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Everything posted by VBBN

  1. also, “vezok? methinks not”
  2. Stars sounds like a knockoff name though really lol
  3. The problem is, they are not. Sure, they have the same joint system, but on the flip side, do you see people Plopping an exo force limb on a Bionicle because it has a balljoint? No. I mean, look at the brown figure, The entire upper piece, shoulders and head, is one piece. Even if yu could stick that on a Bionicle figure, the then the arms would need to be the same as the Ben 10 arms, making half the figure no different. In addition, the lack of pin holes or axle holes makes it so that these figures CAN'T be added on to.
  4. Scroll up, there are pics of the blue and brown one. Actually, you may have to search, I'm viewing this at 40 posts per page, if you are viweing it at less you may have to go back a few pages. I change what I said, the leg bits look like they might be of use, but they are really ugly and I'm not sure where they would work.
  5. After looking over those pics, I can say one thing-They may have ball joints, but no way in hell am I going to be able to incorporate that into a Bionicle MOC. Galidor over again indeed. Looks like Digimon gone wrong.
  6. We could really use a...hero...right about now
  7. Are you really this stupid?
  8. How exactly are the claws to that bigger one blue? I doubt making them blue makes them water...Water isn't the ideal subsstance to make a claw. And it's impossible. =P But damn, those new rock monster look SEXY. I want lots of them... As soon as I get all the current ones... ...
  9. Brickshelf
  10. Already ahead of you
  11. So that means I should just go along with it?
  12. The spamming needs to stop
  13. What you see is what you get
  14. I'm telling you to clean up your act, padawon, or your time here will be short. I do suggest you take my advice, as I always hate to see another member banned. No, you told him to get a life. That is spam, in any way you put it. It certainly didn't help the conversation at all. And if I were the one spamming, I wouldn't still be here after over 2 years. ;] But in any case, drop the subject, it's only making things worse, and the last thing anyone needs is another spamfest like the Bioncle 2009 topic. This is my home just as much as it is yours, and I am going to protect it, whether you wish to stay or not.
  15. OS, Not only is your post spam, but you are also being very rude by putting your username as putting down another member, and putting it in your signature. It's a true disgrace. I don't care if you think it's a joke(or not), but it is not allowed here.
  16. I can only find 25 pieces by counting...? In any case, it's nice, although as said before Dooku is a bit out of place. What is the strange head on the Jedi Master? I've never seen it before.
  17. Again? Well, we'll keep an eye out once again and make sure nothing happens here like last time. ;]
  18. I like the snakes being closer to the head, but I prefer the original eye arrangement before better.
  19. Nice! Very creative for a 70 piece limit. If I had any gungans that's what my battlepack would be. But even if I did this would be great competition.
  20. Sad story indeed, I would donate, but I'm on a budget right now, I can't give away free lego! But if you want, I could get you cheaper prices on a portion of my collection. And I will throw in something extra, I'm a helpful dude. ;] Anywho, welcome to the boards, hope you have a good time here rebuilding your collection.
  21. I'll be entering. I just need to think of something unique... Prizes look cool.
  22. Nice! Love the boxart you did for it. And the Jedi youngling looks neat as well. ;] -VBBN
  23. Welcome aboard, Glad to see your've come out of your dim age. (I'm in a dark age atm) If you have any questions do ask.
  24. No. Not only is PAB on Lego's website expensive enough, but with TRU price inflations things would be even worse. Yeah, I know what you mean. I think it is one of the next possible places to get one though.
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