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Everything posted by VBBN

  1. So splitter beast...splits. Into two villains Someone mentioned it on TFW and I didn't see it till now; the picture at the top of the bag shows an orange headed flying monster of sorts; and on the toy you can see some limbs wrapped around the torso. The monster is comprised of an orange and a blue monster that can join together into form splitter beast from the looks of it.
  2. Aanchir I'm pretty sure those tanks on the back are compartments to campfire the spiders, they look to have a hinge of sorts. EDIT: I meant to say capture but my phone autocorrected it to campfire. Too awesome to change.
  3. Not going to say much till I get home, but this is a real mixed bag for me. On one hand I'm really digging these monsters, I can certainly see Kaiju inspired references and they just cool. With that said, a few negatives right off the bat; Spiders are relatively boring additions to the hero mechs. Obviously they have the Kaiju to fight, but I'd really just have preferred the money spent on the spiders to be used elsewhere. EVO XL...it's nice to have a new character in XL size, but does anyone else think rocka when they see that set? It's that damn trans green, why oh why can't we have trans dark blue. Evo walker... I can barely tell what's going on here, but honestly if you get Evo XL I can't see the point in this I think my main issue is that it looks more like a turret than an actual multi legged mech On a positive note: BREEZ! No mech, but a long as she has a minifigures I'm happy Again I'll give in depth thoughts soon but so far I can say I will buy some of these sets.
  4. On a plus side, when we do see photos, their won't be a long wait until they are released. (Assuming lego keeps some common sense and releases the sets before xmas)
  5. Just another trololol moment to get us through another 24 hours, front? With that said, I'd love to see a massive villain, with a hero and a smaller mech (and I'll jump on the Breez train, always loved breez and it'd be a shame if she doesn't get a nice set) included. I'd stay away from super-huge massive mech though and aim more towards a massive villain. With a massive mech, there wouldn't really be anything for it to fight
  6. Regardless of the minifig design, I just hope the Mech protects them. It's all fantastic when you give a figure a suit of big limbs with big weapons, but to me a major factor is actual protection. When you have a Mech design that leaves the pilot exposed, you really aren't any better off than where you started. Perhaps part of that is due to my constant comparisons to both Exo Force and Pacific Rim; Since we ruled out mechs with heads, the next best thing is mechs such as exo force had, in which case I'd like to see some trans-glass elements, possibly with some nice printings. And although it's a long stretch, is it too much to ask for a set of controls? I know that's going to be difficult given the crossing of constraction and system, but I find it rather ridiculous when it's assumed that the pilot has invisible controls. (With that said, some control HUD detailing on the cockpit could help, and I suppose you could assume the pilot has that same Pacific Rim style of control, where they walk to make the machine walk, move a hand to move the mechs hand, etc.) I must admit, the more I speculate, the more potential I see in this theme. Even if the sets are a complete failure, it will hopefully give us a good base to start off with; Minifigures, hopefully a better way to attach them to a constraction frame, and possibly some other things.
  7. I know, I just like to poke fun at those figures whenever the moment is presented Though I suppose it's not all unjustified, relating back to my point about them being a "test" Not sure what would be wrong with just having put hordika heads on a minifigure torso to test the idea, but that's the past.
  8. Not entirely sure these ever qualified as versatile... Personally I'd love it if we saw figures with a balljoint system similar to MB, but I doubt we will ever see steps that are that drastic. And if this line is a one-year theme and we never see minifigs again after this, I can't see lego putting a lot of effort into revolutionizing a design to start. For example, in 2005 lego just gave us those "chess statues" as minifigures because they were testing the idea of Bionicle playsets. In 2006 we saw more effort, and after decent sales we saw that last year with slight advancements to the figures, but not a huge change. So with this wave of HF sets, they may be testing out the idea of minifigs in a constraction line; While they may use the figures elsewhere, (though no bionicle minifig ever made it outside of constraction), really it's all a "test" and I'd be perfectly happy with well printed minifigure based designs.
  9. It's hard to believe that 5 years has passed, but it has been a great experience being a teacher and I look forward to many years forward. I want to extend my thanks to the students, because you truly are the ones who keep the Academy what it is. With your support and desire to learn, it gives us teachers great motivation to help you. Every decision and bit of advice that we put forth is to give you all the best experience possible, and to learn as much as you can. If you are a new student who has joined or is thinking of joining, remember that the path through is not always easy; Especially on your first few reviews, there is a lot of room for improvement, and every comment given is a way to not only increase your review quality, but you will also learn many of the technical aspects of reviewing. For those currently in the process of working towards any of the 3-level medals, remember to take your time to produce your best work. We don't enforce a time limit, it is all taken at your pace. With that said, we encourage you to never give up, and keep working hard. Like all hard work, it does pay off. VBBN
  10. Agreed on this point. Moreso for the fact that they can make a set look more complete. For example, say you have a lime green and white hero set. The legs consist of a white shell to cover it's shin, and a lime green shell for the thigh. If you have a bone piece in white to correspond to that shin, and same with the latter, it looks more complete from all angles, whereas with a black bone you can clearly see that it is just armor slapped onto a black bone. With that said, the lack of colored bones is the annoyance to me. We get so few of them, that it becomes very difficult to create a proper bone structure with all of the colors necessary to correspond to the armor.
  11. I peed. That is fantastic news; Although many people may not find those useful, I myself can imagine a lot of possibilities. personally I'm hoping for trans neon orange or trans light blue for Chaos/Project Halycon, but at this point anything is welcome. You know, if the villains were black with trans-limbs, they would give off a glowing effect=pacific rim Kaiju. (I just love these references) "In negotiations to pen the script" Not started, but when it gets to that point, there is a fairly high chance of it being produced. VBBN
  12. I wouldn't be surprised if the sawblade is used in Ninjago given the minifigures trans-weapons, but I'd certainly like to see it used in HF. In general I'd like to see more trans-weapons introduced. Not translucent, but actual transparent parts. I know i'd regret saying that one day when I really want to use a weapon on a brown MOC and all I have is pink, but still. And what ever happened to that Live action HF movie they were making? Maybe it was disguised as Pacific Rim Actually I'm really into the idea of larger villains. A lot of HF villains are portrayed as being, well, dumb or goofy. A massive villain increases a sense of urgency and danger to me. Good to see you back Vertea!
  13. Lego has some categories, like the 5000 pc MF and the Cafe Corner series of sets that are more "adult" themed, and I like to think of the latter style of MOCs as fitting to that category. Personally I MOC more in the lego-style category, mostly because I have very few system parts to work with, and as a result my MOCs are usually a mess. VBBN
  14. The vehicles I think are fine as is, in fact I do like how you already have some of them interacting with the landscape. It certainly doesn't hurt to throw in custom vehicles, but the colors and parts for RR can be a bit difficult to come by (I myself have been considering doing some Bricklinking to recreate some RR sets, but some of the more specialized drills and canopies are a bit pricey )
  15. Rock Raiders is one theme I do surprisingly wish would make a comeback one day. The whole structure you have created is massive and very nice to look at, though I do wish some more time was spent on the buildings. I think the fact that they are official is the issue, not the saving point. Maybe redesigning them to be more integrated with the structure itself. Right now it's mostly buildings on top of a rock structure, with one hole; I'd like to see more vehicles and characters actually digging into the structure, interacting with it. With that said, bravo once more for giving this theme some needed love
  16. You are correct that members would be interested in this, the proper way to go about advertising it however is best done by providing a simple link in your signature. As per the guidelines as Pandora pointed out; With that said, welcome to Eurobricks, And it is certainly an interesting concept; You must have a lot of passion toward your site. And it's always great to see families that are all into Lego! VBBN
  17. Lego loves Jaws because they're jawesome. I couldn't resist. Something I have thought of though, how will these sets be interpreted in film form? Because if they are standard build villains verses minifig sized heroes, those are going to be some bigass villains.
  18. I Did not see that coming. On one hand, this is a neat concept. Some people may know that my favorite system them was Exo-Force, so having mechs returning is a welcomed idea. At the same time, I hope its a one-time thing, otherwise all we will get from now on is tiny heroes. Really there isn't much more you can do (Unless you give the villains mechs?) And I still feel like the designs are going to be lackluster. We were wondering how they could fit two smaller sets into that price tag- But even if it's a minifig in a mech, it's still gotta be proper size, or it means the mech and the villain will be poor in part substantiation.
  19. Interesting ideas, Personally I think I prefer smaller sets as opposed to creator-designed sets, I feel like the designs would be far more lacking if we had to use the same pieces to change between two characters. With system it is a lot easier than with Hero Factory. We have much more specialized pieces, the colors are more of an issue, and it's really going to take a lot to create two vastly different characters. And with smaller characters, some things make more sense; "Evo Walker" Imagine a small evo in a Mech-suit of sorts. Given a smaller scale, it's completely possible.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pq-F63qvsg Main theme from the movie. I actually did enjoy this movie(I'm not a big Tom Cruise fan but i think he did well in this one) and the score was really fitting for the film.
  21. Color modifications and cosmetic changes for the most part, which are good. Stringer is one of my favorites, having that trans dark blue armor complimenting his chest piece works quite well. I think the main thing I find disappointing is your recoloring of Breez and Furno. I really liked Breez's color scheme of Lime, Red and White, and with Furno I think the white worked nice with red, it was that trans-orange that had to go. Though interesting interpretation of having Furno with his bike once more- As we know the original Furno that came with that back was a very simplified version of the standard canned set, and you've done the same thing here. Stormer looks better with the shoulder panels more sunk into place, but since you were handling color changes here, I really think he could have done without the blue; swapped those for white. (The blue on his weapons and stickers just isn't strong enough to really flow with those IMO)
  22. I see more concern in the syncing feature- Regardless of the original state of either site, this is something BO must have received permission to implement. At least, that's how I look at it, I see it as a site partnership. To threaten with legal action either means A) The new management is simply being unreasonable or B) BO never had permission to extract data from BL(the entire syncing feature is essentially a data transfer. Ignoring any of this "part numbering" nonsense that just should be dropped as it has no effect on either business' performance) in which case they shot themselves in the foot. If I am understanding the entire sync feature wrong then do correct me, as I have never heard of nor used BO. From what I can tell, it simply extracts the data from your BL account to update your inventory on BO. (is this vice versa as well?)
  23. ...So did BrickOwl ever ask permission to link and synchronize with Bricklink? Or is this just a result of the new management?
  24. True, not sure what was implied by that. And perhaps; Certainly at this point anything is possible. Evo XL is one of the few that I think is on the right track-An XL is becoming a standard thing, and it's only fair that another character gets a chance. Disappointing that we are still stuck with the same heroes, and after this long I would have hoped to break that routine. But my guess is that official list or not, there aren't going to be any new heroes this year. Nice work tracking that down, was about to do that myself. Lot of these have no relation to anything official (except maybe dynamo (demon? speeda demon? eh long shot) If so I'm curious as to where they got this list, because with all of the other very official sounding lists from other themes, I would think this list came from the same source. So why do the sets sound as if someone is describing them? Or do these sets really have that uninspiring of names..
  25. For fake lists I do believe that was the only one we got, yes-Even in Bionicle it was usually photo shopped MOCs as fake pics, never really a fake list. And it was a whole list, I think it had Stormer XL on it which ended up being right, and core drainer IMO was close enough to core hunter to be a damned good guess. And being so close to the release date of the official list, it makes me question the validity of this list. Not saying it came from the same person, but at the same time if it was someone just posting what they saw, it could have been a similar incident; Maybe some names are right, others are wrong? Unless that person totally guessed(Stormer XL was a logical guess) in which case ignore that I ever said that (Which topic was that in anyway? Before summer breakout so 2012 topic? Curious to go read that list again)
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