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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. Very cool little city diorama. I think it would benefit from being extened a little to the right and left.
  2. That's a better answer than I could give Venkefedo! Ultimately, wookidpedia will be your friend for anything EU.
  3. Wow kabel, I didn't know you could build something besides Medival MOCs Great work!
  4. You should probably make it 100x100 before Bob yells at you
  5. I often use the "wall of text" method in my GoH builds accompanied with a picture every now and then. I've never gotten push bak on that. Those who want to read it will, and those who don't will just scroll through and see the pictures. I'm also a big fan of the last style you showed with the talking heads with labels underneath. Looking forward to seeing this in the future!
  6. Only 1 more day to vote!
  7. No bias on the part of the staff judges, I can't say the same for the public voting, though I would think that people would vote more on style and less on which characters are used.
  8. Great details, great hanger, great de-con troopers, and great story!
  9. Great story! I love how many of us build not just with bricks, but also with words here on SoNE. Great build also, a very distinct Imperial flavor.
  10. This is beautiful! I love the possibilities LDD gives talented builders.
  11. Thank you all! As the final build in completing the AoM challenge, I really wanted to go out with a bang. I'm glad you like it. I'm sorry! I don't have your character's hair piece
  12. Inn Phase III: Also, I'd like to put this out there: MKJoshA Town: Store: Phase1, Phase 2, Phase 3. Town: House: Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3. Town: Inn: Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3. Agriculture: Storehouse: Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3. Agriculture: Farm: Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3. Agriculture: Mill: Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3. Defenses: Gatehouse: Phase1, Phase 2, Phase 3. Defenses: Wall: Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3. Defenses: Tower: Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3. Military: Stables: Phase 1, Phase 2,Phase 3. Military: Barracks: Phase1, Phase 2, Phase 3. Military: Archery: Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3. Not all of these have been approved yet, but all have been built One thing I should note is that I mis-labeld my House Phase III as a 2nd House Phase II. I have the links correct here, but back on the first page the House Phase II links to my House Phase III. Both were linked here in the AoM forum. It was my fault for not labeling it correctly.
  13. See the previous tales: Wyndor's Saga: Chapter 1 -What Has Past- Chapter 2 -What Has Past- Chapter 3 No rest for the weary. As soon as Wyndor had returned home from settling things in Treacleheim, he received word from Pjeter. When the beacon of Dalig Ulv had been lit, Pjeter had expected help to come, what he hadn’t expected was the announcement that most of the guild leaders would be showing up in their town. With only a few days to prepare, the city cleaned itself up as best they could and began to welcome the important visitors. Lodging was arranged for the travelers in the largest, and best known inn of Dalig Ulv, The Green Dragon Inn. Wyndor personally welcomed the most important of the visitors including Elon Chorian, Glorfindel, and Steen. With the war coming to a close in Kaliphlin, many people felt the freedom to travel again, including a few important guilders from Nocturnus and Avalonia. Wyndor invited all the visitors to make themselves comfortable before they got down to discussing the business that had brought them all together. When beds were found, dinner was over, and old friends re-acquainted; Elon and the other guild elders caught Wyndor before he left for home. “Wyndor, I’m afraid we must detain you” he began. “I hope you’ve found your accommodations to your liking” said Wyndor who noticed that Steen looked quite unhappy. “Yes, the hospitality of Dalig Ulv is unrivaled. Unfortunately, I’ve asked to detain you for a less pleasant business” started Elon. “You see, these gentle-elves have come as more than just emissaries from Avalonia.” The elves just glared at Wyndor so Elon continued, “As you may have heard, certain clans among the dwarves of Mitgardia were found to have trespassed through the elvish territory of Avalonia against the express wishes of the council. These emissaries have brought word that the dwarves of Dalig Ulv were among those guilt parties who disobeyed the council. DeGothia has helped to confirm that these are facts and not elvish conjecture. Now, as a leader of Dalig Ulv and as the last human to have contact with the dwarves before they left there is a certain amount of responsibility on your shoulders right now.” “Please tell me,” interrupted Wyndor, “Is Rothgar okay?” Since the elves just continued to glare at Wyndor Elon continued explaining, “Yes, he and his men came to no harm while they were in Avalonia. They are being held in a prison not too far from the Mitgardian border.” “What can I do to free them?” asked Wyndor. “Please know that we are not saying you are guilty in any way” Elon said, seeming to direct the comment more at the elves than at Wyndor, “but it has been decided that if you will agree to be temporarily banished from Dalig Ulv and Mitgardia, Rothgar and his men will be freed.” Wyndor looked to Glorfindel for help. He hung his head and said, “I’m sorry Wyndor. This was not an easy decision for us to make. But the relationship and trust we have with the other guilds is a very important thing and everyone agreed that a break in that trust should require a reaction that shows dedication to upholding it. It was either this or allow the dwarves to face punishment by the elves, and we knew you wouldn’t want that.” “You’re right, I don’t” answered Wyndor. “You said ‘temporarily,’ when will I be allowed to return?” “As this is a punishment because of a the actions of certain members of our guild against another, we have agreed that an act that shows your dedication to protecting not just Mitgardia, but all guilds would be sufficient proof that restitution has been made” replied Elon. “Bring us a way to fight against the Algus and protect not just Mitgardia, but Avalonia and the other guilds too.” One of the elves finally opened his mouth to spit out, “Good luck, you would need a dragon to stop those beasts if the tales are true and a useful dragon hasn’t been seen for hundreds of years.” “I’m sure you’ll find something, and soon” said Steen. “We have faith in you Wyndor.” “You have a fortnight to get your affairs in order, and then you must leave Mitgardia” ended Elon. The other guild leaders touched Wyndor on the shoulder to show their support before they and the elves went back inside. Wydnor was left alone feeling that life was just not fair. OoC: Sorry, I know it's anticlimactic to the story, but I couldn't resist taking a group shot of all the sig-figs I made. I did not purposefully leave out those from Kaliphlin, though I guess it's fitting since their civil war is still going on. I also made a whole bunch of Kali figs awhile back and wanted to make those I hadn't yet. I'm sorry if I left anyone out who was hoping to be here. I tried to use mostly just my existing collection and couldn't make everyone.
  14. Thank you all for your comments! I'm glad the table and stain-glass are liked, they're my favorite parts too. Well, it's his hair piece and torso, I guess he just doesn't translate from fleshie to yellow very well. Thank you! Though, the weapons are just being held by bar-clips in headlight bricks, not mixel joints. He's just excited by the activity I guess...
  15. I'm very excited to see this project once it's underway! Until then I'm going to lock this topic. When you are ready to post some pictures, shoot myself or another Regulator a message and we'll open it back up for you.
  16. There are 27 entries because 3 people tied for the 25th spot.
  17. Not a beacon, but a build related to beacons!
  18. It was a hectic time in Mitgardia. Many of the guild's strongest men were down in Kaliphlin helping one side or the other in their civil war. And while they were away a long forgotten enemy appeared in the north, the Algus. Rumor of this threat had spread through the guild and the leaders of the guild had gathered in Valholl to discuss what action should be taken regarding the rumors. Not all of them believed the rumors and debate had been underway for a few hours when Infernum came bursting into the room. "The beacons have been lit!" he cried. "The beacons of Mitgardia have been lit! The people call for aid!" "Then we will answer!" replied Elon Choria. "We should travel north to where the first beacon was lit, and found out more about these Algus."
  19. How about now? Voting is open!
  20. Thank you all for your patience. I've had a lot of real life events keeping me from posting this. And let me tell you, it was hard to narrow it down to the final entries that you all get to vote on. For all of you whose entries did not make it, it wasn't because your entry wasn't good. I thought all the battle packs were incredible and showed hard work on your part. Thank you for getting involved. Voting is now open! Each picture is a link to the original thread. Please go to each thread before voting as there are more pictures from the members that may help you make a better choice. Please vote for your two favorite entries by listing the numbers. For example: Only those who were members before the contest ended on June 1st can vote. If you were not a member before June 1st then you can't vote. This is to prevent accounts being created for voting. You must vote for two entries, you cannot only vote for one. The two entries with the most votes will win the prize: Endor Rebel Trooper & Imperial Trooper Battle Pack. Some members have more than one entry you can vote for. As a member can only win one of the two prizes, if a member gets the most votes for both of their entries the 2nd prize will go to the 3rd place member. You cannot vote for your own entry! Voting will close at the end of the day on the 24th of June. As long as it is still the 24th somewhere in the world, you can still vote. Votes cast after that hour will not be accepted. 1. LordDan - Advanced Bomb Squad 2. jansued - Alliance Anti Boarding Crew 3. Ninja Nin - Angry Senator Battle Pack 4. Artizan - Arc Troopers Battlepack 5. BJM - Assassins of Honoghr 6. MrLee - Battle of Umbara 7. Jacob Nion - Battlefront Rebel Special Troops 8. peffour - Cantina party squad 9. scuotter - Endor Dangers 10. Leopold - Gungan Swamp Patrol 11. Lord Vladivus - Hunt for the Noetikons 12. naugem - Hutt Lord Enforcers 13. Sir Brickalot - Jabba's Thugs Battle Pack 14. TheNerdyOne - Phoenix Squadron 15. Donnie Bricko - Rebel Ground and Air Attack 16. ACPin - Rebel Hangar Maintenance Mechanics 17. Artizan - Rebel Special Forces Battlepack 18. sparkart - Rogue One Rebel Dropship 19. Praiter Yed - Scum & Villainy Pack 20. Leopold - Sith Betrayal Battle Pack 21. Venkefedo - Smugglers' Stash 22. peffour - Swap market inspection 23. JackJonespaw - The Conference Room 24. sparkart - The Star Wars Imperial Shocktrooper Speeder 25. Sir Brickalot - Ugnaughts Battle Pack 26. BrickCipo - WOOKIES BATTLEPACK 27. TheNerdyOne_ - Yuuzhan Vong Invasion
  21. Prizes have been determined, just not approved yet Sorry guys, I've been trying to get confirmation on the funding for the prizes and haven't gotten a definite answer yet. We'll do our best to make sure it's worth your while to get involved.
  22. Sorry, just one prize for each category.
  23. Oh man, I'm drooling right now Great work!
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