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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. Here's my latest order: I think I need 100 more of those white lipstick pieces.
  2. @Mesabi @LM71Blackbird Yes, I have been busy. My weekends are some of the only time I can spend with my kids, so they take priority. I am not trying to give you radio silence, but I also don't have time for a fancy, IC reply. If you each want to give me 5000 DBs and promise not to attack Sea Rat vessels (black flag or otherwise) for the next 3 months, you can sail your ships out of Bastion this MCRA. I'm sorry if you think this is poor form, but so is attacking my ships and then sailing into my home
  3. I will respond for the Sea Rats. PM just sent for this month.
  4. Sinbad sends his reply: To Captain Ansa Mesabi, Your kind offer of a free meal is noted, though I prefer to dine on fresh ingredients when on land and not on salted meats and fish. I will agree to meet you and the captain of the Lightning on the dock next to your ship with guards allowed for all parties. On this neutral ground perhaps we can come to terms. Sincerely, Sinbad
  5. Previously: Chapter 1 Chapter 2: Sinbad the Pirate Hang The Rules Rescued Shipwright Shipwright's Office The Komodo Dragon "Because They're Pirates!" Fish Market The Trial of Sinbad The Trial of Sinbad part 2 The Trial of Sinbad part 3 The Trial of Sinbad part 4 The Trial of Sinbad part 5 Phase 2 On Trial Again The Escape Sea Dolphins While firing upon Sinbad's fleet, 2 Corrington ships were damaged and forced to make berth in Bastion. Naturally, the captains assumed the worst. When they were invited to visit with Sinbad, they came with great apprehension. Sinbad explained that the HMS Red Angel and the Lightning would be detained in Bastion until something could be worked out between himself and Corrington. The captains protested, but quickly stopped when Sinbad drew his knife. Sinbad said, "You understand that my honor will not allow me to let you sail away freely after you fired upon my ships. If Corrington can do something to sooth my honor, perhaps you'll be allowed to sail again. Until then, you shall remain my guests here in Bastion." OoC: This is an official action. Sinbad is detaining the HMS Red Angel (Mesabi) and Lightning (LM71Blackbird) until terms can be reached. @Mesabi @LM71Blackbird @Legostone @Capt Wolf
  6. If I capture a vessel, do I need to re-license it with a webform? Also, do I get to know the stats ahead or time or do I get to set my own stats?
  7. I've updated the post so the Flickr photos should auto pull now. Glad you like it!
  8. Previously: Chapter 1 Chapter 2: Sinbad the Pirate Hang The Rules Rescued Shipwright Shipwright's Office The Komodo Dragon "Because They're Pirates!" Fish Market The Trial of Sinbad The Trial of Sinbad part 2 The Trial of Sinbad part 3 The Trial of Sinbad part 4 The Trial of Sinbad part 5 Phase 2 On Trial Again The Escape Upon his return to Bastion, Sinbad was asked how he managed to get from Furete Unido. His response: "Sea Dolphins mate." "I roped them with hair from my back."
  9. Previously: Chapter 1 Chapter 2: Sinbad the Pirate Hang The Rules Rescued Shipwright Shipwright's Office The Komodo Dragon "Because They're Pirates!" Fish Market The Trial of Sinbad The Trial of Sinbad part 2 The Trial of Sinbad part 3 The Trial of Sinbad part 4 The Trial of Sinbad part 5 Phase 2 On Trial Again It had taken months, but Sinbad had finally found a way to escape prison in Fuerte Unido. His escape route took him through a barrel factory. The laborers were busy loading up a cart with their product when something came crashing through the window. Sinbad dove into the harbor. The ESL guards fired at him, but no body was recovered.
  10. Guys, please keep this discussion on Lego and not currency or inflation.
  11. Maybe we'll just get B and F in time for this coming Christmas
  12. Thank you! I wanted to show the battle between rock and root in my Earth Realm and the Groot figure seemed a good member to use for the root side of things!
  13. The votes are in and we have our winners! 1st place goes to @Legofin2012: | - 5. Legofin2012 - Final Duel for Nintendo DS You win the 751212 Kessel Run Millennium Falcon. 2nd place goes to @Artizan: | - 2. Artizan - Never Trust a Bartender With A Bad Grammer You win the 75211 TIE Fighter. 3rd place goes to @StanleyRos | - 7. StanleyRos - Hammer Station is Mine! You win the 75204 Sandspeeder. Congratulations to all the winners, and thank you for everyone who entered! Winners, please PM me you name, address, phone number, and country so we can ship you your prizes.
  14. The votes are in and we have our winners! 1st place goes to @Legofin2012: | - 5. Legofin2012 - Final Duel for Nintendo DS You win the 751212 Kessel Run Millennium Falcon. 2nd place goes to @Artizan: | - 2. Artizan - Never Trust a Bartender With A Bad Grammer You win the 75211 TIE Fighter. 3rd place goes to @StanleyRos | - 7. StanleyRos - Hammer Station is Mine! You win the 75204 Sandspeeder. Congratulations to all the winners, and thank you for everyone who entered! Winners, please PM me you name, address, phone number, and country so we can ship you your prizes.
  15. Hmm, this sounds pretty aggressive against my pirates. I may have something to say about this...
  16. Are these accurate? I thought the AT Hauler was going to be $70.
  17. I had to call. If it follows the trend of the other animals it'll be available in a month or so online. But it's easy enough to call in your order, so why wait?
  18. The guy I talked to said he had to use different numbers for the bagged animals than the ones I gave him. He was able to find them and add them so I didn't have an issue, but that's probably why they look different.
  19. Mammoth was $13.66 for the body parts (head, torso), $1.69 for the trunk, $0.63/larger tusk piece, $0.23 for the smaller tip of the tusk piece. So $17.07 for the whole thing. $6.70 for the Saber-tooth. $3.47 for the eagle. $0.16/piece for the LBG modified plate.
  20. Successfully placed a nice order yesterday. I got a complete mammoth, a couple sabertooth tigers, a couple eagles, and 24 of these: There was no hesitation about getting these in LBG. The guy I talked to sounded like he's been placing orders for a number of AFOLs recently. He had the numbers for the animals already handy and said he had order some for others recently. I also got the power blasts (35032) in red and the new Ninjago weapons pack (37341). I'll of course post a picture when they arrive. @Gideon this is the thread I told you about.
  21. Alright, voting is closed! I'll tally the votes up soon!
  22. I didn't know you'd be there! That's great! I'll be there a little today, most of the day Fri, some of the day Sat evening, and some of the day Sun. I'll be around the ChiLUG table, Eurobricks collab, and the GoH and BoBS collabs.
  23. Try reddit. That's where I found them.
  24. Come vote for your favorite entries in our voting thread!
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