to tell is simple; ask yourself why are you posting. If it's really to add something you should be OK, but if you have any doubts, or if little or no interest has been shown in your post, then you probably shouldn't post the update. There are other ways to sell LEGO after all. Repeat offenders (especially those who have large percentage of posts in the BSTF forum) will be banned from posting in this forum. We do keep track of warnings. Having said all of that, what can we do to satisfy peoples urge to bump? Well aside from dancing we do accept people adding links in their signature to a sales page or to an on-line store. If you're making loads of sales that's probably more appropriate anyway. Also, an idea that I was considering was to add a topic where people could post wants and haves, and that way people could bump away without being as annoying, and it'd also be a good place for sellers/buyers to browse. Please feel free to post your thoughts on this issue.
  10. It's OK. She probably loves the attention.
  11. ...about that; can I have my daughter back?
  12. Don't ask us; ask the Governor.
  13. A big birtday wish to the Big one!
  14. Such a cool ad! Thanks for sharing!
  15. Siegfried


    I've considered have a tattoo for years but I've never been able to think of something that I'm sure I'll still like in 10 years. Interestingly it never occurred to me to get a LEGO one! I'll have to give it some thought. On a similar note when I first joined the Navy it was "cool" to get a tattoo of Taz Devil holding an anchor. I thought it was a stupid idea getting the same lame tat so I passed, but many in recruit school had one done. I'd love to find out how many regret it now!
  16. Yeah, but it's a secret. On that subject J-Man, I want a raise. I want 20% on top of what I'm already getting or I'm outa here. Papa needs some new shoes.
  17. Technology these days. Sorry, I must confess that I'm a bit rattled. I'm used to seeing death but there's been so many. Depending on your perspective I might be. Oh my! *I order the figure to stop. If it keeps moving I pick up a rock and throw it just to see if this is a ghost/vision or something that I can touch... and kill.*
  18. It's payment for services rendered.
  19. Posted that last year mate. Click! Stauder. Well in my defense I was moving at the time it's not where I expected it... ...but all things considered it makes sense. Beautiful set and photography by the way! Reading this makes me feel like I understand my wife a lot more.... OK, that isn't true. But it's a good interview just the same. Soon.... ...and I call her "sweetie", not "dear".
  20. It's Regal red. Mister Phes has his own colour because he's special and we love him. But it's not meant as a combination of the Root Admin / Moderator colour. Mister Phes has an special position in the rank structure; technically he's not EB staff. His rank name does a better job of describing his role than any rant of mine could do.
  21. Indeed. It's normally compressed gas. Anything else would break the syringe in the dart. Who else still has a gun and where is it? You've seen it yourself and you still don't believe? You've seen it yourself and you still don't believe?
  22. That's really cool! It does look a bit odd though with Donkey Kong on the screen. (Yes, I read the first post. )
  23. 2 weeks? I check at least every week in almost every store!
  24. As Stash says, please expand. Without an example we can't discuss the issue. I try to merge where possible, especially in this forum.
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