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Everything posted by VBBN

  1. As per our site guidelines that you agreed to when signing up; Please refrain from directly posting confidential images here on the forums. Thank you
  2. Here's the problem with leaks this early in the game- there is no actual evidence here that these are true other than he said/she said. No listings on websites, no blurry catalog images (do people even know what a modern phone is?), and certainly random comments off-site from questionable sources are a poor place to start a discussion- at least, a concrete one. There is nothing wrong with speculation, but this early in the game this conversation of a potential 2018 line is just that, speculation, and has turned more into a wishlist than anything. I'll be merging this thread with the pre-existing future constraction lines wishlist thread. If we find something more concrete, a more official topic will be made to exclusively talk about said news.
  3. Okay so- I've moved all posts from the future constraction themes thread and merged them with our pre-existing thread that we have to debate CCBS vs other building systems. Let's remember that people will have different opinions than you, that's okay- please keep things civil and respect others opinions as such.
  4. The sword should turn off itself. Normally when you push the button, the sword will start with a slow strobe effect, then move to a fast strobe effect, slow down again and end. Should only be lasting 7-10 seconds tops. If it's not turning off, it's possible it was put together incorrectly in a way that the button is constantly being pressed down or perhaps the batteries are in there in a janky way?
  5. This is a really fantastic design- and after a quick look at your Flickr, all of these are fantastic! Why was this one the one you chose to post here, why not all?
  6. Yeah- as long as the sets were legally obtained, then that's an issue Lego would need to take up with the retailer, but we would say go ahead and post the reviews here. I do not recall in the past that anyone has been barred from posting reviews early as in such a situation.
  7. I will bring up the topic with the other senior staff
  8. Yeah, old reviews are always a good thing. A review isn't exclusively to give comments on a new set that's available- they are also to showcase a set in a way that we can come back at any year and see how that set looked, what parts it came with, etc. I know there are many people here who became interested in Bionicle around G2 or Hero Factory and don't know much about older sets, always worth making a review. Plus, many older sets were never given proper reviews because they weren't available in the golden age of reviewing. Reviews can can be done by anyone, not just those in the Academy. Reviews that we list in the AF Review index are reviews we deem to be of a quality worthy of indexing. And as it has always been- more than one person can review a set. One review is one persons opinion, but there are many others who would like to showcase a set too.
  9. Feel free to make reviews at any time. Reviews her in the index are for reviews from any and all members, I have just been the main person reviewing as of late. I have reviewed a large amount of sets because they were sent to us from Lego, though recently the sets they have offered to Eurobricks have not been Constraction so I haven't gotten around to reviewing anything. But anyone else is always free and encouraged to post their own reviews, too.
  10. Spiogero, you posted this message in two separate threads- one of which was inactive since 2015. I've merged the two threads, considering they are for the same subject, but please avoid reviving old threads when you have already made that same post in a current topic.
  11. Removed for the moment as at the moment it's unclear where the image came from. I just hope he doesn't have floppy arm syndrome, I think the function was neat on Basher and a bit unnecessary on K2S0, so I hope it's executed a bit better here. Oh actually a thought- since he uses this bashing function instead of a traditional gear layout and has a two handed weapon, I bet Maul will have a similar design.
  12. These just arrived today: Some older Star Wars Buildable Figures that i had yet to buy. This finished my collection of the TFA figures, and the first wave of Rogue One figures. Just have the last wave of Rogue One and the two stormies left to get (though I'd like to pick up two of the stormtrooper commander so that I can make a regular soldier as well), if I can get them done before the next waves of sets comes out that'd be great. Anyway these were on pretty good sales on amazon- Poe was $16, down from 25 Finn was $14, down from 25 Jyn was $10 (!) down from 25 So patience paid off!
  13. Maul has a predominantly red face with smaller amounts of a black design, so I would assume they will go with a red piece with black printing as that seems easier than the opposite. Personally I think That's true, though I wouldn't put it past Lego to give us a terribly boring Maul, It's what I'm expecting at the moment. I think the bike could work in an opposite effect though too- I'd like a Maul figure, but I never at all liked the design of his bike and having a inflated price due to the extra cost due to the bike could be a turnoff. It could end up being great for parts, but at the extra license cost of a SW set
  14. And I am happy to announce that the MOC index is finally complete! It has been a long time coming, and I want to give a massive thank you to @TheOneVeyronian for her dedication and help in getting this index up to speed and ready for you all to view, as well as the continued help from @Leewan on the index and forums. Constraction sets may not be coming out in full force from Lego currently, but I hope that taking a trip down MOCing memory lane will bring about some inspiration for new and exciting creations over the next few months. For the next few weeks I will keep the MOC index pinned for easy access and for all to see. However, as with our other indexes, you can find a link to it directly in the first post of this thread. Stay tuned for more to come!
  15. That is unless they pull a wave similar to the two Rogue One waves where it was just two waves of 3 figures all at the same pricepoint, which I feel is more likely since I can't see there being a huge draw to his bike, or at least not on the same level as the speeder bike. Now if they made a battle Droid and gave them a STAP, that I'd be all over. If they were trying to go for a higher pricepoint, they could go with Maul's Clone Wars animated appearance (more than likely the Grevious-style legs rather than the spider legs but I can dream) which would bump the cost up and would actually make a bit more sense, because then he would have Clone Wars Obi-Wan as a nemesis- right now, Maul will be alone with no other Phantom Menace wavemates.
  16. Alright after a couple modifications to the first post I've brought the 2018 discussion topic back into the forum- discuss away! Not ruling out speculation. I've modified the first post to hopefully make the rules a bit more clear.
  17. Didn't realize these are still 2017 sets- proceed with discussion here Anyway im liking them so far. Chewie is what I expected- although now my want for a Han Solo is real, and I'm worried that if we finally get one it won't resemble Harrison Ford but rather whatever the new Solo will look like in his solo movie. The pilot is a cookie cutter but I'm enjoying troop building so I'm down for his design, I've always loved the tie pilot design. Rey is different enough from her previous incarnation although I don't like the shoulder idea but I'm glad we are getting a female without headgear for once. The red guard is pretty sick, loving the movie design and it translates to a fine figure.
  18. As per the System 2018 thread: 75533 Boba Fett Price: 29,99 EUR / 29,99 USD / 25,99 GBP Subtheme: Constraction Figures Pieces: 144 Release: Winter 2018 75534 Darth Vader Price: 39,99 EUR / 39,99 USD / 34,99 GBP Subtheme: Constraction Figures Pieces: 168 Release: Winter 2018 75535 Han Solo Price: 29.99 EUR / 24.99 USD / 25.99 GBP Subtheme: Constraction Figures Pieces: 101 Release: April 2018 75536 Range Trooper Price: 29.99 EUR / 24.99 USD / 25.99 GBP Subtheme: Constraction Figures Pieces: 101 Release: April 2018 75537 Darth Maul Price: 29.99 EUR / 29.99 USD / 25.99 GBP Subtheme: Constraction Figures Pieces: 104 Release: April 2018
  19. I've gone ahead and split this discussion into it's own topic- The Action Figure Forum Discussion thread is more for discussion about the Eurobricks AF forum itself and any news or updates regarding it's structure, contests, etc. Since this is more about the actual Lego building system, let's continue with this here.
  20. A MOCing advice thread seems like a cool idea to me, and it seems this thread has already kicked off some ideas- I've modified the title of the topic, let's make this the "official" one. Not going to pin for now for the sake of keeping things clean in the forum (and I'm about to start doing some additional updates in the forum), but hopefully we can all get some value out of this thread.
  21. This is awesome! I think it'll go pretty nicely with the Beetle, Mini and Camper Van Creator sets, even if out of scale of course.
  22. Very creative idea for the head, I always love when people find new "faces" out of previous masks. I think one thing working against it here is that it doesn't actually use the Lerahk poison-staff weapon pieces. I think the overall design of those would really sell him as a poison-element character, and would be a good nod toward the original character, since you have utilized that original element from the previous sets.
  23. Bionicle's 2nd end really caused the fandom, at least here on EB, to slow down for the time being- pair that with only two new sets currently in the Star Wars BF line, we are definitely on a slow part of the roller coaster, but rest assured we are working on bring new things to the community in the coming months to bring some excitement for the Action Figures forum, and to give the community something to do while we await Lego's next move with constraction.
  24. Technically, cancelling for that reason is against their order cancellation policy- https://www.bricklink.com/help.asp?helpID=79 Invalid reason #1. So first step could be to send that to the seller and demand that he fulfill your order or else you will take it to bricklink administration (so escalate your position) Otherwise, contact bricklink or see if there is any option here- https://www.bricklink.com/retractOrder.asp?utm_content=subnav You might be able to hit him with a non shipping seller tag, though I'm not sure of the exact criteria for that since technically you wouldn't have paid anything. Perhaps just contact bricklink and explain and show that it's against their cancellation policy
  25. VBBN


    I tend to stick with CCBS/Technic to build things for Bionicle, Hero Factory etc- but this is only because that's what I have amassed parts for. Eventually I will get around to building up a collection of enough system parts to take part in MOCing system themes- castle, city and Sci-Fi are all themes I have a strong interest in and would really like to work on some builds for that. I guess at some point I could kick off with some digital builds, but I'm really just not a fan of building digitally. In terms of something I lurk on but don't build with, that would have to go to the actual full-on Technic builds that you'll find in the Technic forum. While I enjoy learning about the systems that make vehicles have functionality (and have implemented this into action figure MOCs to a degree), I just can't build anything with a shape that resembles something natural with Technic components nor do I have the parts for it. For now, I'll stick to admiring.
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