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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. Location: C09 Orinshi Tags: Vehicle, Land Vehicle, Exploration Last time, in Ender's story: Bike Beats Robots Sunday Afternoon Drive Suess Island Tribble Island Kawacycle As the great, great, great grandson of Satoshi Tajiri was one of the founding members of Kawashita, they now owned the rights to the Pokemon mega-franchise. With one of it's off-shoots, Monsters of Andromeda, being played by people from all 3 corporations right now, the franchise was booming more than ever. In honor of it's origins, Kawashita had built a Kanto Park on Orinshi. In this park players could come and live out the original Pokemon adventure. They could explore, in person, everywhere from the Viridian Forest to the Safari Zone. All of the monsters were mechanical creatures created using nano-technology which allowed them to actaully be shrunk down into a Pokeball when caught. One of the extra additions the park designers added was jet-powered bicycles. Because, who really wants to physically bike all the way to Indigo Plateau? Ender had some vacation time after spending weeks exploring the Sorn islands, so he decided to take a trip to the Kanto Park. He had just received the Super-Rod and was passing a pool so he decided to try it out. . . . . . A Pokemon's on the hook! A Blastoise! What luck! If he caught this Pokemon, maybe Professor Oak would finally stop telling him to try to round out his Pokedex by catching water-type Pokemon. Meanwhile, in Valetine's lab... "Help me!" cried the scientist. "This Tribble isn't a plant, it's a quick breeding, furry animal!"
  2. My next entry into the Space Olympic Games, for the Boat category: The Awkward Turtle Designed to allow the driver to see what's under him in the water, this unique boat provides great visibility in all directions for enhanced tactical planning during a race. It barely fits within 10x20, but it does fit.
  3. Is week 58 over yet? I don't want to post anything for week 59 too early!
  4. Location: B06 Sorn Tags: Vehicle, Land Vehicle, Spaceship Last time, in Ender's story: Bike Beats Robots Sunday Afternoon Drive Suess Island Tribble Island Valentine, did you get the specimen I sent you? "Yes," replied Valentine. "I'm finishing up some tests on our new Kawacycle. I'll get one of my scientists on it while I finish up." Meanwhile, Octan decided they didn't like Graver stealing their ships, so they sent a couple Galaxy class cruises against him. Graver, surrender your vessel. Now why would I do that when I have my killing robot? You will die in pain. AAAAAHHHHhhhh... glurg... glurg...
  5. Isn't it funny how not having a part can result in some of the best creativity?
  6. Just remember, Kawashita owns all rights to Pokemon, Pocket Monsters, Monsters of Andromeda, and any off-shots of these in this galaxy!
  7. See the rest of the story: Season 1 Season 2 Junker's Fee Welcome to Fondor Fondor City Nightlife Many Bothans Died... Well At Least One Fixing to Clear the Mind Thermal Detonator Pot-Pie Focus Torturous Trial The Escape The Calamity Star Hyperdrive Repairs Motivating the Troops Kuati Spaceport A Friend of a Friend Coming Back From the Edge After leaving Kuat, it had taken Kale and I weeks to track down the first lead on the Mandalorian bounty hunter that had killed my brother. Turns out there were a lot of Mandalorians who had a beef with the Empire so the list of those who were on record as killing stormtroopers was pretty long. We narrowed that list down to those who had been known to be on Fondor when my brother died. We ended up on Naboo of all places. Turns out the queen there was sympathetic to the Mandalorian's vendetta against the Empire and allowed them to come and go freely from a number of space ports as long as they didn't cause any trouble. Kale went out to investigate our next lead while I went out to get some supplies. When I got back to our quarters, I found a note saying "they" had Kale hostage and if I wanted to see him alive I'd meet them at the attached coordinates. I left in a hurry, taking only the beskar blade I had received from Bryce after I finished my training with him. "We know you've been hunting one of our own," stated the woman with red hair. "Your clumsy attempts to track us have alerted the Empire to a number of our operations." MKJoshA just stayed quiet, waiting to see what their demands were going to be. He could tell Kale was bad off and didn't want to say anything rash that would lead to more harm. "We've already taught your friend the dangers of being on our bad side," continued the woman. "Leave us alone, never try to track us again, and we will let you and your friend go." Josh looked around and could see he was vastly outnumbered. But he had come all this way and it seemed like he had finally stumbled onto what he had been looking for so he decided to press his luck. "If you've been watching me, you know why I'm here. You know I want vengeance on the Mandalorian who killed my brother. If he is here, I challenge him to single combat!" The Mandalorians on the ground looked at each other and the woman spoke again, "I don't think you understand your position here. You don't get to make demands. Leave us or you and your friend die." Just then a Mando flew down from the roof top. "I'm the one your looking for," the blonde one said. "So," thought Josh, "it wasn't a he, it was a she!" "I killed your brother" continued the blonde. "He died without honor as all Imperials should. But you, you show honor by seeking to avenge him. I will give you the privileged of dueling me and dying with honor." Josh could tell she didn't expect him to be a match for her. But she didn't know he had trained for this moment with all his passion. Their blades locked and the combat began. Again and again their swords met and just as often they released and each combatant twirled away looking for a weak spot in his/her opponent. The Mando slashed wide and Josh took advantage of it, twisting her blade out of her hand and driving her the ground. The other Mandalorians quickly raised their guns and trained them on Josh. "Do it," she said. "You've beat me fairly. Kill me and take your vengeance." "No," replied Josh. "Killing you won't bring my brother back." Josh wanted justice, and he still wanted to turn the Mando into the authorities to answer for her murder. He knew he and Kale wouldn't be allowed to leave if he demanded this though. "One bridge at a time" he thought. "I just had the chance to kill my brother's murderer, and turned back from the edge. Now I need to figure out how to get out of here alive." But he still stretched out his hand to the blonde Mando to help her to her feet. But as he was pulling her up, a blaster shot rang out. Josh saw the Mando falling backwards, clearly dead before she hit the ground. He dove out of the way, not wanting to be the next victim. The ensuing firefight between the Stormtroopers and the Mandalorians left a number of dead Mandos and put the rest to flight. Josh was helped to his feet by the Imperials. "Are you alright sir?" asked the lead Stormtrooper. "We received intel that there was Mandalorians in the area and we were sent to erradicate the problem before any civilians were hurt. Looks like we got here just in time." Josh couldn't believe his luck, the Imperials didn't recognize him as a Rebel! "Tha... tha... thank you!" Josh said trying to sound sound like a worried, loyal member of the Empire. "Think nothing of it sir," answered the trooper. "It looks like your friend here needs medical attention, would you like me to call in medical support?" "No, you've done enough" said Josh, "I'll get him to the med-center myself." "Very good," said the trooper. "We'll continue our eradication of these scum." As the Imperials moved out, Josh reflected on what had just happened. His brother's murderer was dead, but not by his own hand. Kale was okay and would be back on his feet soon. And they had both just narrowly escaped another run-in with the Empire. Josh didn't know what this all meant, and he didn't know what was next. But he felt like this chapter of his life had closed. He may not know what was next, but he was pretty sure the Alliance would have something to say about it.
  8. Great little build! And I love the arm color change on Greedo's jacket.
  9. I ran out of slopes in blue
  10. Oh boy, it begins!
  11. See the rest of the story: Season 1 Season 2 Junker's Fee Welcome to Fondor Fondor City Nightlife Many Bothans Died... Well At Least One Fixing to Clear the Mind Thermal Detonator Pot-Pie Focus Torturous Trial The Escape The Calamity Star Hyperdrive Repairs Motivating the Troops Kuati Spaceport A Friend of a Friend "Again!" shouted Bryce. He and MKJoshA had been training for weeks. Like the rest of Viqi's residence of service, even the training room was elaborate. Josh's first day of training had begun with a question, "WOW! Are those real lightsabers? Where did you get them and why hasn't the Empire taken them from you?" "Do you want to train?" asked Bryce. Josh, realizing his excitement was a little premature just hung his head. "Do you want to avenge your brother and learn to take down a Mandalorian?" Josh stayed silent, his anger at what the Mando had done to his brother welling up inside him. "Then you can ask a question only after you first land a hit on me. Let's begin." The first chance Josh had to ask a question was a week later. Bryce was a hard teacher, but his lessons were effective. When Josh finally scored his first hit with their training staves, he asked "Do you know how to wield a lightsaber?" "Knowing how to use one and knowing how to wield one are two different things" began Bryce. "I can turn the blade on, I can use it to cut your arms off. But to truly master it I would have to be a Jedi. Only a Jedi can effectively learn to use such a weapon." "Why is that?" asked Josh. "That is another question" said Bryce and their training continued. Over the next few days Josh improved quickly and got the answers to many more question. Bryce told him, "What most people don't realize when they think about using a lightsaber is that the handle is the heaviest part of the weapon. As the blade is made of light, it weighs nothing. A normal being would sooner cut their own limbs off than effectively use a lightsaber in a fight. Only a Jedi has the danger sense needed to avoid harming themselves when wielding it." Josh also learned that being a former Senator had its perks. One of which included the Empire not snooping into her private collection of "artifacts" when the Jedi purge happened which allowed Senator Lysani to keep her small collection of old lightsabers. Josh asked if Kale had gotten his lightsaber from this collection. "I do not know where your friend acquired his," said Bryce. "But there are many such cache's of Jedi artifacts across the galaxy. Your friend must have connections with someone else who has similar tastes to the Senator." Finally, after 2 months of training Bryce told Josh he was ready. "You have learned everything you can from me. Your senses are more attuned to your surroundings, your reflexes are improved, and your knowledge of all combat maneuvers is impressive. If you go after this Mandalorian, you will be able to beat her in a fair fight and even an unfair one. But you must remember what I taught you. As you are fighting you will be taken to a cliff's edge. Better men than you have come to that cliff and fallen off. If you allow your anger to be your driving reason for fighting in that moment you will fall and you will become the very kind of person you are trying to destroy. But if you fight for justice, you will face that edge, understand its dangers, and will come back from it." OoC: Trying some more lighting effects. Not super thrilled, but it kind of worked.
  12. Updated! Last time, in Ender's story: Bike Beats Robots Sunday Afternoon Drive Suess Island Tribble Island Kawacycle Kanto Park After defeating the final four, Ender was back from vacation. He decided to modify one of the mechanical monsters he had caught in Kanto Park to be able to enter the Space Olympics. He had to remove the Hydro-Cannons from his Blastoise, but it was no less formidable an opponent in the mech contest. As you can see, it fits well within the size limit:
  13. Mine has neither knees nor elbows and would easily fit in a 16x16 frame. I'll hopefully post it tomorrow.
  14. MKJoshA

    DSC 0285

    From the album: Other

  15. MKJoshA

    DSC 0288

    From the album: Other

  16. This is a great build and embodies some of what made the Clone Wars cartoons good. Great work!
  17. Here ye, here ye! The town of Rassilon has money in it's coffers it'd rather see in the hands of scurvy scallywags! This month, the first 2 players to build any kind of property in Rassilon will receive 20DBs awarded. Post your property in this thread after you've licensed it and I will award you the DBs!
  18. I like your speeder! It has a good SW vibe to it.
  19. The story continues!!!! I didn't even realize that I'd been waiting for this until I read the story! Great work and fantastic builds!
  20. Incredible story! I love how you lit up the hologram tower.
  21. strider117, can you share a 100x100 link to your avatar so I can add it to the index?
  22. Do the GARC racers have to be mini-fig scale? The GARC page linked says a cheese slope is the windshield size, but the rules say all entries must be minifig size.
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