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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. Yes, that's exactly right. Aurra Sing counts, Ahsoka doesn't for the reasons you listed. (I don't have anything against the Clone Wars or Rebels shows, but for the sake of the contest there needed to be limits)
  2. It can be fictional too! It doesn't have to be referenced in one of the movies, just set between them.
  3. The Winners are in! - 6. LucasLaughing - Cold Blooded Wins first place for the Large Cat. and wins 75106 Imperial Assault Carrier! – 1. Thebeeze111 - The Bounty Hunter on Ord Mantell Wins second place for the Large Cat. and wins his/her choice of either 75133 Rebel Alliance Battle Pack or 75134 Galactic Empire Battle Pack! - 9. goatman461 - Meeting with the Regent to King Prana Wins first place for the Small Cat. and wins 75140 Resistance Troop Transporter! – 1. Thebeeze111 - Finding the Dark Side Tied for second place for the Small Cat., but since he already won in the Large Cat., he only gets one prize. – 4. TheNerdyOne_ - Declaration of Rebellion Tied for 2nd place in the Small Cat. and wins his/her choice of either 75133 Rebel Alliance Battle Pack or 75134 Galactic Empire Battle Pack! 10. naugem - The Pincer in Kaldahan Tied for 2nd place in the Small Cat.and wins his/her choice of either 75133 Rebel Alliance Battle Pack or 75134 Galactic Empire Battle Pack!
  4. Voting is Open! In a galaxy far, far away a group of characters we know so well had adventures we don't know about. We've heard about Lando's maneuver at the Battle of Tanab but we've never seen it. We saw Anakin leading Clonetroopers, but did he ever lead Stormtroopers the same way? And we know Anakin and Obi-wan escaped from a nest of Gundarks, but have you ever seen a Gundark? With the upcoming Rogue One movie, we will begin to delve into some of those in-between movie stories. But why wait! Add your own story to the Star Wars Anthology and submit it for this contest. Details There will be two size categories. The small category entries can be between 0-32 studs square. The large category entries can be 32 square studs or larger. Regardless of which size category the entry falls into, all entries must include a named, non-generic Star Wars character that appears in Episodes 1-7. For example, you could not have an entry that only includes generic Stormtroopers, but you could submit an entry that focuses on FN-2199 (TR-8R). All entries must show an actual or fictional event that is set between Episodes 1-7. Fictional events can include material from the EU/Legacy, Clone Wars shows, Rebels shows, or your own imagination! Everyone may enter both categories but with only one entry per category. One entry per member and per category. You can enter both categories with different entries, but you'll be eligible to receive only one prize. Rules One entry per member and per category. You can enter both categories with different entries, but you'll be eligible to receive only one prize. The size restrictions for the small category is 0 - 32x32 studs. The size restriction for the large category is 32x32 studs or larger. The contest will run from 1st May to 1st June, 2016. As long as it's still June 1st somewhere in the world, you can still enter. Entries posted after the deadline will be disqualified. This contest is open to all EB members, even if they joined EB after the contest has begun, with the exception of the Star Wars staff, who are not eligible to win prizes. All entries must be new creations, not posted anywhere else prior to being entered in the contest. You may be asked by a staff member to change your entry if it is too similar to an earlier creation. All entries must be built from real LEGO. No clone brands, no third-party custom parts. Digital entries will be allowed. All digital entries must use only existing pieces in existing colors. To ensure these rules have been followed, a link needs to be provided for the LDD file. All entries must be posted as a new topic in the Watto’s Junkyard forum, the title prefixed by, "[Anthology] – category size - entry name". (For example, "[Anthology] – Small – Suppressing the Mandos".) A link must also be included in this thread for your entry to count. Post pictures no larger than 800x640, but you may link to bigger pictures. You may do a 'full-blown photo edit' with all the text, effects, background compositing, support erasing, and other effects on one picture. All your other pictures may have no editing other than color adjustment or background removal for a solid-color background. For obvious reasons, any photo editing that changes the shape, functionality, or color (not tint or adjustment, but actual color) of a LEGO piece is prohibited. It is also prohibited to use the Lego logo in any picture. All entries are considered WIPs (Works In Progress) until the deadline passes. Until the deadline has passed, you are allowed to change and improve your MOC. For each category EB members will vote for their favorite entry in each category. Prizes First place in the Small Category will win 75140 Resistance Troop Transporter Second place in the Small Category will win his/her choice of either 75133 Rebel Alliance Battle Pack or 75134 Galactic Empire Battle Pack First place in the Large Category will win 75106 Imperial Assault Carrier Second place in the Large Category will win his/her choice of either 75133 Rebel Alliance Battle Pack or 75134 Galactic Empire Battle Pack
  5. Great work to everyone so far! You still have a few hours left before the contest is over!
  6. I wanted to un-register a ship, but I never saw an option to in the form. So I accidentally double registered my rowboat. It's supposed to be un-registered. Also, there's a spot when you have to say that your ship was captured during the MCRA and built by yourself or another player, but there's no option for "this is my boat, I built it."
  7. Ship names are updated on the first post. Maxim I, the ship that was captured by ESL was The Walrus.
  8. Lumber Camp | MKJoshA | Sea Rats Freddy's Big Haul | MKJoshA | Sea Rats The Golden Dragon | MKJoshA | Sea Rats
  9. Previously: Recruiting at Marco's This Is Not the Wealthy Housing of Rassilon Falling Out with Foxx Cantu's Fort in Rassilon Freddy's Trained Chickens The Viper Jail Break! Cantu's House Even a Pirate Has a Sweet Tooth La Oleon Captain's Cabin Tropical Fruit Decision Lumber Camp Freddy's Big Haul Continuing to prove his worth on the seas, Captain Li Fang had recruited another vessel to his flotilla by hiring the services of Captain Sulu and The Golden Dragon. This is a 3A vessel.
  10. Previously: Recruiting at Marco's This Is Not the Wealthy Housing of Rassilon Falling Out with Foxx Cantu's Fort in Rassilon Freddy's Trained Chickens The Viper Jail Break! Cantu's House Even a Pirate Has a Sweet Tooth La Oleon Captain's Cabin Tropical Fruit Decision Lumber Camp Freddy had struck it rich big time! As the King's Port Advertiser was calling it, his little trade voyage in his rowboat was "Perhaps the best rowboat performance of all time!" Freddy was so rich now he could hire someone else to do the rowing for him. Freddy was now considering an early retirement. OoC: I know this is pretty basic. But I feel it tells the story well.
  11. MKJoshA

    Anthology Contest2

    From the album: Other

  12. While your minifig choice for the rebel is... interesting, your MOC and story are excellent!
  13. So glad you were able to enter the contest! I love the busy feel of this MOC.
  14. Please stay on target guys.
  15. Great dialogue and I echo the suggestions.
  16. Very nice looking bar scene!
  17. Love the use of the modified lightsaber handle to hold the binoculars for the thrusters!
  18. You caught me! I've been growing magic trees! But really, I wanted to show the cut wood, but didn't have any shorter tubes. I wish I had a different color besides bright green, but that's what my LUG picked so that's what I got!
  19. Previously: Recruiting at Marco's This Is Not the Wealthy Housing of Rassilon Falling Out with Foxx Cantu's Fort in Rassilon Freddy's Trained Chickens The Viper Jail Break! Cantu's House Even a Pirate Has a Sweet Tooth La Oleon Captain's Cabin Tropical Fruit Decision OoC: This build was slightly inspired by the Age of Empires themed builds that came out last week. This is a medium plantation. With so many new businesses popping up in Rassilon, the demand for wood was growing! More villagers were created bought enlisted to help chop down trees.
  20. All the Sea Rats are firing their cannons as well, but for completely different reasons...
  21. Being the home planet claimed by Kawashita, Orinshi is rich in what is known on Earth as Asian culture. Things like the characters used on signs or the building architecture can be seen to reflect the Oriental tradition. And being Kawashita's home planet, a day on the streets wouldn't be complete without seeing robots all over. Or items from the bankrupt company Aperture. And a fairly standard object on buildings equipped with retro TVs is the self correcting robot antenna.
  22. Yes, the name of the ship was Oleon, nothing more. And it was only captured because I was first attacked. I was acting as an escort for a trade run when we were attacked. And please let it be known that while not all Sea Rats are pirates because not all of us are engaged in piracy, we are all outlaws and we like it that way!
  23. I would ask what proof you have of the previous piratical activity you mention? Any person with a black banner can sail the seas calling themselves a pirate, but unless an actual act of piracy happens, are they really pirates? I also want to clarify that the only reason we took The King of Mardier was because we were being attacked! We would never have captured it if it hadn't been attacking us first. My question is why is ESL labeling the Sea Rats as a "nation preying on their ships" when this has never happened? Unlike ESL, the Sea Rats will be honest. We did send some ships on a Predator run the first month. Remember, that month when all of us were new and lines had not been drawn yet? Yeah, that was the month we went on a Predator run. We captured nothing and harmed no one which is one reason why we haven't gone on a predator run since. Our decision was based on only 1 month's worth of data so maybe it wasn't the best informed decision; but the truth of the matter is the Sea Rats have not been the aggressor but ESL has! That is why we are taking ESL to court over the two ships they took especially since the Crown was involved. Had it been the act of a single individual I would expect we as Sea Rats would have brought the matter to the attention of the ESL leadership and asked for an account. If an ESL members have an issue with the 2 Sea Rats who went on a raid, I would recommend the same recourse. However, it is the government of ESL who is at fault and to top it off, they won't even admit their guilt! That's why a case is being started.
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